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Assessing the cost effectiveness of using prognostic biomarkers with decision models: case study in prioritising patients waiting for coronary artery surgery




>Objective To determine the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of using information from circulating biomarkers to inform the prioritisation process of patients with stable angina awaiting coronary artery bypass graft surgery.>Design Decision analytical model comparing four prioritisation strategies without biomarkers (no formal prioritisation, two urgency scores, and a risk score) and three strategies based on a risk score using biomarkers: a routinely assessed biomarker (estimated glomerular filtration rate), a novel biomarker (C reactive protein), or both. The order in which to perform coronary artery bypass grafting in a cohort of patients was determined by each prioritisation strategy, and mean lifetime costs and quality adjusted life years (QALYs) were compared.>Data sources Swedish Coronary Angiography and Angioplasty Registry (9935 patients with stable angina awaiting coronary artery bypass grafting and then followed up for cardiovascular events after the procedure for 3.8 years), and meta-analyses of prognostic effects (relative risks) of biomarkers.>Results The observed risk of cardiovascular events while on the waiting list for coronary artery bypass grafting was 3 per 10 000 patients per day within the first 90 days (184 events in 9935 patients). Using a cost effectiveness threshold of £20 000-£30 000 (€22 000-€33 000; $32 000-$48 000) per additional QALY, a prioritisation strategy using a risk score with estimated glomerular filtration rate was the most cost effective strategy (cost per additional QALY was <£410 compared with the Ontario urgency score). The impact on population health of implementing this strategy was 800 QALYs per 100 000 patients at an additional cost of £245 000 to the National Health Service. The prioritisation strategy using a risk score with C reactive protein was associated with lower QALYs and higher costs compared with a risk score using estimated glomerular filtration rate.>Conclusion Evaluating the cost effectiveness of prognostic biomarkers is important even when effects at an individual level are small. Formal prioritisation of patients awaiting coronary artery bypass grafting using a routinely assessed biomarker (estimated glomerular filtration rate) along with simple, routinely collected clinical information was cost effective. Prioritisation strategies based on the prognostic information conferred by C reactive protein, which is not currently measured in this context, or a combination of C reactive protein and estimated glomerular filtration rate, is unlikely to be cost effective. The widespread practice of using only implicit or informal means of clinically ordering the waiting list may be harmful and should be replaced with formal prioritisation approaches.
机译:>目的要确定使用循环生物标记物信息来告知稳定型心绞痛等待冠状动脉搭桥手术的患者的优先次序的有效性和成本效益。>设计决策分析模型比较四种没有生物标记物的优先化策略(无正式优先次序,两个紧急度评分和一个风险评分),以及三种基于使用生物标记物的风险评分的策略:常规评估的生物标记物(估计的肾小球滤过率),新型生物标记物(C反应蛋白),或两者。每种患者的优先排序策略确定了一组患者进行冠状动脉搭桥术的顺序,并比较了平均生命成本和质量调整生命年(QALYs)。>数据来源瑞典冠状动脉造影和血管成形术登记处(9935例稳定型心绞痛患者等待冠状动脉搭桥术,然后在3.8年后随访心血管事件),并对生物标志物的预后效果(相对风险)进行荟萃分析。>结果在头90天内,在等待冠状动脉搭桥术的等待名单上观察到的心血管事件风险为每天每10 000名患者中3人(在9935名患者中有184次事件)。使用每个额外QALY的成本效益阈值£20 000-£30 000(€22 000-€33 000; $ 32 000- $ 48 000),使用风险评分和估计的肾小球滤过率的优先策略是最具成本效益的策略(与安大略省的紧急程度评分相比,每增加的QALY费用<410英镑)。实施此策略对人口健康的影响是每100 000名患者800 QALY,国家卫生服务局为此额外支付245 000英镑。与使用估计的肾小球滤过率的风险评分相比,使用具有C反应蛋白的风险评分的优先策略与较低的QALYs和较高的费用相关。>结论即使在有影响的情况下,评估预后生物标志物的成本效益也很重要在个人层面上很小。使用常规评估的生物标志物(估计的肾小球滤过率)以及简单,常规收集的临床信息对等待冠状动脉搭桥术的患者进行正式优先排序具有成本效益。基于C反应蛋白所提供的预后信息的优先级排序策略(目前尚未在这种情况下进行测量)或C反应蛋白与估计的肾小球滤过率的组合不太可能具有成本效益。仅使用隐式或非正式的临床订购顺序的普遍做法可能是有害的,应以正式的优先排序方法代替。



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