首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>British Journal of Preventive Social Medicine >How did the recent increase in the supply of coronary operations in Finland affect socioeconomic and gender equity in their use?

How did the recent increase in the supply of coronary operations in Finland affect socioeconomic and gender equity in their use?




>Design: Register based linkage study; information on coronary procedures from the Finnish Hospital Discharge Register in 1988 and 1996 was individually linked to national population censuses in 1970–1995 to obtain patients' socioeconomic data. Data on both hospitalisations and mortality attributable to coronary heart disease obtained from similar linkage schemes were used to approximate the relative need of procedures in socioeconomic groups. >Setting: Finland, 2 094 846 inhabitants in 1988 and 2 401 027 in 1996 aged 40 years and older, and Discharge Register data from all Finnish hospitals offering coronary procedures in 1988 and 1996. >Main results: The overall rate of coronary revascularisations in Finland increased by about 140% for men and 250% for women from 1988 to 1996. Over the same period, socioeconomic and gender disparities in operation rates diminished, as did the influence of regional supply of procedures on the extent of these differences. However, men, and better off groups in terms of occupation, education, and family income, continued to receive more operations than women and the worse off with the same level of need. >Conclusions: Although revascularisations in Finland increased 2.5-fold overall, some socioeconomic and gender inequities persisted in the use of cardiac operations relative to need. To improve equity, a further increase of resources may be needed, and practices taking socioeconomic and gender equity into account should be developed for the referral of coronary heart disease patients to hospital investigations.
机译:>设计:基于注册的链接研究; 1988年和1996年芬兰医院出院登记册中有关冠状动脉手术的信息分别与1970-1995年的全国人口普查相关联,以获取患者的社会经济数据。通过类似的联系方案获得的住院和可归因于冠心病的死亡率的数据被用于估算社会经济群体中手术的相对需求。 >设置:芬兰,1988年有2 094 846名居民,1996年有40岁以上的2 401 027,并且在1988年和1996年来自所有提供冠状动脉手术的芬兰医院的出院登记数据。>主要结果::从1988年到1996年,芬兰的男性冠状动脉血运重建总体比率增加了约140%,而女性则增加了250%。在同一时期,社会经济和性别差异的发生率有所降低,而区域性的影响也有所减少程序的提供对这些差异的程度。但是,在职业,教育和家庭收入方面,男性以及较富裕的群体继续获得比女性更多的业务,而在同样水平的需求下,较贫困的群体继续获得更多的业务。 >结论:尽管芬兰的血运重建总体增长了2.5倍,但相对于需求,心脏手术的使用仍然存在一些社会经济和性别不平等现象。为了提高公平性,可能需要进一步增加资源,并且应考虑社会经济和性别平等的做法,以将冠心病患者转介到医院调查。



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