首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The British Journal of Venereal Diseases >Sexually transmitted diseases T cell subsets and sexual practices in homosexual men attending an STD clinic.

Sexually transmitted diseases T cell subsets and sexual practices in homosexual men attending an STD clinic.




Sixty three homosexually active men and 42 heterosexual men answered questionnaires regarding aspects of their social life and sexual practices. Assessment of past sexually transmitted disease showed the homosexual group to have had a significantly greater incidence of syphilis, gonorrhoea, perianal warts, and cytomegalovirus infections. T cell subset counts were carried out, and results for 60 of the homosexual men and 39 of the heterosexual men showed that the homosexuals had a significantly greater mean T cell suppressor cell count (p = 0.0019). The mean T helper cell count was not significantly different between the two groups, but it was significantly more (p = 0.033) in the more promiscuous homosexuals (who had more than 20 sexual partners a year) than in the heterosexuals. No relation was found between T cell subset counts and evidence of past cytomegalovirus infection. The practice of passive anal intercourse, oroanal sex, and swallowing semen during oral sex did not appear to influence T cell subset counts in the homosexuals.
机译:六十三名同性恋活跃男性和四十二名异性恋男性回答了有关其社交生活和性行为方面的问卷。对过去的性传播疾病的评估显示,同性恋者的梅毒,淋病,肛周疣和巨细胞病毒感染的发生率明显更高。进行了T细胞亚群计数,对60名同性恋男子和39名异性恋男子的结果显示,同性恋者的平均T细胞抑制细胞数明显更高(p = 0.0019)。两组之间的平均T辅助细胞计数无显着差异,但在滥交的同性恋者(每年有超过20个性伴侣)中,其T辅助细胞计数显着高于异性恋者(p = 0.033)。在T细胞亚群计数和过去巨细胞病毒感染的证据之间没有发现关联。被动肛交,口交和口交时吞咽精液的行为似乎并未影响同性恋者的T细胞亚群计数。



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