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  • 机译 氨甲环酸和支持措施治疗Mar猴综合征
    摘要:Wasting marmoset syndrome (WMS) has high incidence and mortality rates and is one of the most important problems in captive common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) colonies. Despite several reports on WMS, little information is available regarding its reliable treatment. We previously reported that marmosets with WMS had high serum levels of matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP9). MMP9 is thought to be a key enzyme in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease, the main disease state of WMS, and is activated by plasmin, a fibrinolytic factor. In a previous study, treating mice with an antibody to inhibit plasmin prevented the progression of inflammatory bowel disease. Here we examined the efficacy of tranexamic acid, a commonly used plasmin inhibitor, for the treatment of WMS, with supportive measures including amino acid and iron formulations. Six colony marmosets with WMS received tranexamic acid therapy with supportive measures for 8 wk. The body weight, Hct, and serum albumin levels of these 6 marmosets were increased and serum MMP9 levels decreased after this regimen. Therefore, tranexamic acid therapy may be a new and useful treatment for WMS.
  • 机译 使用来自人类和恒河猴(Macaca mulatta)的疟疾疫苗研究试验的血液学数据来指导采血量限制
    摘要:Guidelines on safe volume limits for blood collection from research participants in both humans and laboratory animals vary widely between institutions. The main adverse event that may be encountered in large blood volume withdrawal is iron-deficiency anemia. Monitoring various parameters in a standard blood panel may help to prevent this outcome. To this end, we analyzed the Hgb and MCV values from 43 humans and 46 macaques in malaria vaccine research trials. Although the percentage of blood volume removed was greater for macaques than humans, macaques demonstrated an overall increase of MCV over time, indicating the ability to respond appropriately to frequent volume withdrawals. In contrast, humans showed a consistent declining trend in MCV. These declines in human MCV and Hgb were significant from the beginning to end of the study despite withdrawals that were smaller than recommended volume limits. Limiting the volume withdrawn to no more than 12.5% seemed to be sufficient for macaques, and at 14% or more individual animals tended to fail to respond appropriately to large-volume blood loss, as demonstrated by a decrease in MCV. The overall positive erythropoietic response seen in macaques was likely due to the controlled, iron-fortified diet they received. The lack of erythropoietic response in the human subjects may warrant iron supplementation or reconsideration of current blood volume withdrawal guidelines.
  • 机译 测地参数评估雄性食蟹猕猴(Macaca fascicularis)性成熟的效用
    摘要:Testicular volume is one of several parameters that have been used in preclinical toxicology to facilitate the identification of sexually mature male cynomolgus macaques when semen evaluation is unavailable. Furthermore, testicular volume provides additional information to pathologists to aid in the interpretation of microscopic findings. Orchidometry has been proposed as a useful tool for assessing testicular volume. To assess its utility for this purpose, we used orchidometry to measure testicular volume in untreated control male cynomolgus macaques during preclinical toxicology studies. Additional parameters including age, body weight, testicular weight, serum testosterone, and testicular histology were also evaluated. Serum inhibin B and the diameter of histologic testicular sections were assessed to determine whether they might provide any additional corroborative evidence for differentiating stages of sexual maturity in males. Orchidometry was easy to use in sedated or awake macaques and, in combination with testicular histology, enabled the establishment of cut-off values by which sexually mature male cynomolgus macaques can be identified with a high degree of confidence. The relative utility of the parameters examined for discriminating sexually mature and immature males was testicular volume ≥ serum testosterone > body weight > age; for differentiation of sexually mature and peripubertal males the order was testicular volume ≥ body weight > serum testosterone > age. Testicular weight and the diameter of histologic testicular sections provided corroborative information for discriminating stages of sexual maturity. Serum inhibin B was of little value in helping to differentiate the different stages of sexual maturation evaluated in this study.
  • 机译 新生儿恒河猴(Macaca mulatta)的心室旁收缩
    摘要:A 6-d-old Indian-origin female rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) presented with bradycardia shortly after sedation with ketamine. No other cardiac abnormalities were apparent. Approximately 2 wk after the initial presentation, the macaque was again bradycardic and exhibited a regularly irregular arrhythmia on a prestudy examination. ECG, echocardiography, blood pressure measurement, SpO2 assessment, and a CBC analysis were performed. The echocardiogram and bloodwork were normal, but the infant was hypotensive at the time of echocardiogram. The ECG revealed ventricular parasystole. Ventricular parasystole is considered a benign arrhythmia caused by an ectopic pacemaker that is insulated from impulses from the sinus node. Given this abnormality, the macaque was transferred to a short-term study protocol, according to veterinary recommendation. On the final veterinary exam, a grade 3 systolic murmur and a decrease in arrhythmia frequency were noted. Gross cardiac lesions were not identified at necropsy the following day. Cardiac tissue sections were essentially normal on microscopic examination. This infant did not display signs of cardiovascular insufficiency, and a review of the medical record indicated normal growth, feed intake and activity levels. This case demonstrates the importance of appropriate screening of potential neonatal and juvenile research candidates for occult cardiovascular abnormalities. Whether the arrhythmia diagnosed in this case was truly innocuous is unclear, given the documented hypotension and the development of a systolic heart murmur.
  • 机译 猕猴猕猴心脏移植后的临床克鲁氏锥虫病
    摘要:A cynomolgus macaque received a heterotopic cardiac allograft as part of a transplant study, with monoclonal antibodies targeted to specific immune costimulation molecules (CD154, CD28) but no traditional immunosuppressive therapy after surgery. Clinical anemia was detected on postoperative day (POD) 35 and had worsened (Hgb, 2.3 g/dL; Hct = 7.3%) by POD 47, despite type-matched whole-blood transfusions. After a total of 4 blood transfusions, hematologic parameters were improved (Hgb, 5.9 g/dL; Hct, 18.7%). On POD 50, a peripheral blood smear revealed trypomastigotes, and qualitative RT-PCR of whole blood identified the organism as Trypanosoma cruzi. Although clinically stable initially, the macaque soon developed sufficient weight loss to necessitate euthanasia on POD 64. The final diagnosis was clinical anemia due to T. cruzi infection. This study represents the first reported case of Chagas disease after heart transplant in a NHP.
  • 机译 猕猴(猕猴)的神经囊虫病
    摘要:An 8-y-old, intact, male rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) was sedated to undergo MRI in preparation for the implantation of cranial hardware. During imaging, 9 focal lesions were noted in the brain and musculature of the head. The lesions were hyperechoic with hypoechoic rims. The animal was deemed inappropriate for neuroscience research, and euthanasia was elected. Gross examination revealed multiple round, thick-walled, fluid-filled cysts (diameter, approximately 0.5 cm) in multiple tissues: one each in the left caudal lung lobe, left masseter muscle, and the dura overlying the brain and 8 throughout the gray and white matter of the brain parenchyma. Formalin-fixed sections of cyst-containing brain were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Microscopic examination and molecular analysis of the COX1 (COI) gene recognized the causative organism as Taenia solium at 99.04% identity.
  • 机译 2016年科学评论员
    • 作者:
    • 刊名:Comparative Medicine
    • 2016年第6期
  • 机译 AALAS关于人道关怀和使用实验动物的立场声明
    • 作者:
    • 刊名:Comparative Medicine
    • 2016年第6期
  • 机译 勘误表
    • 作者:
    • 刊名:Comparative Medicine
    • 2016年第6期
  • 机译 假性博德特氏菌作为肺病小鼠模型中的混杂生物
    摘要:A group studying acute lung injury observed an increased percentage of neutrophils in the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid of mice. BAL was performed, and lung samples were collected sterilely from 5 C57BL/6 mice that had been bred inhouse. Pure colonies of bacteria, initially identified as Bordetella hinzii were cultured from 2 of the 5 mice which had the highest percentages of neutrophils (21% and 26%) in the BAL fluid. Subsequent sequencing of a portion of the ompA gene from this isolate demonstrated 100% homology with the published B. pseudohinzii sequence. We then selected 10 mice from the investigator's colony to determine the best test to screen for B. pseudohinzii in the facility. BAL was performed, the left lung lobe was collected for culture and PCR analysis, the right lung lobe and nasal passages were collected for histopathology, an oral swab was collected for culture, and an oral swab and fecal pellets were collected for PCR analysis. B. pseudohinzii was cultured from the oral cavity, lung, or both in 8 of the 10 mice analyzed. All 8 of these mice were fecal PCR positive for B. pseudohinzii; 7 had increased neutrophils (5% to 20%) in the BAL fluid, whereas the 8th mouse had a normal neutrophil percentage (2%). Active bronchopneumonia was not observed, but some infected mice had mild to moderate rhinitis. B. pseudohinzii appears to be a microbial agent of importance in mouse colonies that can confound pulmonary research. Commercial vendors and institutions should consider colony screening, routine reporting, and exclusion of B. pseudohinzii.
  • 机译 根据酚红线和牙髓吸收纸点撕裂试验得出的干眼小鼠模型的撕裂发生率
    摘要:This study compared the endodontic absorbent paper point test (EAPTT) and the phenol red thread test (PRTT) for the assessment of tear production rate in a mouse model of dry eye. Fourteen BALB/c breed female mice were allocated into experimental and control groups of equal number. For 6 wk, the experimental group was kept in dry-eye cabinets, whereas the control group was kept in normal cages under ambient conditions. In both groups, the tear production rate was measured by using EAPTT and PRTT before the study, at study baseline, and at weeks 2, 4, and 6. Tear production at weeks 2, 4, and 6 differed significantly between groups and tests. Evaluating the groups independently in terms of the test technique revealed significant differences in tear production rate between the 2 groups at the same measurement times. Due to their persistent exposure to evaporative stress factors, the tear production rate of the mice in the dry-eye cabinet was consistently lower than that of controls. Unlike PRTT, EAPTT can be readily applied to the small globes of laboratory animals without the need for forceps, thus saving time and effort. In addition, EAPTT was practical and imposed no undue stress on the mice, due to the test material's firmer structure. Therefore, compared with PRTT, EAPTT is safer and more reliable for the diagnosis of dry-eye syndrome in mice.
  • 机译 白天暴露于富含蓝色的发光二极管的光对夜间褪黑激素幅度和啮齿动物代谢和生理的昼夜调节的影响
    摘要:Regular cycles of exposure to light and dark control pineal melatonin production and temporally coordinate circadian rhythms of metabolism and physiology in mammals. Previously we demonstrated that the peak circadian amplitude of nocturnal blood melatonin levels of rats were more than 6-fold higher after exposure to cool white fluorescent (CWF) light through blue-tinted (compared with clear) rodent cages. Here, we evaluated the effects of light-phase exposure of rats to white light-emitting diodes (LED), which emit light rich in the blue-appearing portion of the visible spectrum (465–485 nm), compared with standard broad-spectrum CWF light, on melatonin levels during the subsequent dark phase and on plasma measures of metabolism and physiology. Compared with those in male rats under a 12:12-h light:dark cycle in CWF light, peak plasma melatonin levels at the middark phase (time, 2400) in rats under daytime LED light were over 7-fold higher, whereas midlight phase levels (1200) were low in both groups. Food and water intakes, body growth rate, and total fatty acid content of major metabolic tissues were markedly lower, whereas protein content was higher, in the LED group compared with CWF group. Circadian rhythms of arterial plasma levels of total fatty acids, glucose, lactic acid, pO2, pCO2, insulin, leptin, and corticosterone were generally lower in LED-exposed rats. Therefore, daytime exposure of rats to LED light with high blue emissions has a marked positive effect on the circadian regulation of neuroendocrine, metabolic, and physiologic parameters associated with the promotion of animal health and wellbeing and thus may influence scientific outcomes.
  • 机译 有色浓缩装置对雄性Sprague–Dawley大鼠昼夜代谢和生理的影响
    摘要:Environmental enrichment (EE) gives laboratory animals opportunities to engage in species-specific behaviors. However, the effects of EE devices on normal physiology and scientific outcomes must be evaluated. We hypothesized that the spectral transmittance (color) of light to which rats are exposed when inside colored enrichment devices (CED) affects the circadian rhythms of various plasma markers. Pair-housed male Crl:SD rats were maintained in ventilated racks under a 12:12-h light:dark environment (265.0 lx; lights on, 0600); room lighting intensity and schedule remained constant throughout the study. Treatment groups of 6 subjects were exposed for 25 d to a colored enrichment tunnel: amber, red, clear, or opaque. We measured the proportion of time rats spent inside their CED. Blood was collected at 0400, 0800, 1200, 1600, 2000, and 2400 and analyzed for plasma melatonin, total fatty acids, and corticosterone. Rats spent more time in amber, red, and opaque CED than in clear tunnels. All tubes were used significantly less after blood draws had started, except for the clear tunnel, which showed no change in use from before blood sampling began. Normal peak nighttime melatonin concentrations showed significant disruption in the opaque CED group. Food and water intakes and body weight change in rats with red-tinted CED and total fatty acid concentrations in the opaque CED group differed from those in other groups. These results demonstrate that the color of CED altered normal circadian rhythms of plasma measures of metabolism and physiology in rats and therefore might influence the outcomes of scientific investigations.
  • 机译 免疫力低下的哥廷根小型猪(Sus scrofa domestica)的猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒致死率
    摘要:Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) infection was diagnosed in 6 Göttingen minipigs (Sus scrofa domestica) with severe interstitial pneumonia. The virus was defined as a North American (NA) subtype virus, which is common in the commercial pig population and might be derived from a widely used attenuated live-virus vaccine in Europe. The ORF5 sequence of the isolated PRRSV was 98% identical to the vaccine virus. The affected pigs were part of a lung transplantation model and received tacrolimus and steroids as well as irradiation or CD8 antibody for immunosuppression. The likely source of the infection was pigs that were shedding the identified PRRSV, which were housed in a separate room of the same building. This case report provides evidence that a virus closely related to an attenuated live vaccine might cause severe pneumonia and death in PRRSV-seronegative pigs receiving immunosuppressive treatment. We recommend strict barrier housing for immunocompromised pigs.
  • 机译 一只家养猪胃破裂的ph肌疝气
    摘要:A 5.5-mo-old castrated, male Red Duroc pig presented acutely with depression and abdominal pain 9 d after an altercation with another pig. A CT examination indicated right pneumothorax and herniation of the stomach into the thoracic cavity. Due to a poor prognosis, the pig was euthanized. A necropsy and gross examination revealed a tear of the diaphragmatic muscle in the region of the esophageal hiatus through which the stomach was displaced into the right side of the thoracic cavity. In addition, the herniated stomach had a rupture of the stomach wall through which the gastric mucosa was everted and exposed into the right thoracic cavity. The right thoracic cavity had acute fibrinous pleuritis, and the right lung was collapsed. CT scans performed every 1 to 2 wk for 2 mo prior to the pig's death did not reveal any abnormalities in the diaphragm. Trauma was considered the most likely cause of the diaphragmatic tear and subsequent herniation and rupture of the stomach.
  • 机译 雄性英国老牧羊犬的严重血友病A具有C→T转换在因子VIII中产生过早的终止密码子。
    摘要:Animals with hemophilia are models for gene therapy, factor replacement, and inhibitor development in humans. We have actively sought dogs with severe hemophilia A that have novel factor VIII mutations unlike the previously described factor VIII intron 22 inversion. A male Old English Sheepdog with recurrent soft-tissue hemorrhage and hemarthrosis was diagnosed with severe hemophilia A (factor VIII activity less than 1% of normal). We purified genomic DNA from this dog and ruled out the common intron 22 inversion; we then sequenced all 26 exons. Comparing the results with the normal canine factor VIII sequence revealed a C→T transition in exon 12 of the factor VIII gene that created a premature stop codon at amino acid 577 in the A2 domain of the protein. In addition, 2 previously described polymorphisms that do not cause hemophilia were present at amino acids 909 and 1184. The hemophilia mutation creates a new TaqI site that facilitates rapid genotyping of affected offspring by PCR and restriction endonuclease analyses. This mutation is analogous to the previously described human factor VIII mutation at Arg583, which likewise is a CpG dinucleotide transition causing a premature stop codon in exon 12. Thus far, despite extensive treatment with factor VIII, this dog has not developed neutralizing antibodies (‘inhibitors’) to the protein. This novel mutation in a dog gives rise to severe hemophilia A analogous to a mutation seen in humans. This model will be useful for studies of the treatment of hemophilia.
  • 机译 普通Mar猴(Callithrix jacchus)的结核分枝杆菌极低剂量可产生多种宿主结局
    摘要:Identifying and refining small-animal models of tuberculosis that recapitulate aspects of human Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection can contribute to advancing our understanding of critical facets of the disease. To study the effects of very low-dose infections with 2 strains of M. tuberculosis on disease progression and survival in common marmosets, animals were challenged with strains Erdman and CDC1551 at doses ranging from 1 to 12 cfu. These data revealed that the susceptibility of marmosets to M. tuberculosis infection is influenced by strain virulence and initial dose. Marmoset infection with the Erdman strain, even at very low doses, resulted in rapid disease progression associated with severe weight loss, extensive pathology, and poor survival. By contrast, challenge with the less virulent CDC1551 strain resulted in slower disease progression, delayed weight loss, and prolonged survival. One marmoset infected with CDC1551 at a very low dose (approximately 1 cfu) was able to contain and control M. tuberculosis infection in a subclinical state that persisted as long as 300 d. These findings underscore the critical importance of understanding the heterogeneity in host outcome that can arise in association with different infectious doses and strains in the marmoset model of tuberculosis.
  • 机译 短尾猕猴的近关节黏液瘤(Macaca nemestrina)
    摘要:A 10-y-old pigtail macaque presented with a subcutaneous, soft-tissue mass overlying the right stifle joint. Here we describe the clinical case and histopathologic and immunohistochemical analysis of this lesion. This case represents the first published report of juxtaarticular myxoma in a pigtail macaque.
  • 机译 AALAS关于人道关怀和使用实验动物的立场声明
    • 作者:
    • 刊名:Comparative Medicine
    • 2016年第5期
  • 机译 蠕形螨在基因免疫小鼠中的侵染
    摘要:Demodex musculi, a prostigmatid mite that has been reported infrequently in laboratory mice, has been identified with increasing frequency in contemporary colonies of immunodeficient mice. Here we describe 2 episodes of D. musculi infestation with associated clinical signs in various genetically engineered mouse strains, as well as treatment strategies and an investigation into transmissibility and host susceptibility. The first case involved D. musculi associated with clinical signs and pathologic lesions in BALB/c-Tg(DO11.10)Il13tm mice, which have a defect in type 2 helper T cell (Th2) immunity. Subsequent investigation revealed mite transmission to both parental strains (BALB/c-Tg[DO11.10] and BALB/c-Il13tm), BALB/c-Il13/Il4tm, and wild-type BALB/c. All Tg(DO11.10)Il13tm mice remained infested throughout the investigation, and D. musculi were recovered from all strains when they were cohoused with BALB/c-Tg(DO11.10)Il13tm index mice. However, only Il13tm and Il13/Il4tm mice demonstrated persistent infestation after index mice were removed. Only BALB/c-Tg(DO11.10)Il13tm showed clinical signs, suggesting that the phenotypic dysfunction of Th2 immunity is sufficient for persistent infestation, whereas clinical disease associated with D. musculi appears to be genotype-specific. This pattern was further exemplified in the second case, which involved NOD.Cg-PrkdcscidIl2rgtm1Wjl/SzJ (NSG) and C;129S4 Rag2tm1.1Flv Il2rgtm1.1Flv/J mice with varying degrees of blepharitis, conjunctivitis, and facial pruritis. Topical amitraz decreased mite burden but did not eliminate infestation or markedly ameliorate clinical signs. Furthermore, mite burden began to increase by 1 mo posttreatment, suggesting that topical amitraz is an ineffective treatment for D. musculi. These experiences illustrate the need for vigilance regarding opportunistic and uncommon pathogens in rodent colonies, especially among mice with immunologic deficits.


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