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  • 机译 Holmes-Adie综合征无症状的严重迷走神经和交感神经去神经
    摘要:A 40-year-old woman was found to have bilateral Adie's pupils and generalized muscle stretch areflexia. She did not have orthostatic hypotension but, in an ECG strip in the office, she appeared to have an almost fixed heart rate. We thus studied the heart rate variability (HRV) and the systolic blood pressure variability (SBPV) in supine and standing position and also during rhythmic breathing. We found a decreased HRV in the time domain with very low standard deviation in supine and standing position and during rhythmic breathing. HRV in the frequency domain was low with a decrease in the absolute power of HF and LF and a decrease in the sympathovagal balance in supine and standing positions. SBPV in the time and frequency domains was found to be normal. This patient with Holmes-Adie syndrome had an asymptomatic severe loss of HRV and a preserved SBPV. The global decrease in the HRV in the time and frequency domains indicated that she had both vagal and sympathetic cardiac denervation, whereas the preserved SBPV suggested normal innervation of the blood vessels.
  • 机译 颞叶颅咽管瘤罕见病例
    摘要:Herein, we report on a rare case of craniopharyngioma arising in the left temporal lobe with no prior history of head trauma or surgery. There was a solid-cystic mass in the left temporal lobe on MR images. To the best of our knowledge, this is the second case of a craniopharyngioma occurring in the temporal lobe.
  • 机译 血色素沉着病患者左旋多巴反应性帕金森病:病例介绍和文献复习
    摘要:Hemochromatosis is an autosomal recessive disorder which leads to abnormal iron deposition in the parenchyma of multiple organs causing tissue damage. Accumulation of iron in the brain has been postulated to be associated with several neurodegenerative diseases including Parkinson's disease. The excess iron promotes Parkin and α-synuclein aggregation in the neurons. Excess iron has also been noted in substantia nigra on MRI especially using susceptibility weighted imaging in patients with Parkinson's disease. We present a case of a young male with alleles for both C282Y and H63D who presented with signs of Parkinsonism and demonstrated significant improvement with levodopa treatment.
  • 机译 新生儿卒中临床表现的变异性:四例报告
    摘要:Neonatal stroke can be a cause of long term neurodevelopmental disability, seizures, and impaired cognitive function. We present four cases of neonatal stroke, associated with different risk factors and clinical presentations. Two of these newborns were born to mothers with no prenatal care.
  • 机译 喀麦隆人免疫缺陷病毒感染患者的伴有血小板减少症的慢性硬膜下血肿
    摘要:Hematological abnormalities including thrombocytopenia are common in patients living with HIV infection. Patients with HIV infection related thrombocytopenia present generally with only minor bleeding problems. But cases of subdural hematoma are very rare. A 61-year-old female with a history of HIV infection of 9 years' duration presented with a 3-month history of generalized headache associated with visual blurring and anterograde amnesia. There was no history of trauma or fever. She was treated empirically for cerebral toxoplasmosis for 6 weeks without any improvement of the symptoms. One week prior to admission, she developed weakness of the left side of the body. Clinical examination revealed left-sided hemiparesis. Computed tomography scan of the brain showed a 25 mm chronic right frontoparietotemporal subdural hematoma compressing the lateral ventricle with midline shift. There was no appreciable cerebral atrophy. A complete blood count showed leucopenia and thrombocytopenia at 92,000 cells/mm3. Her CD4-positive cell count was 48 cells/mm3 despite receiving combination antiretroviral therapy for 9 years. A complete blood count analysis suggestive of thrombocytopenia should raise suspicion of possibilities of noninfectious focal brain lesions like subdural hematoma amongst HIV infected patients presenting with nonspecific neurological symptoms. This will enable prompt diagnosis and allow early appropriate intervention.
  • 机译 由于氟西汀的意外过量导致多病患者的快速上升感觉运动麻痹听力丧失和致命性心律失常
    摘要:Background Common side effects of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) include tachycardia, drowsiness, tremor, nausea, and vomiting. Although SSRIs have less toxic side effects compared to more traditional antidepressants, serious and life threatening cases of SSRI overdose have been reported. We describe a 24-year-old multimorbid female who presented to the emergency department with rapid onset ascending sensorimotor paralysis, complicated by respiratory and cardiac arrest, found to have fatal levels of fluoxetine by toxicological analysis, not taken in a suicidal act.
  • 机译 非肿瘤性抗NMDA受体脑炎患者的慢性神经后遗症
    摘要:Anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor encephalitis is a neurological, autoimmune disorder tightly conceptualized only as recently as the mid-2000s. It presents itself in a combination of psychiatric, neurological, and autonomic features. We observe a unique case with probable earlier episode (prior to the mid-2000s conceptualization of the disease) and a later relapse, accompanying a comprehensive neuropsychological profile tracked after the relapse and subsequent improvement. Neurocognitive findings revealed residual frontal deficits with mood changes even in the state after plasmapheresis. This case is the first to describe posttreatment cognition in anti-NMDAR encephalitis after probable serial autoimmune episodes.
  • 机译 非血管性自身免疫性炎性脑膜脑炎伴感觉神经节病的病例报告:干燥综合征的一种罕见表现。
    摘要:A 68-year-old Caucasian female was admitted to the emergency department with a progressive history of behavioural symptoms and anxiety followed by visual and auditory hallucinations, forgetfulness, and impaired gait in the previous 3 months. On examination she was psychotic and had a postural and rest tremor of the upper limbs, cogwheel rigidity of the four limbs, retropulsion on standing position, and inability to walk. During the following 2 weeks she developed xerostomia and unilateral parotiditis that improved with steroids. A simultaneous improvement of the cognitive abilities allowed for the detection of sensory ataxia of the lower limbs. Sensory ganglionopathy was then detected with electrophysiological studies. A diagnosis of Sjögren syndrome was suspected and confirmed by salivary gland scintigraphy, Schirmer's test, and submaxillary gland biopsy. We report a case of Sjögren syndrome associated with central and peripheral nervous system involvement, without sicca symptoms preceding the neurological clinical picture. The coexistence of ganglionopathy and a favourable response to immunosuppression are key features that can lead to the correct diagnosis in cases with atypical CNS symptoms, mimicking a rapidly progressive dementia.
  • 机译 一例难治性神经精神性狼疮对抗凝反应
    • 作者:Rui WuSun Hu
    • 刊名:Case Reports in Neurological Medicine
    • 2017年第-1期
    摘要:Neuropsychiatric disorder is a severe complication in 14% to 75% of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients, which can result in significant morbidity. A 15-year-old female SLE patient with coexistence of dural sinus thrombosis and intracerebral hemorrhage resistant to two pulses of high dose of glucocorticoid was treated with anticoagulation of the low-molecular-weight [LMW] heparin subcutaneously followed by warfarin. The patient demonstrated a remarkable clinical response.
  • 机译 在关键语言领域中清醒脑胶质瘤手术对认知的差异性:4个案例研究
    摘要:Awake surgery with electrocorticosubcortical stimulation is the golden standard treatment for gliomas in eloquent areas. Preoperatively, mostly mild cognitive disturbances are observed with postoperative deterioration. We describe pre- and postoperative profiles of 4 patients (P1–P4) with gliomas in “critical” language areas (“Broca,” “Wernicke,” and the arcuate fasciculus) undergoing awake surgery to get insight into the underlying mechanism of neuroplasticity. Neuropsychological examination was carried out preoperatively (at T1) and postoperatively (at T2, T3). At T1, cognition of P1 was intact and remained stable. P2 had impairments in all cognitive domains at T1 with further deterioration at T2 and T3. At T1, P3 had impairments in memory and executive functions followed by stable recovery. P4 was intact at T1, followed by a decline in a language test at T2 and recovery at T3. Intraoperatively, in all patients language positive sites were identified. Patients with gliomas in “critical” language areas do not necessarily present cognitive disturbances. Surgery can either improve or deteriorate (existing) cognitive impairments. Several factors may underlie the plastic potential of the brain, for example, corticosubcortical networks and tumor histopathology. Our findings illustrate the complexity of the underlying mechanism of neural plasticity and provide further support for a “hodotopical” viewpoint.
  • 机译 短暂性MRI改变引起的枕叶反复发作
    摘要:Peri-ictal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings following seizure activity are a recognized phenomenon that is not well understood (Cole, 2004). Transient changes are not usually expected to be present in postictal MRI studies because of their rarity. Here, we present a unique case of peri-ictal MRI findings located in the occipital lobe, present in a 34-year-old female with recurrent occipital seizures occurring twice in four years. MRI changes completely resolved after both episodes with no residual focal damage. The peri-ictal occipital changes on MRI in this patient are unique because they have been captured on more than one occasion. Peri-ictal MRI findings are a known phenomenon with unknown pathophysiology, although attempts have been made to understand these findings. Though the MRI findings and presentation appear to be stroke-like or PRES-like, seizures should be kept in the differential for better treatment outcomes.
  • 机译 颅脑外伤后不完全锁定综合征的鉴别诊断和处理
    摘要:Locked-in syndrome (LIS) is a rare diagnosis in which patients present with quadriplegia, lower cranial nerve paralysis, and mutism. It is clinically difficult to differentiate from other similarly presenting diagnoses with no standard approach for assessing such poorly responsive patients. The purpose of this case is to highlight the clinical differential diagnosis process and outcomes of a patient with LIS during acute inpatient rehabilitation. A 32-year-old female was admitted following traumatic brain injury. She presented with quadriplegia and mutism but was awake and aroused based on eye gaze communication. The rehabilitation team was able to diagnose incomplete LIS based on knowledge of neuroanatomy and clinical reasoning. Establishing this diagnosis allowed for an individualized treatment plan that focused on communication, coping, family training, and discharge planning. The patient was ultimately able to discharge home with a single caregiver, improving her quality of life. Continued evidence highlights the benefits of intensive comprehensive therapy for those with acquired brain injury such as LIS, but access is still limited for those with a seemingly poor prognosis. Access to a multidisciplinary, specialized team provides opportunity for continued assessment and individualized treatment as the patient attains more medical stability, improving long-term management.
  • 机译 Th2-3水平的胸滑膜囊肿引起脊髓病
    摘要:Intraspinal synovial cyst is a rare cause of myelopathy. These cysts present most often in the lumbar and cervical parts of the spine but are more infrequent in the thoracic spine. We present a case of a 73-year-old man with an intraspinal, extradural synovial cyst at the Th2-3 level causing paraesthesia and weakness in the legs. A laminectomy and excision of the cyst were performed and the patient recovered fully. In the thoracic spine, synovial cysts are almost exclusively found in the lower part. Laminectomy, with excision, is the treatment of choice, although steroid injections have been described.
  • 机译 非惊厥性癫痫持续状态类似于非典型脑电图临床缺乏
    摘要:Objective. We are reporting two cases: a patient with steroid responsive encephalopathy associated with autoimmune thyroiditis (SREAT) and another patient with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (SPMS), both presenting with altered mental status (AMS) and later diagnosed with nonconvulsive atypical absence status epilepticus (AS), with atypical EEG changes. Methods. A report of two cases. Results. A patient with history of SREAT and the other with SPMS had multiple admissions due to AMS. For both, EEG revealed the presence of a high voltage generalized sharply contoured theta activity. A diagnosis of NCSE with clinical features of AS was made based on both clinical and EEG features. There was significant clinical and electrographic improvement with administration of levetiracetam for both patients in addition to sodium valproate and Solumedrol for the SREAT patient. Both patients continued to be seizure free on follow-up few months later. Conclusions. This is a report of two cases of atypical AS, with atypical EEG, in patients with different neurological conditions. Prompt clinical and EEG recovery occurred following appropriate medical treatment. We think that this condition might be underreported and could significantly benefit from prompt treatment when appropriately diagnosed.
  • 机译 皮肤色素沉着是脊髓亚急性合并变性的表现症状
    摘要:Vitamin B12 deficiency results in hematological, neurological, and rarely dermatological complications. Subacute combined degeneration of the cord is one of the neurological complications, and usually the presenting symptom is paresthesia. Herein, we report a case of a 46-year-old man with subacute combined degeneration presenting with knuckle hyperpigmentation.
  • 机译 多发性硬化症伴面部抽搐(肌强直和面肌痉挛)
    摘要:Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system. The etiology is insufficiently understood. Autoimmune, genetic, viral, and environmental factors have been hypothesized. MS is twice as common in women as in men between the ages of 20 and 50 years. There is no known cure for MS. Current medical treatment helps to prevent new attacks and improve function after an attack. MS is diagnosed by physical examination, diagnostic imaging, and examination of cerebral spinal fluid. The most common physical signs and symptoms of MS include constitutional symptoms, muscle weakness, motor and autonomic spinal cord symptoms, paresthesias, and vision changes. Here we present a case of MS diagnosed in a 33-year-old male with facial myokymia of left eyelid, which progressed to left hemifacial spasm. This is an unusual presentation for multiple sclerosis. An awareness of this presentation not only may lead to an earlier diagnosis in some patients but can be a sign of relapse in patients with established multiple sclerosis.
  • 机译 严重颈内动脉狭窄伴持续性三叉神经动脉狭窄和前后循环缺血的患者的颈动脉内膜切除术
    摘要:Occurrence of cerebral ischemia in the posterior circulation as a result of severe internal carotid artery disease and persistent trigeminal artery is rare. An 81-year-old man with medical history of hypertension and ischemic stroke presented with dizziness, nausea, and mild dysarthria. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain revealed acute infarcts in the left internal carotid artery territory. CT angiogram revealed a persistent trigeminal artery (PTA) and severe atherosclerosis. The patient developed new neurological symptoms and repeat imaging revealed new acute infarcts in the PTA distribution. After undergoing a left carotid endarterectomy with no complications, the patient was discharged to a skilled nursing facility with no recurrence of ischemic stroke. This case adds a rare complication of an infrequent vascular anomaly to the limited body of the literature.
  • 机译 为什么并不总是焦虑:僵硬人综合征的艰难诊断
    摘要:Anxiety disorder is a commonly used diagnosis that may mask underlying conditions. Stiff person syndrome (SPS) is a rare neuroimmunological disorder characterized by progressive rigidity and painful muscle spasms affecting axial and lower extremity musculature. These episodes can be triggered by sudden movement, noise, or emotional stress, which may present as a psychiatric condition. We report the case of a 30-year-old female who presented with recurrent panic attacks with multiple prior hospital admissions for anxiety, rigidity, and difficulty in walking. Previous electroencephalogram (EEG) and brain and cervical spine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were unremarkable. She was empirically treated with diazepam and beta-blockers for SPS, which was confirmed by positive glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) antibodies. The patient's symptoms became refractory to benzodiazepines and required steroids with intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG). Her rigidity subsequently responded to plasmapheresis. In SPS, antibodies in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) most commonly target the GAD antigen on gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) neurons. The goal of treatment is to ameliorate symptoms and improve quality of life. Our case of SPS was masked as generalized anxiety disorder for at least six years since onset of symptoms. The criteria for both diagnoses may overlap as seen in this patient.
  • 机译 Etanercept治疗期间发生的类风湿性脑膜炎
    摘要:We report a 65-year-old man who had repetitive seizures 6 months after receiving etanercept, methotrexate, and prednisolone for rheumatoid arthritis. Mononuclear cells were mildly increased in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed high intensity along sulci of the frontal and parietal lobes. Brain biopsy revealed lymphocyte and plasma cell infiltration in the meninges, confirming the diagnosis of rheumatoid meningitis. After steroid pulse therapy, seizures resolved and clinical findings improved. When etanercept was replaced by tocilizumab, rheumatoid meningitis did not recur. Although TNF-α inhibitors can control joint symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, they may induce rheumatoid meningitis.
  • 机译 癫痫发作的罕见病因:脑高灌注综合征
    摘要:Cerebral hyperperfusion syndrome (CHS) is a rare life-threatening complication of carotid endarterectomy (CEA) and carotid artery stenting (CAS) for carotid artery stenosis. The incidence varies between 0 and 3%, depending on the severity of the stenosis, perioperative hypertension, and contralateral carotid stenosis. This case report reports a 53-year-old female patient presenting with decreased alertness and multiple tonic-clonic seizures, in the background of bilateral CEA. She was found to have bilateral carotid stenosis. Her left CEA was performed three months prior and right CEA was four days prior to her current presentation with seizures. After bilateral CEA, the imaging showed extensive pathologic process involving primarily the subcortical white matter and overlying cortex, more on the right cerebral hemisphere. On follow-up six weeks later, she reported no recurrent seizures and imaging showed decrease in abnormal signal intensity of the grey and white matter. This was indicative of near complete resolution of hyperperfusion damage. CHS is a rare complication due to the loss of autoregulation of the cerebrovascular system and increased blood flow status after bilateral CEA. This case is reported because of a rare and unique presentation of seizures in the background of bilateral CEA.


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