首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Clinical Molecular Pathology >Acquired von Willebrands syndrome with IgM inhibitor against von Willebrands factor.

Acquired von Willebrands syndrome with IgM inhibitor against von Willebrands factor.

机译:使用针对von Willebrand因子的IgM抑制剂获得了von Willebrand综合征。



This report describes a patient without evident underlying disease, in whom an acquired von Willebrand's syndrome was discovered before surgery. Coagulation abnormalities included a borderline bleeding time, a low retention of platelets on glass beads, decreased levels of factor VIII procoagulant activity (VIIIAHF), factor VIII-related antigen (VIIIAg), and ristocetin-induced agglutination cofactor (VIIIVWF). After cryoprecipitate infusion the patient did not have the expected rise and there was no secondary increment in VIIIAHF. The patient was treated with prednisone for three weeks without significant improvement in the laboratory findings. Spontaneous resolution was observed long after this therapy. The haemostatic abnormalities were attributable to the presence of an inhibitor directed against VIIIVWF. The inhibitor was found in the IgM fraction. Its autoimmune nature is probable although we failed to demonstrate any inhibitory effect of Fab obtained from the patient's purified IgM. Despite the lack of inhibitory effect against VIIIAHF and VIIIAg, the low levels of all three activities of the factor VIII complex could be explained by the short half-life of immune complexes between factor VIII and the inhibitor.
机译:该报告描述了没有明显潜在疾病的患者,该患者在手术前被发现患有后天性von Willebrand综合征。凝血异常包括临界出血时间,血小板在玻璃珠上的保留率低,凝血因子VIII促凝活性(VIIIAHF),凝血因子VIII相关抗原(VIIIAg)以及降胆固醇素诱导的凝集辅助因子(VIIIVWF)降低。冷冻沉淀输注后,患者没有预期的升高,并且VIIIAHF没有二次增加。患者用泼尼松治疗三周,实验室检查结果无明显改善。在该疗法后很长时间观察到自发的消退。止血异常归因于针对VIIIVWF的抑制剂的存在。在IgM级分中发现了抑制剂。尽管我们未能证明从患者纯化的IgM中获得的Fab有任何抑制作用,但其自身免疫性质还是可能的。尽管缺乏对VIIIAHF和VIIIAg的抑制作用,但因子VIII与抑制剂之间免疫复合物的半衰期短,可以解释因子VIII复合物的所有三种活性水平较低。



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