首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Canadian Medical Association Journal >Offering HIV prophylaxis to people who have been sexually assaulted: 16 months experience in a sexual assault service

Offering HIV prophylaxis to people who have been sexually assaulted: 16 months experience in a sexual assault service




The sexual assault service, operated by the Children's & Women's Health Centre of British Columbia in partnership with the Vancouver General Hospital Emergency Department, started offering HIV prophylaxis in November 1996 to patients presenting to the emergency department after a sexual assault. In the first 16 months of the program a total of 258 people were seen by the service, of whom 71 accepted the offer of HIV prophylaxis. Only 29 continued with the drug treatment after receiving the initial 5-day starter pack, and only 8 completed the full 4-week treatment regmen and returned for their final follow-up visit. Patients at highest risk for HIV infection (those who had penetration by an assailant known to be HIV positive or at high risk for HIV infection [men who have sex with men, injection drug users]) were more likely to accept prophylaxis and more likely to complete the treatment than those at lower risk. Compliance and follow-up were the main problems with implementing this service. Service providers found it difficult to give the information about HIV prophylaxis to traumatized patients. After this program evaluation, the service changed its policy to offer HIV prophylaxis only to people at high risk of HIV infection. This targeting of services is expected to make the service providers' jobs easier and to make the program more cost-effective while still protecting sexual assault victims against HIV infection.
机译:由不列颠哥伦比亚省儿童和妇女健康中心与温哥华总医院急诊部门合作运营的性侵犯服务于1996年11月开始为性侵犯后到急诊室就诊的患者提供艾滋病毒预防。在该计划的前16个月中,该服务机构总共接待了258人,其中71人接受了预防艾滋病毒的提议。在收到最初的5天入门包后,只有29人继续接受药物治疗,只有8人完成了为期4周的完整治疗方案并返回了他们的最终随访。 HIV感染风险最高的患者(被已知为HIV阳性的攻击者穿透或HIV感染风险高的患者[与男性发生性关系的人,注射吸毒者])更可能接受预防,并且更有可能比那些风险较低的人完成治疗。合规性和后续行动是实施此服务的主要问题。服务提供商发现很难向受过创伤的患者提供有关艾滋病毒预防的信息。在对该计划进行评估之后,该服务更改了其政策,仅向高感染HIV风险的人群提供HIV预防。这种针对服务的目标有望使服务提供者的工作更加轻松,并使该计划更具成本效益,同时仍能保护性侵犯受害者免遭艾滋病毒感染。



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