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Impact of the Case Management Model through Community Liaison Nurses




The objective of the present study is to assess the model’s impact on patients and their families in terms of outcomes and the efficiency results for the health system in Tenerife, Canary Islands, selecting a period of eight years from the time interval 2002–2018. The employed indicators were collected on a monthly basis. They referred to home care and its impact on clinical outcomes and on the use of resources. The comparison between the indicators’ tendencies with and without the liaison nurse model was done with the F-test by Snedecor. All these tests are bilateral, with a level of significance of p < 0.05. In those areas with community liaison nurse (CLN), improvements have been found in indicators that describe: (1) the management of the clinical status of patients, (2) the efficiency of the use of resources, and (3) the quality and compliance with the process that also includes home visits and social risk detection and management. It can be said that in the basic areas of primary health care where the work of the CLN develops there are improvements in the management of the patients’ clinical condition as well as in the quality and efficiency of care.
机译:本研究的目的是根据加那利群岛特内里费岛卫生系统的结果和效率结果评估该模型对患者及其家人的影响,并选择2002-2018年为期八年。每月收集使用的指标。他们提到家庭护理及其对临床结果和资源使用的影响。在有和没有联络护士模型的情况下,指标的趋势进行比较是通过Snedecor的F检验进行的。所有这些检验均为双侧检验,显着性水平为p <0.05。在具有社区联络护士(CLN)的地区,发现的指标有所改善,这些指标描述:(1)患者临床状况的管理,(2)资源使用的效率,以及(3)质量和质量。遵守流程,包括上门拜访以及社会风险检测和管理。可以说,在CLN开展工作的基础保健的基本领域中,患者临床状况的管理以及护理质量和效率都得到了改善。



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