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  • 机译 局部麻醉药过量引起的周围神经系统疏忽的脂质内治疗
    摘要:Although local anesthetics have an acceptable safety profile, significant morbidity and mortality have been associated with their use. Inadvertent intravascular injection of local anesthetics and/or the use of excessive doses have been the most frequent causes of local anesthetic systemic toxicity (LAST). Furthermore, excessive doses of local anesthetics injected locally into the tissues may lead to inadvertent peripheral nerve infiltration and blockade. Successful treatment of LAST with intralipid has been reported. We describe a case of local anesthetic overdose that resulted in LAST and in unintentional blockade of peripheral nerves of the lower extremity; both effects completely resolved with administration of intralipid.
  • 机译 一名20个月大的单侧巨大瘤肿瘤患者的麻醉管理
    摘要:Wilms tumour (WT) (or nephroblastoma) is one of the most common malignant kidney tumors in children. On subsequent stages clinically it is often characterized by abdominal hypertension syndrome, which, in turn, leads to development of respiratory insufficiency. Other symptoms comprise renal deficiency, hypertension, and abnormalities of hemostasis and hemogram. Treatment includes rounds of preoperative chemotherapy and subsequent surgery. We report a case of perioperative management for nephrectomy in 20-month-old patient with a giant unilateral WT. The complexity of anesthesia was determined by the size of tumor, increased intra-abdominal pressure, respiratory deficiency, and hypercoagulation.
  • 机译 严重主动脉瓣狭窄产妇的麻醉管理的多学科方法
    摘要:In order to optimize anesthetic management and avoid adverse maternal and fetal outcomes, a clear understanding of the changes in cardiovascular physiology that occur during pregnancy is paramount. The effects of normal gestation on the cardiovascular system are particularly significant in a parturient with cardiac valvular pathology. We present a case of a 27-year-old G2P0 at 37 weeks with a past medical history of diabetes, macrosomia, congenital bicuspid aortic valve with severe stenosis (valve area 0.7 cm2) who was scheduled for elective C-section. A multidisciplinary discussion involving cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, obstetric surgeons, neonatal intensivists, perfusion staff, anesthesiologists, and nursing staff was held to formulate a plan for the perioperative management of this parturient. Also, contingency plans were formulated and discussed with the care providers, in the event of acute decompensation of the mother and baby and possible need for emergency aortic valvuloplasty and/or aortic valve replacement.
  • 机译 Jeune综合征患者的麻醉方法
    摘要:Jeune syndrome (JS) is an autosomal recessive disease also known as asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy. A narrow bell-shaped thoracic wall and short extremities are the most typical features of the syndrome. Prognosis in JS depends on the severity of the pulmonary hypoplasia caused by the chest wall deformity. Most patient deaths are due to respiratory problems at early ages. Herein, we report a case of JS patient, who was scheduled for femoral extension under general anesthesia. The severity of respiratory problems in JS patients is thought to diminish with age. Our case supported this theory, and we managed the anesthetic process uneventfully.
  • 机译 肺动脉导管弯曲的诊断和抢救
    摘要:Invasive hemodynamic monitoring with a pulmonary catheter has been relatively routine in cardiovascular and complex surgical operations as well as in the management of critical illnesses. However, due to multiple potential complications and its invasive nature, its use has decreased over the years and less invasive methods such as transesophageal echocardiography and hemodynamic sensors have gained widespread favor. Unlike these less invasive forms of hemodynamic monitoring, pulmonary artery catheters require an advanced understanding of cardiopulmonary physiology, anatomy, and the potential for complications in order to properly place, manage, and interpret the device. We describe a case wherein significant resistance was encountered during multiple unsuccessful attempts at removing a patient's catheter secondary to kinking and twisting of the catheter tip. These attempts to remove the catheter serve to demonstrate potential rescue options for such a situation. Ultimately, successful removal of the catheter was accomplished by simultaneous catheter retraction and sheath advancement while gently pulling both objects from the cannulation site. In addition to being skilled in catheter placement, it is imperative that providers comprehend the risks and complications of this invasive monitoring tool.
  • 机译 椎旁阻滞结合镇静剂对正在接受隆胸的肌无力患者
    摘要:Paravertebral block is a unilateral analgesic technique that can provide adequate surgical anesthesia and great advantages in many types of surgery with a low side-effect profile. In this case we present combination of bilateral thoracic paravertebral block under ultrasound guidance with sedation which provides complete anesthesia and postoperative analgesia in a myasthenic patient undergoing cosmetic breast surgery. In myasthenic patients paravertebral blocks may be a better option for breast surgery with avoiding the need for muscle relaxants and opioids and risk of respiratory failure in postoperative period.
  • 机译 动态气道塌陷过多:外科患者呼吸衰竭的意外原因
    摘要:Central airway collapse plays a significant, underrecognized role in respiratory failure after extubation of critically ill patients. Historically, airway collapse has been attributed to tracheomalacia (TM), softening of the cartilage in the trachea and other large airways. More recently, excessive dynamic airway collapse (EDAC) has been described as a distinct process unrelated to a loss of cartilaginous airway support. EDAC is caused by the posterior wall of the trachea bulging forward and causing airway obstruction during exhalation. This process is exaggerated when intrathoracic pressure is increased and results in a clinical picture of coughing, difficulty clearing secretions, dyspnea, and stridor. The increased use of computerized tomography and fiberoptic bronchoscopy has identified varying degrees of EDAC and TM in both symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals. This has led to renewed consideration of airway collapse and the different processes that contribute to it. Here we describe a 43-year-old morbidly obese patient who failed repeated attempts at extubation after elective hysterectomy. We will discuss the processes of EDAC and TM, describe how this condition contributed to this patient's respiratory failure, and review diagnosis and management options.
  • 机译 “高频/小潮气量微分肺通气”:一种机器人辅助胸腔手术中一种肺通气的非依赖性肺通气技术
    摘要:With the introduction of new techniques and advances in the thoracic surgery fields, challenges to the anesthesia techniques had became increasingly exponential. One of the great improvements that took place in the thoracic surgical field was the use of the robotically assisted thoracic surgical procedure and minimally invasive endoscopic thoracic surgery. One lung ventilation technique represents the core anesthetic management for the success of those surgical procedures. Even with the use of effective one lung ventilation, the patient hemodynamics and respiratory parameters could be deranged and could not be tolerating the procedure that could compromise the end result of surgery. We are presenting our experience in managing one patient who suffered persistent hypoxia and hemodynamic instability with one lung ventilation for robotically assisted thymectomy procedure and how it was managed till the completion of the surgery successfully.
  • 机译 苯佐卡因喷雾剂自我给药导致的医院血红蛋白血症
    摘要:Methemoglobinemia is life-threatening and bears pathognomonic signs difficult to diagnose in real time. Local anesthetics are widely used and are known for eliciting this condition. We report a case of methemoglobinemia secondary to self-administered use of benzocaine spray. A 27-year-old woman was found to be in respiratory distress during postoperative recovery. After desaturation persisted, arterial blood gas yielded a methemoglobin level of 47%. The patient was successfully treated with intravenous methylene blue. Review of the events revealed self-administered doses of benzocaine spray to alleviate discomfort from a nasogastric tube. We review this case in detail in addition to discussing methemoglobinemia and its relevant biochemistry, pathophysiology, clinical presentation, and medical management. Given the recognized risk of methemoglobinemia associated with benzocaine use, we recommend its removal from the market in favor of safer alternatives.
  • 机译 三叉神经痛的罕见原因:三叉神经切迹的腱膜骨化
    摘要:Ossification of the tentorium cerebelli over the trigeminal notch is rare, but it may cause compression of the trigeminal nerve, leading to trigeminal neuralgia (TN). We were unable to find any previously reported cases with radiological evaluation, although we did find one case with surgically proven ossification of the tentorium cerebelli. Here, we present a case of TN caused by tentorial ossification over the trigeminal notch depicted on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT).
  • 机译 长期静脉氯胺酮镇痛严重儿童与寄主病患儿镇痛的比较
    摘要:Ketamine is reported to be an effective adjuvant to opioids in the treatment of refractory cancer pain; however, the use of high doses of ketamine for extended periods in pediatric patients has not been described. We present a five-year-old male with grade IV intestinal GVHD whose abdominal pain required both hydromorphone and ketamine for a period of over four months. There was no evidence of hepatotoxicity, hemorrhagic cystitis, or other adverse effects. Possible withdrawal symptoms were mild and were readily mitigated by gradually weaning ketamine.
  • 机译 左心室辅助装置用于脑肿瘤切除术的患者的成功围手术期管理:病例报告和文献复习
    摘要:Heart failure is the leading cause of death in the United States. Our increasingly aged population will contribute to an increased incidence and prevalence of heart failure, thereby augmenting the need for mechanical circulatory devices. Here we present the first successful resection of a brain tumor in a left ventricular device- (LVAD-) dependent patient with increased intracranial pressure and address pertinent perioperative anesthetic considerations and management.
  • 机译 右胸乳房切除术和组织扩张器在12周产期胸椎旁椎体阻滞下重建
    摘要:Paravertebral blocks are becoming increasingly utilized for breast surgery with studies showing improved postoperative pain control, decreased need for opioids, and less nausea and vomiting. We describe the anesthetic management of an otherwise healthy woman who was 12 weeks pregnant presenting for treatment of her breast cancer. For patients undergoing breast mastectomy and reconstruction with tissue expanders, paravertebral blocks offer an anesthetic alternative when general anesthesia is not desired.
  • 机译 球形瓣喉肿块激光切除的麻醉管理
    摘要:A 47-year-old obese woman with GERD and COPD presents for CO2-laser excision of bilateral vocal fold masses. She had a history of progressive hoarseness and difficulty in breathing. Nasopharyngeal laryngoscopy revealed large, mobile, bilateral vocal cord polyps that demonstrated dynamic occlusion of the glottis. We describe the airway and anesthetic management of this patient with a topicalized C-MAC video laryngoscopic intubation using a 4.5 mm Xomed Laser Shield II endotracheal tube. We examine the challenges of anesthetic management unique to the combined circumstances of a ball-valve lesion and the need for a narrow-bore laser compatible endotracheal tube.
  • 机译 产前副产假丝酵母性心内膜炎的早产剖腹产
    摘要:We present the first documented case of Candida parapsilosis infective endocarditis in a pregnant patient. While the incidence of infective endocarditis during pregnancy is rare, the incidence of C. parapsilosis endocarditis is even rarer. The numerous specific risks and decision making processes regarding this case are presented.
  • 机译 全身麻醉禁忌患者的全神经关节置换术中使用镇静的周围神经阻滞
    摘要:Although peripheral nerve blocks are commonly used to provide postoperative analgesia after total knee arthroplasty (TKA) and other lower extremity procedures, these blocks are rarely used for intraoperative anesthesia. Most TKAs are performed under general anesthesia (GA) or neuraxial anesthesia (NA). The knee has a complex sensory innervation that makes surgical anesthesia difficult with peripheral nerve blocks alone. Rarely are both GA and NA relatively contraindicated and alternatives are considered. We present a patient who underwent TKA performed under peripheral nerve block and sedation alone.
  • 机译 凝血酶原复合物浓缩物,可快速逆转华法林抗凝作用,以允许神经阻滞
    摘要:The development of Prothrombin Complex Concentrates (PCCs) has led to better outcomes in patients receiving emergency reversal of warfarin. However, most published data describes the use of PCCs in the setting of major bleeding or emergent major surgery, with little information on neuraxial blockade. We describe a case of rapid warfarin reversal using PCC and subsequent surgery under spinal anaesthesia in an 87-year-old lady, for whom general anaesthesia was deemed high risk. Her international normalised ratio (INR) on the morning of surgery was 1.8, precluding neuraxial blockade; however, it was felt that given, the need for imminent surgery, immediate reversal of the warfarin was indicated. We administered a single dose of 23 units/kg PCC and 5 mg vitamin K. Her INR 1 hour following PCC was 1.2, and spinal anesthetic was administered. The patient then underwent excision of melanoma deposits from her leg and groin dissection. There were no complications, the patient recovered satisfactorily, and there were no thrombotic or hemorrhagic events at 30 days postoperatively. This case study demonstrates a novel use of PCCs; in certain patients, PCCs may be safely used for immediate reversal of warfarin to allow for neuraxial blockade, safer anaesthesia, and better outcomes.
  • 机译 Sugammadex逆转罗库溴铵诱导的神经肌肉阻滞后的负压性肺水肿
    摘要:Negative pressure pulmonary edema (NPPE) is a rare complication that accompanies general anesthesia, especially after extubation. We experienced a case of negative pressure pulmonary edema after tracheal extubation following reversal of rocuronium-induced neuromuscular blockade by sugammadex. In this case, the contribution of residual muscular block on the upper airway muscle as well as large inspiratory forces created by the respiratory muscle which has a low response to muscle relaxants, is suspected as the cause.
  • 机译 特发性血小板减少性紫癜,先兆子痫和HELLP综合征三联症在产妇中:麻醉师的罕见对峙
    摘要:Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) with HELLP represents a rare complication that requires combined care of obstetrician, anesthesiologist, hematologist, and neonatologist. At 37-week gestation a 35-year-old parturient (G2A1P0) a known case of chronic ITP presented with severe pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH), thrombocytopenia, and elevated liver enzymes. We describe successful anesthetic management of this patient who was taken for emergency caesarean section.
  • 机译 开颅手术期间将负压连接至龈下引流后的心脏骤停
    摘要:A one-year-old child operated on for arachnoid cyst in right frontoparietotemporal region had sudden bradycardia followed by cardiac arrest leading to death after connecting negative pressure to the subgaleal drain during craniotomy closure. The surgical procedure was uneventful. It is a common practice to place epidural or subgaleal drains connected to a vacuum system towards the end of craniotomy to prevent accumulation of intracranial and extracranial blood. The phenomenon of bradycardia with hypotension is known to occur following negative pressure application to the epidural, epicranial, or subgaleal space after craniotomy closure. However cardiac arrest as a complication of negative pressure suction drain in neurosurgical patients is not described in the literature.


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