首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology >Improvement of Vocal Pathologies Diagnosis Using High-Speed Videolaryngoscopy

Improvement of Vocal Pathologies Diagnosis Using High-Speed Videolaryngoscopy




>Introduction The study of the dynamic properties of vocal fold vibration is important for understanding the vocal production mechanism and the impact of organic and functional changes. The advent of high-speed videolaryngoscopy (HSV) has provided the possibility of seeing the real cycle of vocal fold vibration in detail through high sampling rate of successive frames and adequate spatial resolution. >Objective To describe the technique, advantages, and limitations of using HSV and digital videokymography in the diagnosis of vocal pathologies. >Methods We used HSV and digital videokymography to evaluate one normophonic individual and four patients with vocal fold pathologies (nodules, unilateral paralysis of the left vocal fold, intracordal cyst, and adductor spasmodic dysphonia). The vocal fold vibration parameters (glottic closure, vibrational symmetry, periodicity, mucosal wave, amplitude, and glottal cycle phases) were assessed. >Results Differences in the vocal vibration parameters were observed and correlated with the pathophysiology. >Conclusion HSV is the latest diagnostic tool in visual examination of vocal behavior and has considerable potential to refine our knowledge regarding the vocal fold vibration and voice production, as well as regarding the impact of pathologic conditions have on the mechanism of phonation.
机译:>简介对声带振动动力学特性的研究对于理解声带产生机理以及有机和功能性变化的影响至关重要。高速视频喉镜检查(HSV)的出现提供了通过连续帧的高采样率和足够的空间分辨率来详细查看声带振动的真实周期的可能性。 >目的描述HSV和数字视频动态影像技术在声带病理诊断中的技术,优点和局限性。 >方法我们使用HSV和数字摄像机进行了1例正常人和4例声带病理学检查(结节,左声带单侧麻痹,皮质内囊肿和内收肌痉挛性发音障碍)的患者。评估了声带振动参数(声门闭合,振动对称性,周期性,粘膜波,振幅和声门周期相位)。 >结果观察到人声振动参数的差异,并与病理生理相关。 >结论 HSV是声乐行为视觉检查中的最新诊断工具,具有极大的潜力来完善我们对声带振动和发声以及病理条件对其影响的知识发声。



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