首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The International Journal of Angiology : Official Publication of the International College of Angiology Inc >Do Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Severity and Complexity of Coronary Atherosclerosis Predict Aortic Pulse Pressure during Cardiac Catheterization?

Do Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Severity and Complexity of Coronary Atherosclerosis Predict Aortic Pulse Pressure during Cardiac Catheterization?




Pulse pressure (PP), estimated from the peripheral blood pressure measurements, has been linked with adverse cardiovascular events. But, the association of PP and coronary artery disease is not well studied. There is a lack of data on the association of invasively measured aortic PP and cardiovascular risk factors and severity of coronary atherosclerosis. We determined the predictive factors of aortic PP during cardiac catheterization. Electronic medical records from 2010 to 2013 were retrospectively reviewed. A total of 368 patients were eligible. The data on demographics, cardiovascular risk factors, coronary lesion characteristics, and medication use was collected. On multivariable regression analysis, aging (β = 0.34, p = 0.001, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.14–0.53) and prior aspirin use (β = 5.09, p = 0.015, 95% CI 0.99–9.18) were associated with higher aortic PP. Increasing estimated glomerular filtration rate (β = − 0.52, p = 0.040, 95% CI −0.90 to −0.23) was associated with lower aortic PP. Severity and complexity of coronary lesions, SYNTAX score, and number of obstructed vessels were not associated with aortic PP. Aging, prior aspirin use, and declining renal function were associated with an increase in aortic PP. Aortic PP may not predict the severity and complexity of coronary atherosclerosis. Therefore, the risk of adverse cardiovascular events associated with an elevated aortic PP may not be mediated by the severity of coronary atherosclerosis.
机译:根据周围血压测量值估算的脉压(PP)与不良心血管事件有关。但是,对PP与冠状动脉疾病的关系还没有很好的研究。缺乏关于侵入性测量的主动脉PP与心血管危险因素和冠状动脉粥样硬化严重程度之间的关联的数据。我们确定了心脏插管过程中主动脉PP的预测因素。回顾性分析了2010年至2013年的电子病历。共有368名患者符合条件。收集有关人口统计学,心血管危险因素,冠状动脉病变特征和用药的数据。在多变量回归分析中,衰老(β= 0.34,p =,0.001,95%置信区间[CI] 0.14-0.53)和以前使用阿司匹林(β= 5.09,p = 0.015,95%CI 0.99-9.18)与较高的年龄相关。主动脉PP。估计的肾小球滤过率增加(β==-0.52,p == 0.040,95%CI -0.90至-0.23)与低主动脉PP有关。冠状动脉病变的严重程度和复杂性,SYNTAX评分以及阻塞的血管数量与主动脉PP无关。衰老,以前使用阿司匹林和肾功能下降与主动脉PP增加有关。主动脉PP可能无法预测冠状动脉粥样硬化的严重程度和复杂性。因此,冠状动脉粥样硬化的严重程度可能不会介导与主动脉PP升高相关的不良心血管事件的风险。



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