首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology >Central Vestibular Dysfunction in an Otorhinolaryngological Vestibular Unit: Incidence and Diagnostic Strategy

Central Vestibular Dysfunction in an Otorhinolaryngological Vestibular Unit: Incidence and Diagnostic Strategy




>Introduction Vertigo can be due to a variety of central and peripheral causes. The relative incidence of central causes is underestimated. This may have an important impact of the patients' management and prognosis. >Objective The objective of this work is to determine the incidence of central vestibular disorders in patients presenting to a vestibular unit in a tertiary referral academic center. It also aims at determining the best strategy to increase the diagnostic yield of the patients' visit. >Methods This is a prospective observational study on 100 consecutive patients with symptoms suggestive of vestibular dysfunction. All patients completed a structured questionnaire and received bedside and vestibular examination and neuroimaging as required. >Results There were 69 women and 31 men. Their ages ranged between 28 and 73 (mean 42.48 years). Provisional videonystagmography (VNG) results were: 40% benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), 23% suspicious of central causes, 18% undiagnosed, 15% Meniere disease, and 4% vestibular neuronitis. Patients with an unclear diagnosis or central features (41) had magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and Doppler studies. Combining data from history, VNG, and imaging studies, 23 patients (23%) were diagnosed as having a central vestibular lesion (10 with generalized ischemia/vertebra basilar insufficiency, 4 with multiple sclerosis, 4 with migraine vestibulopathy, 4 with phobic postural vertigo, and 1 with hyperventilation-induced nystagmus). >Conclusions Combining a careful history with clinical examination, VNG, MRI, and Doppler studies decreases the number of undiagnosed cases and increases the detection of possible central lesions.
机译:>简介眩晕病可能是由于各种中枢和外周原因引起的。中心原因的相对发生率被低估了。这可能对患者的治疗和预后产生重要影响。 >目的这项工作的目的是确定三级转诊学术中心就诊于前庭单元的患者中枢前庭疾病的发生率。它还旨在确定提高患者就诊诊断率的最佳策略。 >方法这是一项连续的前瞻性观察性研究,研究对象为连续100例提示前庭功能障碍的患者。所有患者均完成了结构化问卷,并根据需要接受了床旁和前庭检查以及神经影像学检查。 >结果共有69位女性和31位男性。他们的年龄介于28到73岁之间(平均42.48岁)。临时眼震描记法(VNG)的结果是:40%良性阵发性位置性眩晕(BPPV),23%可疑中枢性原因,18%未被诊断,15%梅尼埃病和4%前庭神经炎。诊断或中心特征不清楚的患者(41)接受了磁共振成像(MRI)和多普勒检查。结合历史,VNG和影像学研究的数据,诊断出23例患者(23%)为中央前庭病变(10例为全身缺血/椎基底基底功能不全,4例多发性硬化,4例偏头痛前庭病变,4例畏惧姿势性眩晕) ,以及1例过度换气引起的眼球震颤)。 >结论将仔细的病史与临床检查,VNG,MRI和多普勒研究相结合,可以减少未确诊病例的数量,并增加对可能的中心病变的检测。



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