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  • 机译 接种疫苗的年龄和感染的时机不会改变甲型流感病毒感染的猪中与疫苗相关的增强呼吸道疾病
    摘要:Whole inactivated virus (WIV) vaccines are widely used in the swine industry to reduce clinical disease against homologous influenza A virus (IAV) infection. In pigs experimentally challenged with antigenically distinct heterologous IAV of the same hemagglutinin subtype, WIV vaccinates have been shown to develop vaccine-associated enhanced respiratory disease (VAERD). We evaluated the impact of vaccine valency, age at vaccination, and duration between vaccination and challenge on the development of VAERD using vaccine containing δ1-H1N2 and challenge with pandemic H1N1 (pH1N1) virus. Pigs were vaccinated with monovalent WIV MN08 (δ1-H1N2) and bivalent (δ1-H1N2–H3N2 or δ1-H1N2–pH1N1) vaccines and then were challenged with pH1N1 at 3 weeks postboost (wpb). Another group was vaccinated with the same monovalent WIV and challenged at 6 wpb to determine if the time postvaccination plays a role in the development of VAERD. In a follow-up study, the impact of age of first WIV vaccination (at 4 versus 9 weeks of age) with a boost 3 weeks later (at 7 versus 12 weeks of age) was evaluated. A monovalent live-attenuated influenza virus (LAIV) vaccine administered at 4 and 7 weeks of age was also included. All mismatched WIV groups had significantly higher lung lesions than the LAIV, bivalent MN08-CA09, and control groups. Age of first vaccination or length of time between booster dose and subsequent challenge did not alter the development of VAERD in WIV-vaccinated pigs. Importantly, the mismatched component of the bivalent MN08-CA09 WIV did not override the protective effect of the matched vaccine component.
  • 机译 低温电子显微镜和图像分析的流感疫苗血凝素复合物的表征揭示了结构多态性。
    摘要:Influenza virus afflicts millions of people worldwide on an annual basis. There is an ever-present risk that animal viruses will cross the species barrier to cause epidemics and pandemics resulting in great morbidity and mortality. Zoonosis outbreaks, such as the H7N9 outbreak, underscore the need to better understand the molecular organization of viral immunogens, such as recombinant influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) proteins, used in influenza virus subunit vaccines in order to optimize vaccine efficacy. Here, using cryo-electron microscopy and image analysis, we show that recombinant H7 HA in vaccines formed macromolecular complexes consisting of variable numbers of HA subunits (range, 6 to 8). In addition, HA complexes were distributed across at least four distinct structural classes (polymorphisms). Three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction and molecular modeling indicated that HA was in the prefusion state and suggested that the oligomerization and the structural polymorphisms observed were due to hydrophobic interactions involving the transmembrane regions. These experiments suggest that characterization of the molecular structures of influenza virus HA complexes used in subunit vaccines will lead to better understanding of the differences in vaccine efficacy and to the optimization of subunit vaccines to prevent influenza virus infection.
  • 机译 C型gp140疫苗经过两年多的间隔后增强了由南非艾滋病疫苗倡议组织DNA-C2和MVA-C HIV疫苗引发的免疫反应
    摘要:A phase I safety and immunogenicity study investigated South African AIDS Vaccine Initiative (SAAVI) HIV-1 subtype C (HIV-1C) DNA vaccine encoding Gag-RT-Tat-Nef and gp150, boosted with modified vaccinia Ankara (MVA) expressing matched antigens. Following the finding of partial protective efficacy in the RV144 HIV vaccine efficacy trial, a protein boost with HIV-1 subtype C V2-deleted gp140 with MF59 was added to the regimen. A total of 48 participants (12 U.S. participants and 36 Republic of South Africa [RSA] participants) were randomized to receive 3 intramuscular (i.m.) doses of SAAVI DNA-C2 of 4 mg (months 0, 1, and 2) and 2 i.m. doses of SAAVI MVA-C of 1.45 × 109 PFU (months 4 and 5) (n = 40) or of a placebo (n = 8). Approximately 2 years after vaccination, 27 participants were rerandomized to receive gp140/MF59 at 100 μg or placebo, as 2 i.m. injections, 3 months apart. The vaccine regimen was safe and well tolerated. After the DNA-MVA regimen, CD4+ T-cell and CD8+ T-cell responses occurred in 74% and 32% of the participants, respectively. The protein boost increased CD4+ T-cell responses to 87% of the subjects. All participants developed tier 1 HIV-1C neutralizing antibody responses as well as durable Env binding antibodies that recognized linear V3 and C5 peptides. The HIV-1 subtype C DNA-MVA vaccine regimen showed promising cellular immunogenicity. Boosting with gp140/MF59 enhanced levels of binding and neutralizing antibodies as well as CD4+ T-cell responses to HIV-1 envelope. (This study has been registered at ClinicalTrials.gov under registration no. and .)
  • 机译 调理吞噬法评估非伤寒沙门氏菌疫苗的免疫原性
    摘要:Nontyphoidal Salmonella (NTS) invasive infections are an important cause of morbidity and mortality in sub-Saharan Africa. Several vaccines are in development to prevent these infections. We describe an NTS opsonophagocytic killing assay that uses HL-60 cells and baby rabbit complement to quantify functional antibodies elicited by candidate NTS vaccines.
  • 机译 蛋白酶抑制剂不影响对肺炎球菌疫苗接种的抗体反应
    摘要:HIV+ subjects on optimal antiretroviral therapy have persistently impaired antibody responses to pneumococcal vaccination. We explored the possibility that this effect may be due to HIV protease inhibitors (PIs). We found that in humans and mice, PIs do not affect antibody production in response to pneumococcal vaccination.
  • 机译 冷冻的小儿登革热外周血单个核细胞的活力和功能
    摘要:Cryopreserved peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) are widely used in studies of dengue. In this disease, elevated frequency of apoptotic PBMCs has been described, and molecules such as soluble tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-related apoptosis-inducing ligands (sTRAIL) are involved. This effect of dengue may affect the efficiency of PBMC cryopreservation. Here, we evaluate the viability (trypan blue dye exclusion and amine-reactive dye staining) and functionality (frequency of gamma interferon [IFN-γ]-producing T cells after polyclonal stimulation) of fresh and cryopreserved PBMCs from children with dengue (in acute and convalescence phases), children with other febrile illnesses, and healthy children as controls. Plasma sTRAIL levels were also evaluated. The frequencies of nonviable PBMCs detected by the two viability assays were positively correlated (r = 0.74; P < 0.0001). Cryopreservation particularly affected the PBMCs of children with dengue, who had a higher frequency of nonviable cells than healthy children and children with other febrile illnesses (P ≤ 0.02), and PBMC viability levels were restored in the convalescent phase. In the acute phase, an increased frequency of CD3+ CD8+ amine-positive cells was found before cryopreservation (P = 0.01). Except for B cells in the acute phase, cryopreservation usually did not affect the relative frequencies of viable PBMC subpopulations. Dengue infection reduced the frequency of IFN-γ-producing CD3+ cells after stimulation compared with healthy controls and convalescent-phase patients (P ≤ 0.003), and plasma sTRAIL correlated with this decreased frequency in dengue (rho = −0.56; P = 0.01). Natural dengue infection in children can affect the viability and functionality of cryopreserved PBMCs.
  • 机译 孟加拉国霍乱弧菌O1感染的幼儿年龄较大的儿童和成年人的O特异性多糖特异性记忆B细胞反应
    摘要:Cholera caused by Vibrio cholerae O1 confers at least 3 to 10 years of protection against subsequent disease regardless of age, despite a relatively rapid fall in antibody levels in peripheral blood, suggesting that memory B cell responses may play an important role in protection. The V. cholerae O1-specific polysaccharide (OSP) component of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is responsible for serogroup specificity, and it is unclear if young children are capable of developing memory B cell responses against OSP, a T cell-independent antigen, following cholera. To address this, we assessed OSP-specific memory B cell responses in young children (2 to 5 years, n = 11), older children (6 to 17 years, n = 21), and adults (18 to 55 years, n = 28) with cholera caused by V. cholerae O1 in Dhaka, Bangladesh. We also assessed memory B cell responses against LPS and vibriocidal responses, and plasma antibody responses against OSP, LPS, and cholera toxin B subunit (CtxB; a T cell-dependent antigen) on days 2 and 7, as well as days 30, 90, and 180 after convalescence. In all age cohorts, vibriocidal responses and plasma OSP, LPS, and CtxB-specific responses peaked on day 7 and fell toward baseline over the follow-up period. In comparison, we were able to detect OSP memory B cell responses in all age cohorts of patients with detectable responses over baseline for 90 to 180 days. Our results suggest that OSP-specific memory B cell responses can occur following cholera, even in the youngest children, and may explain in part the age-independent induction of long-term immunity following naturally acquired disease.
  • 机译 一种简单的基于外周血的侧向量油计测定方法的开发用于精确检测肠热患者
    摘要:Enteric fever is a systemic infection caused by typhoidal strains of Salmonella enterica and is a significant cause of mortality and morbidity in many parts of the world, especially in resource-limited areas. Unfortunately, currently available diagnostic tests for enteric fever lack sensitivity and/or specificity. No true clinically practical gold standard for diagnosing patients with enteric fever exists. Unfortunately, microbiologic culturing of blood is only 30 to 70% sensitive although 100% specific. Here, we report the development of a lateral-flow immunochromatographic dipstick assay based on the detection of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (S. Typhi) lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-specific IgG in lymphocyte culture secretion. We tested the assay using samples from 142 clinically suspected enteric fever patients, 28 healthy individuals residing in a zone where enteric fever is endemic, and 35 patients with other febrile illnesses. In our analysis, the dipstick detected all blood culture-confirmed S. Typhi cases (48/48) and 5 of 6 Salmonella enterica serovar Paratyphi A blood cultured-confirmed cases. The test was negative in all 35 individuals febrile with other illnesses and all 28 healthy controls from the zone of endemicity. The test was positive in 19 of 88 individuals with suspected enteric fever but with negative blood cultures. Thus, the dipstick had a sensitivity of 98% compared to blood culture results and a specificity that ranged from 78 to 100% (95% confidence interval [CI], 70 to 100%), depending on the definition of a true negative. These results suggest that this dipstick assay can be very useful for the detection of enteric fever patients especially in regions of endemicity.
  • 机译 西方比较印迹法对先天性梅毒的早期产后诊断的贡献
    摘要:Serology has a pivotal role in the diagnosis of congenital syphilis (CS), but problems arise because of the passive transfer of IgG antibodies across the placenta. The aim of this study was to assess the diagnostic value of a comparative Western blot (WB) method finalized to match the IgG immunological profiles of mothers and their own babies at birth in order to differentiate between passively transmitted maternal antibodies and antibodies synthesized by the infants against Treponema pallidum. Thirty infants born to mothers with unknown or inadequate treatment for syphilis were entered in a retrospective study, conducted at St. Orsola-Malpighi Hospital, Bologna, Italy. All of the infants underwent clinical, instrumental, and laboratory examinations, including IgM WB testing. For the retrospective study, an IgG WB assay was performed by blotting T. pallidum antigens onto nitrocellulose sheets and incubating the strips with serum specimens from mother-child pairs. CS was diagnosed in 11 out of the 30 enrolled infants; 9/11 cases received the definitive diagnosis within the first week of life, whereas the remaining two were diagnosed later because of increasing serological test titers. The use of the comparative IgG WB testing performed with serum samples from mother-child pairs allowed a correct CS diagnosis in 10/11 cases. The CS diagnosis was improved by a strategy combining comparative IgG WB results with IgM WB results, leading to a sensitivity of 100%. The comparative IgG WB test is thus a welcome addition to the conventional laboratory methods used for CS diagnosis, allowing identification and adequate treatment of infected infants and avoiding unnecessary therapy of uninfected newborns.
  • 机译 编辑委员会
    • 作者:
    • 刊名:Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology
    • 2016年第5期
  • 机译 高危人群的肺炎球菌疫苗接种:我们做对了吗?
    摘要:Controversy exists regarding the optimal use of the 23-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine for the protection of high-risk individuals, such as children and adults with immunocompromising conditions and the elderly. The effectiveness and immunogenicity of 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV23) are limited in such high-risk populations compared to the healthy, with meta-analyses failing to provide robust evidence on vaccine efficacy against invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) or pneumonia. Moreover, several studies have demonstrated a PPV23-induced state of immune tolerance or hyporesponsiveness to subsequent vaccination, where the response to revaccination does not reach the levels achieved with primary vaccination. The clinical significance of hyporesponsiveness is not yet clarified, but attenuated humoral and cellular response could lead to reduced levels of protection and increased susceptibility to pneumococcal disease. As disease epidemiology among high-risk groups shows that we are still in need of maximum serotype coverage, the optimal use of PPV23 in the context of combined conjugate/polysaccharide vaccine schedules is an important priority. In this minireview, we discuss PPV23-induced hyporesponsiveness and its implications in designing highly effective vaccination schedules for the optimal protection for high-risk individuals.
  • 机译 编辑从本期中摘录的重要文章
    • 作者:
    • 刊名:Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology
    • 2016年第5期
  • 机译 脱酰胺作用对炭疽保护抗原免疫原性影响的机理分析
    摘要:The spontaneous modification of proteins, such as deamidation of asparagine residues, can significantly affect the immunogenicity of protein-based vaccines. Using a “genetically deamidated” form of recombinant protective antigen (rPA), we have previously shown that deamidation can decrease the immunogenicity of rPA, the primary component of new-generation anthrax vaccines. In this study, we investigated the biochemical and immunological mechanisms by which deamidation of rPA might decrease the immunogenicity of the protein. We found that loss of the immunogenicity of rPA vaccine was independent of the presence of adjuvant. We assessed the effect of deamidation on the immunodominant neutralizing B-cell epitopes of rPA and found that these epitopes were not significantly affected by deamidation. In order to assess the effect of deamidation on T-cell help for antibody production elicited by rPA vaccine, we examined the ability of the wild-type and genetically deamidated forms of rPA to serve as hapten carriers. We found that when wild-type and genetically deamidated rPA were modified to similar extents with 2,4-dinitrophenyl hapten (DNP) and then used to immunize mice, higher levels of anti-DNP antibodies were elicited by wild-type DNP-rPA than those elicited by the genetically deamidated DNP-rPA, indicating that wild-type rPA elicits more T-cell help than the genetically deamidated form of the protein. These results suggest that a decrease in the ability of deamidated rPA to elicit T-cell help for antibody production is a possible contributor to its lower immunogenicity.
  • 机译 人类免疫缺陷病毒诊断测试:30年的演进
    • 作者:Thomas S. Alexander
    • 刊名:Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology
    • 2016年第4期
    摘要:A concern during the early AIDS epidemic was the lack of a test to identify individuals who carried the virus. The first HIV antibody test, developed in 1985, was designed to screen blood products, not to diagnose AIDS. The first-generation assays detected IgG antibody and became positive 6 to 12 weeks postinfection. False-positive results occurred; thus, a two-test algorithm was developed using a Western blot or immunofluorescence test as a confirmatory procedure. The second-generation HIV test added recombinant antigens, and the third-generation HIV tests included IgM detection, reducing the test-negative window to approximately 3 weeks postinfection. Fourth- and fifth-generation HIV assays added p24 antigen detection to the screening assay, reducing the test-negative window to 11 to 14 days. A new algorithm addressed the fourth-generation assay's ability to detect both antibody and antigen and yet not differentiate between them. The fifth-generation HIV assay provides separate antigen and antibody results and will require yet another algorithm. HIV infection may now be detected approximately 2 weeks postexposure, with a reduced number of false-positive results.
  • 机译 结核分枝杆菌的分泌蛋白Rv1860刺激人类多功能CD8 + T细胞
    摘要:We previously reported that Rv1860 protein from Mycobacterium tuberculosis stimulated CD4+ and CD8+ T cells secreting gamma interferon (IFN-γ) in healthy purified protein derivative (PPD)-positive individuals and protected guinea pigs immunized with a DNA vaccine and a recombinant poxvirus expressing Rv1860 from a challenge with virulent M. tuberculosis. We now show Rv1860-specific polyfunctional T (PFT) cell responses in the blood of healthy latently M. tuberculosis-infected individuals dominated by CD8+ T cells, using a panel of 32 overlapping peptides spanning the length of Rv1860. Multiple subsets of CD8+ PFT cells were significantly more numerous in healthy latently infected volunteers (HV) than in tuberculosis (TB) patients (PAT). The responses of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from PAT to the peptides of Rv1860 were dominated by tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and interleukin-10 (IL-10) secretions, the former coming predominantly from non-T cell sources. Notably, the pattern of the T cell response to Rv1860 was distinctly different from those of the widely studied M. tuberculosis antigens ESAT-6, CFP-10, Ag85A, and Ag85B, which elicited CD4+ T cell-dominated responses as previously reported in other cohorts. We further identified a peptide spanning amino acids 21 to 39 of the Rv1860 protein with the potential to distinguish latent TB infection from disease due to its ability to stimulate differential cytokine signatures in HV and PAT. We suggest that a TB vaccine carrying these and other CD8+ T-cell-stimulating antigens has the potential to prevent progression of latent M. tuberculosis infection to TB disease.
  • 机译 营养不良与潜伏性结核感染的全身和抗原特异性细胞因子反应中的扰动有关
    摘要:Malnutrition, as defined by low body mass index (BMI), is a major risk factor for the development of active tuberculosis (TB), although the biological basis underlying this susceptibility remains poorly characterized. To verify whether malnutrition affects the systemic and antigen-specific cytokine levels in individuals with latent TB (LTB), we examined circulating and TB antigen-stimulated levels of cytokines in individuals with LTB and low BMI (LBMI) and compared them with those in individuals with LTB and normal BMI (NBMI). Coexistent LBMI with LTB was characterized by diminished circulating levels of type 1 (gamma interferon [IFN-γ] and tumor necrosis factor alpha [TNF-α]), type 2 (interleukin-4 [IL-4]), type 17 (IL-22), and other proinflammatory (IL-1α, IL-1β, and IL-6) cytokines but elevated levels of other type 2 (IL-5 and IL-13) and regulatory (IL-10 and transforming growth factor beta [TGF-β]) cytokines. In addition, LBMI with LTB was associated with diminished TB antigen-induced IFN-γ, TNF-α, IL-6, IL-1α, and IL-1β levels. Finally, there was a significant positive correlation between BMI values and TNF-α and IL-1β levels and a significant negative correlation between BMI values and IL-2, IL-10, and TGF-β levels in individuals with LTB. Therefore, our data reveal that latent TB with a coexistent low BMI is characterized by diminished protective cytokine responses and heightened regulatory cytokine responses, providing a potential biological mechanism for the increased risk of developing active TB.
  • 机译 牙龈卟啉单胞菌FimA特异的植物体的体外和体内活性
    摘要:Fimbrial protein fimbrillin (FimA), a major structural subunit of Porphyromonas gingivalis, has been suggested as a vaccine candidate to control P. gingivalis-induced periodontal disease. Previously, cDNAs encoding IgG monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against purified FimA from P. gingivalis 2561 have been cloned, and the MAbs have been produced in rice cell suspension. Here we examined the biological activities of the plant-produced MAb specific for FimA (anti-FimA plantibody) of P. gingivalis in vitro and in vivo. The anti-FimA plantibody recognized oligomeric/polymeric forms of native FimA in immunoblot analysis and showed high affinity for native FimA (KD = 0.11 nM). Binding of P. gingivalis (108 cells) to 2 mg of saliva-coated hydroxyapatite beads was reduced by 53.8% in the presence of 1 μg/ml plantibody. Anti-FimA plantibody (10 μg/ml) reduced invasion of periodontal ligament cells by P. gingivalis (multiplicity of infection, 100) by 68.3%. Intracellular killing of P. gingivalis opsonized with the anti-FimA plantibody by mouse macrophages was significantly increased (77.1%) compared to killing of bacterial cells with irrelevant IgG (36.7%). In a mouse subcutaneous chamber model, the number of recoverable P. gingivalis cells from the chamber fluid was significantly reduced when the numbers of bacterial cells opsonized with anti-FimA plantibody were compared with the numbers of bacterial cells with irrelevant IgG, 66.7% and 37.1%, respectively. These in vitro and in vivo effects of anti-FimA plantibody were comparable to those of the parental MAb. Further studies with P. gingivalis strains with different types of fimbriae are needed to investigate the usefulness of anti-FimA plantibody for passive immunization to control P. gingivalis-induced periodontal disease.
  • 机译 EBV初次感染后中和爱泼斯坦-巴尔病毒(EBV)和特定于病毒的抗体的动力学
    摘要:Prospective studies of antibodies to multiple Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) proteins and EBV neutralizing antibodies in the same individuals before, during, and after primary EBV infection have not been reported. We studied antibody responses to EBV in college students who acquired primary EBV infection during prospective surveillance and correlated the kinetics of antibody response with the severity of disease. Neutralizing antibodies and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) antibodies to gp350, the major target of neutralizing antibody, reached peak levels at medians of 179 and 333 days after the onset of symptoms of infectious mononucleosis, respectively. No clear correlation was found between the severity of the symptoms of infectious mononucleosis and the peak levels of antibody to individual viral proteins or to neutralizing antibody. In summary, we found that titers of neutralizing antibody and antibodies to multiple EBV proteins increase over many months after primary infection with EBV.
  • 机译 基于五抗原荧光珠的莱姆病诊断方法
    摘要:The systematically difficult task of diagnosing Lyme disease can be simplified by sensitive and specific laboratory tests. The currently recommended two-tier test for serology is highly specific but falls short in sensitivity, especially in the early acute phase. We previously examined serially collected serum samples from Borrelia burgdorferi-infected rhesus macaques and defined a combination of antigens that could be utilized for detection of infection at all phases of disease in humans. The five B. burgdorferi antigens, consisting of OspC, OspA, DbpA, OppA2, and the C6 peptide, were combined into a fluorescent cytometric bead-based assay for the detection of B. burgdorferi antigen-specific IgG antibodies. Samples from Lyme disease patients and controls were used to determine the diagnostic value of this assay. Using this sample set, we found that our five-antigen multiplex IgG assay exhibited higher sensitivity (79.5%) than the enzyme immunoassay (EIA) (76.1%), the two-tier test (61.4%), and the C6 peptide enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (77.2%) while maintaining specificity over 90%. When detection of IgM was added to the bead-based assay, the sensitivity improved to 91%, but at a cost of reduced specificity (78%). These results indicate that the rational combination of antigens in our multiplex assay may offer an improved serodiagnostic test for Lyme disease.
  • 机译 CVI的春天
    • 作者:Marcela F. Pasetti
    • 刊名:Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology
    • 2016年第4期


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