首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>British Journal of Preventive Social Medicine >Conservatively managed tibial shaft fractures in Nottingham UK: are pain osteoarthritis and disability long-term complications?

Conservatively managed tibial shaft fractures in Nottingham UK: are pain osteoarthritis and disability long-term complications?




OBJECTIVES: To investigate longterm pain and disability subsequent to a tibial shaft fracture treated conservatively. DESIGN AND SETTING: Subjects who had sustained a tibial shaft fracture more than 27 years ago were compared with those who had not. SUBJECTS: 572 fracture patients (identified from the records of the plaster room) aged over 16 at the time of injury were contracted and were compared with 2285 randomly selected subjects matched for age, sex, and general practice. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Self reported knee pain; self reported GP's diagnosis of osteoarthritis; ability to climb stairs, walk 100 yards, to bend, kneel, or stoop; and SF-36 physical functioning score. RESULTS: Subjects were reviewed between 27 and 41 years after tibial shaft fracture (mean 35 years). Fracture patients were more likely to suffer chronic knee pain (odds ratio 1.23; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.00, 1.51) and report being given a diagnosis of osteoarthritis by their GP (odds ratio 1.46; 95% CI 1.08, 1.97). The ability to climb stairs, walk 100 yards, and bend, kneel, or stoop was less in the fracture group than the other subjects. The SF-36 physical function score was significantly lower in the fracture group. CONCLUSIONS: More than 27 years after a tibial shaft fracture, subjects have more knee pain than the rest of the population. They also have greater difficulty performing everyday physical activities. The excess morbidity may be due to injury factors or treatment factors, and further research is needed to investigate this important association further.
机译:目的:探讨保守治疗胫骨干骨折后的长期疼痛和残疾。设计与设置:将27年前胫骨干骨折的受试者与未骨折的受试者进行比较。研究对象:572名在受伤时年龄在16岁以上的骨折患者(从石膏室的记录中识别出)被收缩,并与年龄,性别和一般实践相匹配的2285名随机选择的受试者进行了比较。主要观察指标:自我报告膝关节疼痛。自我报告的GP诊断为骨关节炎;能够爬楼梯,走100码,弯曲,跪下或弯腰;和SF-36身体机能评分。结果:受试者在胫骨干骨折后27至41年(平均35年)进行了回顾。骨折患者更容易遭受慢性膝关节疼痛(比值1.23; 95%置信区间(CI)1.00,1.51),并报告其GP诊断为骨关节炎(比值1.46; 95%CI 1.08,1.97)。与其他受试者相比,骨折组的爬楼梯,行走100码以及弯曲,跪下或弯腰的能力要弱一些。骨折组的SF-36身体机能评分明显较低。结论:胫骨干骨折后超过27年,受试者的膝盖疼痛程度高于其余人群。他们也很难进行日常体育锻炼。发病率过高可能是由于损伤因素或治疗因素引起的,需要进一步研究以进一步研究这种重要的关联。



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