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Including health in transport policy agendas: the role of health impact assessment analyses and procedures in the European experience.




From the mid-1990s, research began to highlight the importance of a wide range of health impacts of transport policy decisions. The Third Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health adopted a Charter on Transport, Environment and Health based on four main components: bringing awareness of the nature, magnitude and costs of the health impacts of transport into intergovernmental processes; strengthening the arguments for integration of health into transport policies by developing in-depth analysis of the evidence; developing national case studies; and engaging ministries of environment, health and transport as well as intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations. Negotiation of the Charter was based on two converging processes: the political process involved the interaction of stakeholders in transport, health and environment in Europe, which helped to frame the issues and the approaches to respond to them; the scientific process involved an international group of experts who produced state-of- the-art reviews of the health impacts resulting from transportation activities, identifying gaps in existing knowledge and methodological tools, specifying the policy implications of their findings, and suggesting possible targets for health improvements. Health arguments were used to strengthen environmental ones, clarify costs and benefits, and raise issues of health equity. The European experience shows that HIA can fulfil the need for simple procedures to be systematically applied to decisions regarding transport strategies at national, regional and local levels. Gaps were identified concerning models for quantifying health impacts and capacity building on how to use such tools.
机译:从1990年代中期开始,研究开始强调运输政策决定对健康的广泛影响的重要性。第三届环境与卫生部长级会议通过了《运输,环境与卫生宪章》,该宪章基于以下四个主要方面:将对运输健康影响的性质,规模和成本的认识纳入政府间进程;通过对证据进行深入分析,加强将健康纳入运输政策的论点;制定国家案例研究;环境,卫生和运输部以及政府间组织和非政府组织的参与。 《宪章》的谈判基于两个融合的过程:政治过程涉及欧洲运输,卫生和环境方面利益相关者的互动,这有助于界定问题和应对问题的方式;科学过程涉及一个国际专家组,他们对运输活动对健康的影响进行了最新的综述,发现了现有知识和方法论工具中的空白,明确了研究结果的政策含义,并提出了可能的目标。健康改善。健康论据被用来加强环境论据,澄清成本和收益,并提出健康平等问题。欧洲的经验表明,HIA可以满足将简单程序系统地应用于国家,地区和地方各级运输策略决策的需求。确定了关于量化健康影响的模型以及如何使用此类工具的能力建设的空白。



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