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Original Method to Repigment Achromic Laser Tattoo Removal Scars




Laser tattoo removal is expensive, painful, and time-consuming. Even with the use of the right laser equipment, it is often impossible to eliminate all pigments. Incomplete tattoo removal, one of the undesired effects of laser treatment, is widely disseminated in the media and accepted by most patients. However, few patients know that laser tattoo removal can cause permanent scars. Some patients who develop achromic scars can feel disappointed with the results of laser tattoo removal and take legal action against the physician responsible for the treatment. This paper describes our experience with a drug delivery treatment called MMP® (“Microinfusão de Medicamentos na Pele,” Portuguese acronym for “Microinfusion of Drugs in the Skin”) that repigments and improves the final esthetic results of achromic laser tattoo removal scars.
机译:激光纹身去除昂贵,痛苦且耗时。即使使用正确的激光设备,通常也无法消除所有色素。不完全去除纹身是激光治疗的不良影响之一,在媒体中广泛传播并为大多数患者所接受。但是,很少有患者知道去除激光纹身会导致永久性疤痕。一些出现无色疤痕的患者可能会对激光纹身去除的结果感到失望,并对负责治疗的医生采取法律行动。本文介绍了我们使用称为MMP®(“Microinfusãode Medicamentos na Pele”,葡萄牙语为“ Microinfusion of Skins in Skin”的葡萄牙语的缩写)的药物输送疗法的经验,该疗法可以改善并改善消色差激光纹身去除疤痕的最终美学效果。



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