首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology >Immunization with Truncated Recombinant Protein SpaC of Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae Strain 715 Serovar 18 Confers Protective Immunity against Challenge with Various Serovars

Immunization with Truncated Recombinant Protein SpaC of Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae Strain 715 Serovar 18 Confers Protective Immunity against Challenge with Various Serovars




Previously, we showed that surface protective antigen (Spa) proteins of Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae can be classified into three molecular species—SpaA, SpaB, and SpaC—and that SpaC is the most broadly cross-protective antigen among the three Spa proteins. In this study, we examined the ability of the α-helical domain, which comprises the N-terminal half of SpaC, to elicit cross-protective immunity in mice and pigs. Mice actively immunized with the full-length protein (rSpaC664) or the α-helical domain (rSpaC427), but not the C-terminal domain (rSpaC253), were protected against challenge with E. rhusiopathiae serovars 1a, 2, 6, 19, and 18 expressing heterologous (SpaA or SpaB) and homologous (SpaC) Spas. The α-helical domain seemed to provide better protection than rSpaC664, although the differences did not reach statistical significance. Similarly, mice passively immunized with rabbit anti-rSpaC664 or anti-rSpaC427 sera, but not anti-rSpaC253 serum, were protected from challenge with various serovars. Pigs immunized with SpaC427 also developed specific antibodies against Spa proteins and were protected from challenge with the highly virulent heterologous E. rhusiopathiae strain Fujisawa (serovar 1a). Taken together, these results demonstrate for the first time the striking protective efficacy of the α-helical domain-mediated immunization in both mice and pigs, thereby highlighting its utility as the most promising candidate for the development of a safe and effective vaccine against erysipelas.
机译:以前,我们证明了红斑丹毒丝菌的表面保护性抗原(Spa)蛋白可以分为三种分子,即SpaA,SpaB和SpaC,并且SpaC是这三种Spa蛋白中最广泛的交叉保护性抗原。在这项研究中,我们检查了包含SpaC N端一半的α螺旋结构域在小鼠和猪中引发交叉保护性免疫的能力。使用全长蛋白(rSpaC664)或α螺旋结构域(rSpaC427)主动免疫的小鼠,但未使用C末端结构域(rSpaC253)进行免疫接种,可保护其免受大肠埃希氏菌血清1a,2、6、19,还有18个表示异源(SpaA或SpaB)和同源(SpaC)Spa。尽管差异没有达到统计学意义,但α-螺旋结构域似乎提供了比rSpaC664更好的保护。同样,用兔抗rSpaC664或抗rSpaC427血清(而非抗rSpaC253血清)进行被动免疫的小鼠也可免受各种血清酶的攻击。用SpaC427免疫的猪也产生了针对Spa蛋白的特异性抗体,并被高毒力的异源性红发性大肠埃希氏菌菌株Fujisawa(血清素1a)保护免受攻击。综上所述,这些结果首次证明了α-螺旋结构域介导的免疫对小鼠和猪都具有惊人的保护作用,从而突显了其作为开发安全有效的抗丹毒疫苗的最有希望的候选者的效用。



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