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Acceptance of HIV testing during prenatal care. Perinatal Guidelines Evaluation Project.




OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to assess the factors associated with acceptance of HIV testing during pregnancy on the part of women receiving prenatal care at public clinics. METHODS: Trained interviewers recruited and interviewed 1,357 women receiving prenatal care at clinics in Florida, Connecticut, and New York City. RESULTS: Eighty-six percent of participants reported having been tested or having signed a consent form to be tested. Acceptance of testing was found to be related to strong beliefs about the benefits of testing, knowledge about vertical transmission, perceived provider endorsement of testing, and social support. Women who declined testing said they did so because they did not perceive themselves to be at risk for HIV (21%) or they faced administrative difficulties (16%) with some aspect of the testing process (for example, scheduling, limited availability of pre-test counselors). CONCLUSIONS: Acceptance rates can be increased when women understand the modes of vertical transmission and the role of medication regimens in preventing transmission; believe that prenatal identification of HIV can promote the health of mother and child; and perceive their providers as strongly endorsing testing. These points can be woven into a brief pre-test counseling message and made a routine component of prenatal care.
机译:目的:本研究的目的是评估在公共诊所接受产前检查的妇女在怀孕期间接受艾滋病毒检测的相关因素。方法:训练有素的访调员招募并采访了在佛罗里达州,康涅狄格州和纽约市的诊所接受产前护理的1357名妇女。结果:百分之八十六的参与者报告已接受测试或签署了接受测试的同意书。发现测试的接受与对测试的好处的坚定信念,有关垂直传播的知识,感知的提供者对测试的认可以及社会支持有关。拒绝接受测试的女性表示之所以这么做,是因为她们没有意识到自己有感染艾滋病毒的风险(21%),或者在测试过程的某些方面面临管理上的困难(16%)(例如,安排时间, -测试辅导员)。结论:当女性了解垂直传播的方式以及药物治疗在预防传播中的作用时,接受率会增加。相信产前鉴定艾滋病毒可以促进母子健康;并认为他们的提供商强烈支持测试。这些要点可以编成简短的测试前咨询信息,并作为产前保健的常规组成部分。



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