首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health >Occupational Heat Stress Profiles in Selected Workplaces in India

Occupational Heat Stress Profiles in Selected Workplaces in India




Health and productivity impacts from occupational heat stress have significant ramifications for the large workforce of India. This study profiled occupational heat stress impacts on the health and productivity of workers in select organized and unorganized Indian work sectors. During hotter and cooler seasons, Wet Bulb Globe Temperatures (WBGT) were used to quantify the risk of heat stress, according to International workplace guidelines. Questionnaires assessed workers’ perceived health and productivity impacts from heat stress. A total of 442 workers from 18 Indian workplaces participated (22% and 78% from the organized and unorganized sector, respectively). Overall 82% and 42% of workers were exposed to higher than recommended WBGT during hotter and cooler periods, respectively. Workers with heavy workloads reported more heat-related health issues (chi square = 23.67, p ≤ 0.001) and reduced productivity (chi square = 15.82, p ≤ 0.001), especially the outdoor workers. Heat-rashes, dehydration, heat-syncope and urinogenital symptoms were self-reported health issues. Cited reasons for productivity losses were: extended-work hours due to fatigue/exhaustion, sickness/hospitalization and wages lost. Reducing workplace heat stress will benefit industries and workers via improving worker health and productivity. Adaptation and mitigation measures to tackle heat stress are imperative to protect the present and future workforce as climate change progresses.
机译:职业热压力对健康和生产力的影响对印度庞大的劳动力队伍产生了重大影响。这项研究分析了职业热应激对某些有组织的和无组织的印度工作部门工人的健康和生产力的影响。根据国际工作场所指南,在炎热和凉爽的季节,使用湿球温度(WBGT)来量化热应激的风险。问卷调查评估了工人因热应激对健康和生产力的影响。来自印度18个工作场所的442名工人参加了该活动(分别来自有组织和无组织部门的22%和78%)。在炎热和寒冷的时期,分别有82%和42%的工人暴露于高于推荐水平的WBGT。工作量繁重的工人报告了更多与热相关的健康问题(卡方= 23.67,p≤0.001)和生产率下降(卡方= 15.82,p≤0.001),尤其是室外工人。皮疹,脱水,晕厥和泌尿生殖器症状是自我报告的健康问题。导致生产力下降的原因有:由于疲劳/疲惫,疾病/住院和工资损失而延长工作时间。减少工作场所的高温压力将通过改善工人的健康和生产力来使行业和工人受益。随着气候变化的发展,必须采取适应和缓解措施来应对热压力,以保护现在和将来的劳动力。



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