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  • 机译 黑素细胞性皮肤肿瘤:分子进展模型是否符合常规临床病理实践?
    摘要:The definition of a spectrum of melanocytic tumors, with superficial atypical proliferations ( and ) and mass-forming ( ) neoplasms ( ) considered as an intermediate molecular progression stage in melanomagenesis, has been recently set forth by the WHO Working Group [ ]. The existence of a molecular spectrum involves progressive accumulation of genetic abnormalities which, in turn, implies an increasing risk of unfavorable biological behavior. It is thus supposed that:
  • 机译 皮肤镜检查和感染性皮肤病的最新进展
    • 作者:Vincenzo Piccolo
    • 刊名:Dermatology Practical Conceptual
    • 2020年第1期
    摘要:Nowadays, dermoscopy is a global worldwide diffuse diagnostic tool supporting clinicians in their daily hard task of correct orientation among dermatological diseases. Born to be an instrument for early diagnosis of skin cancer, the dermatoscope is now considered the dermatologist’s stethoscope, as it can be routinely used to support diagnosis in general dermatology, so spreading its utility in cutaneous inflammatory and infectious diseases, as adjuvant and not substitute to histology and potassium hydroxide examination. As concerns the latter, plenty of papers have been published since the first description of dermoscopic findings of scabies. The aim of this review is to give the clinician a practical approach to dermoscopic parameters of cutaneous infectious diseases with a focus on the latest updates in this topic.
  • 机译 饮食和慢性荨麻疹:饮食调整作为一种治疗策略
    摘要:Patients with chronic urticaria (CU) often ask about dietary modification. Research has indicated that specific dietary changes may be helpful in a subset of patients. Immunological food reactions are rare, but potential triggers of CU include those seen in certain settings, as in patients with a history of tick bites, a history of raw or marinated fish ingestion, or those with celiac disease. Nonimmunological food intolerances may also contribute, although mechanism of action is not well understood. Trials of pseudoallergen-free diets and low-histamine diets have resulted in partial remission in a subset of patients, while oral provocation testing has confirmed that some patients experience worsening of symptoms after ingestion of food additives, tomatoes, herbs, seafood, alcohol, and other foods. An increased prevalence of vitamin D deficiency has also been noted in patients with CU compared with healthy controls. While oral antihistamines remain the mainstay of therapy in CU, education on potential dietary factors may be offered to a selection of the group of patients. For those at risk or reporting symptoms suggestive of celiac disease, vitamin D deficiency, delayed reactions to mammalian meat, or exposure to raw fish, further workup is recommended. While education on dietary modification may be offered to other patients, this approach may benefit only a subset, and no test is available to identify these patients. A minimum of 3 weeks may be needed to determine response, and only specific diets that have been systematically studied should be considered. Any elimination diet should be used with caution because of the potential for nutritional deficiencies.
  • 机译 黑素细胞性皮肤肿瘤:遗传畸变和临床病理分类。
    • 作者:Carmelo Urso
    • 刊名:Dermatology Practical Conceptual
    • 2020年第1期
    摘要:Melanocytic tumors are currently classified as , considered benign; , considered malignant; and , considered borderline tumors [ ]. However, recent studies on the genetic aberrations tend to make this classification problematic. In fact, the genomic analysis shows that both nevi and melanomas present mutations activating a certain number of growth-promoting signaling pathways. Tumors labeled as nevi and considered to be benign generally have a single or a small number of pathogenic mutations, often activating the MAP-kinase pathway ( ), but no apparent additional genomic alterations. Tumors labeled as melanomas and considered to be malignant may harbor the same driver mutations detected in those labeled nevi, associated with a variable, generally high, number of additional mutations tending to ablate tumor-suppression mechanisms and to activate additional oncogenic pathways, including , , , and -promoter mutations ( ). Tumors histologically regarded as problematic, sometimes termed or , harbor the same driver mutations detected in “nevi” and in “melanomas,” but a lower number of promoting mutations than “melanomas” [ – ]. The study of the distribution of pathogenic mutations has suggested they may occur in certain characteristic sequences [ ]. The initial event is often represented by a single mutation, which appears to be different in the different types of lesions: in common nevi; in some congenital and some acquired nevi; or in blue nevi; kinase fusions of , or in Spitz nevi; and kinase fusion of in spindle cell nevi of Reed [ , – ]. Moreover, in some -mutated neoplasms, more specific histological and biological characteristics may be produced by a supervening driver mutation, just as mutation in inactivated nevus, in deep penetrating nevus, and in epithelioid blue nevus/pigmented epithelioid melanocytoma [ – ]. Subsequently, other driver and/or promoting mutations may be progressively acquired, because driver mutations tend to induce an increase of cellular proliferation and, consequently, an increase of the probability that additional mutations occur. These supervened genomic aberrations may be ineffective or capable to alter, lightly or severely, a certain number of cell proliferation control mechanisms. If effective, they may lead to an additional enhancement of cell proliferation and, consequently, to an additional probability that other mutations take place, and so forth [ – ]. Therefore, in any given tumor, the total amount of the acquired mutations produces a certain risk of neoplastic progression, parallel to a certain risk of unfavorable events (recurrences, local and distant metastases, or death). This dual risk can be considered the of the tumor, definable as the probability that a certain number of adverse events may occur and directly proportional to the global pathogenic mutational burden. When genetic alterations are small in number, limited to the driver mutation or few more, this potential is low or very low, adverse events are rare or very rare, and, clinically, the tumor appears as benign. When genetic alterations are numerous, including driver and promoting mutations, the malignant potential is high, adverse events are frequent, and, clinically, the tumor appears as malignant. Of course, all intermediate cases may exist, because the malignant potential may theoretically assume every value between a minimum value (>0) and a maximum one (=100). The lowest possible value is >0, because all melanocytic tumors harbor at least 1 genomic alteration affecting the proliferation control mechanisms, and this inevitably implies a certain risk (risk 0 is to be reserved to the healthy skin, in which melanocytes harbor no pathogenic mutations). In sum, there do not seem to exist tumors with no chromosomal aberrations and consequently with no risk (risk = 0) and, at the same time, there seem to exist very few, if any, tumors harboring the of the possible chromosomal aberrations and, consequently, with the maximum possible risk (risk = 100). Tumors tend to show a certain variable number of pathogenic mutations and consequently may have all possible levels of risk, the malignant potential ranging between >0 and 100.
  • 机译 痣状寻常型痤疮和肥胖
    摘要:Nevus comedonicus is a rare hamartoma of the pilosebaceous unit, first described by Kofmann in 1895 [ ]. In most cases it is present at birth but may also develop later, usually before the age of 10 years, without racial or sexual preponderance. When appearing in adults, although rare, it is frequently associated with irritation or trauma [ ].
  • 机译 Zosteriform皮肤远处转移作为复发性黑色素瘤的发作。
    摘要:A 66-year-old man with a history of an ulcerated melanoma on the lumbar region, Breslow index 2.9 mm, with regional lymph node involvement, presented with pinkish papules on his forehead 5 months after the initial surgery. The lesions rapidly evolved into multiple coalescent papulonodules forming a zosteriform plaque on his forehead ( ). Skin biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of cutaneous melanoma metastases.
  • 机译 Woronoff环缺乏白介素36受体拮抗剂(DITRA)
    摘要:A 54-year-old-man diagnosed with a deficiency of interleukin-36 receptor antagonist (DITRA) under anti-interleukin-1 therapy with anakinra (described elsewhere [ ]) presented with an erythrodermic pustular psoriasis 5 months after suspension of his biological treatment ( ). Anakinra and topical corticoids were then initiated. Three days later, a halo of nonreddened skin circumscribing an erythematous pustular plaque was observed on his right side ( ). The patient showed a complete clinical response in the following weeks.
  • 机译 泳池棕榈
    摘要:An otherwise healthy 5-year-old girl presented during the summer with painful shiny erythematous patches and some blisters on the finger pads of both hands and on the palms of 1 week’s duration ( ). On further questioning, her father mentioned that she had been playing and swimming all week in a swimming pool. A diagnosis of pool palms was made. Avoidance of the swimming pool for a couple of days was recommended. No further treatment was indicated.
  • 机译 皮肤恶性黑色素瘤患者的血清总25-羟维生素D水平:在低风险的南欧人群中的病例对照研究
    摘要:Recent data have shown an inverse association between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration and incidence of several cancers, including cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM). In addition, lower serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels have been associated with thicker or higher stage melanomas and worse survival in observational studies.
  • 机译 利用人工智能检测恶性黑色素瘤:诊断准确性的观察性研究
  • 机译 假性上皮瘤,角化病和粘液性龟头炎
    摘要:Pseudoepitheliomatous, keratotic, and micaceous balanitis (PEKMB) is a genital disease of uncertain malignant potential that warrants close clinical observation, as it can rarely evolve into squamous cell carcinoma or verrucous carcinoma.
  • 机译 谁检测到皮肤癌?皮肤肿瘤患者怀疑与恶性肿瘤相关的因素
    摘要:Early diagnosis of skin cancer is associated with a reduction in morbidity/mortality and in treatment costs [ ]. The benefits of screening programs (especially for melanoma), however, have not been conclusively demonstrated.
  • 机译 皮肤结节在下肢呈孢子状分布
    摘要:Keratoacanthoma is a relatively common, low-grade cutaneous tumor that most commonly exhibits a self-limiting behavior. The lesions present as firm, sharply defined nodules with a central ulceration or prominent keratin plug. Pertinent physical findings are usually limited to the skin, with the majority of the lesions favoring the sun-exposed areas [ ].
  • 机译 基底细胞癌覆盖真皮纤维瘤:一种罕见的碰撞肿瘤
    摘要:Dermatofibroma (DF) is one of the most frequent skin tumors. Several histopathological variants have been described, including fibrous histiocytoma (accounting for 80% of cases), aneurysmal, hemosiderotic, epithelioid, cellular, lipidized, atrophic, and clear cell variant. DF has slight female predominance and is mostly localized on the limbs. Eruptive DFs have been described in association with pregnancy and immunosuppression. In almost 80% of cases, the epidermis overlying DF shows changes that range from simple hyperplasia to the proliferation of basaloid cells, morphologically indistinguishable from basal cell carcinoma (BCC) [ ]. We report a case of collision tumor consisting of DF and BCC.
  • 机译 皮肤皮肤结节性黑素瘤的快速变化
    摘要:Nodular melanoma (NM) constitutes 9% to 15% of invasive melanoma and represents a potentially lethal skin tumor. It is the most frequent subtype of thick, rapidly growing melanomas and is often diagnosed at a locally advanced stage, conferring a worse prognosis [ ]. In many countries, patients seek their first consultation with a general practitioner and then they are referred to a dermatologist. Other times, patients seek their first consultation with a dermatologist. Since it has been reported that NM can grow at a rate of 0.5 mm per month, time is crucial and even slight delays in the management of these lesions could affect the patient’s prognosis.
  • 机译 玫瑰花形偏光镜上的蓝色痣
    摘要:Rosettes are shiny white structures consisting of 4 white dots, similar to a 4-leaf clover. In dermoscopy, they can be seen with polarized light because of an optical phenomenon. Small rosettes (0.1–0.2 mm) are associated with the presence of concentric keratin at the infundibular level of the annex openings, the largest (0.3–0.5 mm) with perifollicular concentric fibrosis. When multiple rosettes are present, they are usually oriented at the same angle. They have been reported mainly related to actinic keratosis and squamous cell carcinoma. Nevertheless, they are not specific to any condition, as they have been described in a number of inflammatory and tumoral cutaneous lesions, including melanoma [ ]. The latter is one of the main differential diagnoses of blue nevi.
  • 机译 用木灯定义手术余量
    摘要:Defining clinical margins of lentigo maligna (LM), lentigo maligna melanoma (LMM), and acral melanoma can be challenging when planning surgical excision. This is mainly due to the presence of pathology in normal-looking or lightly pigmented surrounding skin, which can result in incomplete excisions. The Wood lamp has many useful applications in dermatology practice, including skin infections (erythrasma, tinea capitis), pigmentary changes (vitiligo, melasma), and porphyria. However, publications addressing its use in dermatology surgery are scarce. We present a case series of 5 patients who presented to our clinic with suspicious pigmented lesions.
  • 机译 风湿性多肌痛患者中的Tocilizumab诱导的甜综合征
    摘要:Tocilizumab (TCZ) is a humanized monoclonal antibody directed against the interleukin 6 receptor, which has a main use in the treatment of several rheumatological diseases but also giant cell arteritis and polymyalgia rheumatica. Despite the undoubted efficacy of this target therapy, immuno-mediated adverse events have increasingly been reported, including cutaneous sarcoidosis, psoriasis, acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis, leukocytoclastic vasculitis, drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) syndrome, and granuloma annulare.
  • 机译 灾难性的舌头
    摘要:An otherwise healthy 20-year-old man presented to the emergency department with a 5-day history of low-grade fever and malaise, followed by the appearance of painful lesions on his tongue. Physical examination revealed marked alterations of the tongue ( ), including hyperplasia of fungiform papillae on the tip, white hairy tongue on the dorsum, fissured tongue on the lateral borders, and multiple small, coalescing ulcerations with scalloped borders and erythematous rim. Only 1 similar erosion was found on the lower lip and 1 on the hard palate, and gingivae were spared. Polymerase chain reaction of an ulcer swab was positive for herpes simplex virus, type 1, allowing the diagnosis of an atypical form of herpetic gingivostomatitis.
  • 机译 色素沉着的乳腺癌在一个男人:皮肤镜挑战。
    摘要:Primary mammary carcinomas involving the nipple rarely may exhibit features such as pigmented skin lesions mimicking melanoma clinically, histopathologically, and dermoscopically because of the presence of melanin pigment and melanophages. We describe a rare case of invasive ductal carcinoma that presented as a pigmented tumoral lesion involving the nipple of a man.


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