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Experimental infectious respiratory disease in groups of calves:Lobar distribution variance and sample-size requirements for vaccine evaluation




The distribution and variance of respiratory disease produced with aerosols of bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1) and Mannheimia haemolytica in control (183 calves in 44 experiments) and vaccinated calves were studied in experiments conducted at the Animal Diseases Research Institute, Lethbridge, Alberta, from 1975 to 1989. All calves had been born and raised at this institute and exposed similarly for 5 min by means of a face mask to viral and bacterial aerosols produced by a Collison atomizer (particles < 3 μm in diameter). We summarized the macroscopic pathological responses of pneumonia (main end point), tonsillitis, tracheitis, and other microbiologic and experimental variables. We also summarized the lobar distribution of pneumonia in 202 control and 192 vaccinated calves with this disease model and in calves similarly exposed to parainfluenza 3 virus/M. haemolytica or BHV-1/Pasteurella multocida. Pneumonia in control calves began in ventral tissues of all lobes, with lobar preferences, and progressed dorsally, the dorsal parts of both large caudal lobes being least affected. A high variance of pneumonia was evident within and among experiments. From the magnitude of variance observed in the control groups, the number of calves per group required in vaccine-challenge studies using this BHV-1/M. haemolytica disease model was estimated. Such estimates are required for any disease model used in vaccine-challenge studies.
机译:在阿尔伯塔省莱斯布里奇市动物疾病研究所进行的实验中,研究了牛疱疹病毒1(BHV-1)和溶血曼海姆氏菌在对照中(44个实验中的183头小牛)和接种小牛的气溶胶产生的呼吸系统疾病的分布和差异。从1975年到1989年。所有小牛均在该研究所出生和长大,并通过口罩同样地暴露于Collison雾化器产生的病毒和细菌气溶胶(直径小于3μm)5分钟。我们总结了肺炎(主要终点),扁桃体炎,气管炎以及其他微生物和实验变量的宏观病理反应。我们还总结了这种疾病模型在202例对照小牛和192例接种小牛的肺炎中的肺叶分布,以及在类似地暴露于副流感3病毒/ M的小牛中的肺叶分布。溶血性或BHV-1 /多杀性巴氏杆菌。对照小腿的肺炎始于所有肺叶的腹侧组织,以肺叶偏爱,并向背侧发展,两个大尾叶的背侧部分受影响最小。在实验中和实验之间,肺炎的变化很大。根据对照组中观察到的方差大小,使用BHV-1 / M进行的疫苗挑战研究需要每组犊牛的数量。估计溶血性疾病模型。疫苗挑战研究中使用的任何疾病模型都需要此类估计。



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