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Characteristics of early vocabulary and grammar development in Slovenian-speaking infants and toddlers: a CDI-adaptation study*




A large body of research shows that vocabulary does not develop independently of grammar, representing a better predictor of the grammatical complexity of toddlers' utterances than age. This study examines for the first time the characteristics of vocabulary and grammar development in Slovenian-speaking infants and toddlers using the Slovenian adaptation of the MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories (CDI). The sample included 512 Slovenian-speaking infants and toddlers aged 0 ; 8 to 2 ; 6. The findings suggest that between age 0 ; 8 and 2 ; 6 the development of vocabulary is best described using a quadratic function. The results also show that nouns predominate in the vocabularies of infants and toddlers of various ages; as they age and with the increasing size of their vocabularies, the share of interjections decreases and the share of verbs and adjectives increases. The size of vocabulary was also found to be related to the grammatical structure of toddlers' utterances.
机译:大量的研究表明,词汇并不是独立于语法而发展的,它可以更好地预测幼儿语音的语法复杂性而不是年龄。这项研究首次使用麦克阿瑟·贝茨交流发展清单(CDI)的斯洛文尼亚语改种,对讲斯洛文尼亚语的婴儿和幼儿的词汇和语法发展特征进行了研究。样本包括512位0岁的讲斯洛文尼亚语的婴儿和学步儿童; 8比2; 6.研究结果表明,年龄在0岁之间; 8和2; 6使用二次函数可以最好地描述词汇的发展。结果还表明,名词在各个年龄段的婴幼儿词汇中占主导地位。随着年龄的增长和词汇量的增加,感叹词所占的比例会减少,动词和形容词所占的比例会增加。还发现词汇量与幼儿话语的语法结构有关。



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