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Measuring progress in meeting healthy people goals for low birth weight and infant mortality among the 100 largest cities and their suburbs




We examined the progress of the nation's 100 largest cities and their surrounding suburban areas toward achieving Healthy People 2000/2010 goals for two measures of infant health: low birth weight (LBW) and infant mortality (IM). Using data from the National Center for Health Statistics, we compared 1990 and 2000 urban and suburban LBW and IM rates to target rates for Healthy People 2000 and 2010 objectives. Although the 2000 LBW weight rate for the 100 largest cities was higher than the average for the suburbs (8.9% vs. 7.1%), the increase in LBW rates for the suburbs was nearly four times that of the cities (15.7% vs. 4.1%). Suburban and urban white infants led the increases in LBW rates; urban and suburban black infants showed a slight decrease or no change in LBW rates. Neither cities nor suburbs, on average, met the 2000 target rate of 5%. It appears unlikely that most of the 100 largest cities and suburbs will meet the Healthy People 2010 goal, which remains at 5%, without reductions in preterm births, nationally on the rise. The IM rate declined across most cities and suburbs between 1990 and 2000. However, the 100 largest cities on average did not meet the 2000 IM rate target of 7 infant deaths per 1000 live births; their suburbs did (8.5 vs. 6.4, respectively). The cities and suburbs that did not meet the 2000 target may be especially challenged to meet the 2010 goal for IM unless rates of preterm births are reduced. With the continuing black-white disparities in LBW and IM rates and the overall differences in the racial composition of the largest cities and suburbs, strategies for meeting Healthy People goals will likely need to be targeted to the specific populations they serve.
机译:我们检查了美国100个最大城市及其周边郊区在实现“健康人群2000/2010”目标方面的进展,该目标涉及两项婴儿健康指标:低出生体重(LBW)和婴儿死亡率(IM)。使用国家卫生统计中心的数据,我们比较了1990年和2000年城市和郊区的LBW和IM比率,将其与2000年和2010年“健康人群”目标的目标比率进行比较。尽管最大的100个城市的2000年LBW权重高于郊区的平均水平(8.9%对7.1%),但郊区的LBW率增幅几乎是城市的四倍(15.7%对4.1%) %)。郊区和城市白人婴儿导致低出生体重的增加;城市和郊区的黑人婴儿的LBW率略有下降或没有变化。平均而言,城市和郊区都没有达到2000年的目标5%。在全国范围内,似乎几乎没有100个最大的城市和郊区能够实现2010年“健康人”的目标,即保持5%的水平,并且不减少早产。在1990年至2000年之间,大多数城市和郊区的IM率都有所下降。但是,最大的100个城市平均没有达到2000 IM率的目标,即每千名活产婴儿中有7例婴儿死亡。他们的郊区(分别为8.5和6.4)。除非降低早产率,否则未达到2000年目标的城市和郊区可能面临特别挑战,以实现2010年IM的目标。由于LBW和IM比率的黑白差异持续存在,以及大城市和郊区的种族构成的总体差异,实现“健康人”目标的策略可能需要针对他们所服务的特定人群。



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