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The effect of water temperature and voluntary drinking on the post rehydration sweating




During heat stress and dehydration, thermoregulation is partly suppressed to save body fluid and circulation. Drinking induces the recovery of thermoregulatory responses including sweating. Our objective is to investigate the effect of water temperature and voluntary drinking on the extent of the drinking-induced sweating. Six healthy subjects 23.7 ± 0.6 yr old and 80.7 ± 5.7 kg wt were dehydrated by performing mild exercise (ergometer cycling) in a hot and humid chamber (38-40°C, 20-28% relative humidity). After dehydration, subjects were allowed to drink water with temperatures of 5, 16, 26, 58°C on four separate days. The sweating rate was measured on the forehead area before and after drinking. Also, blood samples were collected during the experiments and plasma osmolality was measured. Sweating increased markedly just a few minutes after the onset of drinking. The rate of this response was lower in ingested water temperature of 5°C (0.43 ± 0.03 g, p = 0.000). Different intake occurred with different water temperatures (respectively 4.2, 6.4, 3.1, 1.8 ml/kg). Water at 16°C induced higher intake (6.4 ml/kg) together with lower sweating (0.54 ± 0.03 g), which can result in optimum level of hydration. Conclusion- When dehydrated subjects drink water with different temperatures, there are different sweating responses together with different voluntary intakes. According to our results, consuming 16°C water, cool tap water, could be suggested in dehydration.
机译:在热应激和脱水过程中,体温调节受到部分抑制,以节省体液和血液循环。喝酒会导致体温调节反应恢复,包括出汗。我们的目的是研究水温和随意饮酒对饮酒引起的出汗程度的影响。通过在潮湿的室内(38-40°C,相对湿度20-28%)进行轻度运动(骑自行车的测力计),对23.7±0.6岁和80.7±5.7 kg体重的六名健康受试者进行了脱水。脱水后,允许受试者在四天中分别以5、16、26、58°C的温度喝水。饮酒前后在额头区域测量出汗率。另外,在实验期间收集血液样品并测量血浆渗透压。饮酒后几分钟,出汗明显增加。在摄氏5度的进水温度下,此响应的速率较低(0.43±0.03 g,p = 0.000)。不同的水温(分别为4.2、6.4、3.1、1.8 ml / kg)会产生不同的摄入量。在16°C的温度下水摄入量较高(6.4 ml / kg),出汗量较低(0.54±0.03 g),可以使水合达到最佳水平。结论-脱水对象喝不同温度的水时,出汗反应不同,自愿摄入量也不同。根据我们的结果,建议在脱水中消耗16°C的水,凉爽的自来水。



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