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Smoking and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Parallel Epidemics of the 21st Century

机译:吸烟和慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)。 21世纪的并行流行病



One hundred million deaths were caused by tobacco in the 20th century, and it is estimated that there will be up to one billion deaths attributed to tobacco use in the 21st century. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is rapidly becoming a global public health crisis with smoking being recognized as its most important causative factor. The most effective available treatment for COPD is smoking cessation. There is mounting evidence that the rate of progression of COPD can be reduced when patients at risk of developing the disease stop smoking, while lifelong smokers have a 50% probability of developing COPD during their lifetime. More significantly, there is also evidence that the risk of developing COPD falls by about half with smoking cessation. Several pharmacological interventions now exist to aid smokers in cessation; these include nicotine replacement therapy, bupropion, and varenicline. All pharmacotherapies for smoking cessation are more efficacious than placebo, with odds ratios of about 2. Pharmacologic therapy should be combined with nonpharmacologic (behavioral) therapy. Unfortunately, despite the documented efficacy of these agents, the absolute number of patients who are abstinent from smoking at 12 months of follow-up is low.
机译:在20世纪,烟草造成了1亿人的死亡,据估计,在21世纪,因使用烟草而导致的死亡多达10亿。 。慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)迅速成为全球公共卫生危机,吸烟已被认为是其最重要的病因。对于COPD,最有效的可用治疗方法是戒烟。越来越多的证据表明,当有患这种疾病风险的患者停止吸烟时,COPD的进展速度会降低,而终身吸烟者在其一生中有50%的可能性发展为COPD。更重要的是,还有证据表明,戒烟可导致发生COPD的风险降低约一半。现在有几种药物干预措施可以帮助吸烟者戒烟。这些措施包括尼古丁替代疗法,安非他酮和伐尼克兰。所有戒烟药物治疗均比安慰剂有效,比值比约为2。药物治疗应与非药物(行为)治疗结合。不幸的是,尽管已记录了这些药物的疗效,但在随访的12个月内戒烟的患者绝对数量仍然很低。



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