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Effects of inhibitors of the activity of cyclo-oxygenase-2 on the hypotension and multiple organ dysfunction caused by endotoxin: A comparison with dexamethasone




class="enumerated" style="list-style-type:decimal">Endotoxaemia is associated with the expression of the inducible isoform of cyclo-oxygenase, cyclo-oxygenase-2 (COX-2), and an overproduction of arachidonic acid (AA) metabolites. The role of the AA metabolites generated by COX-2 in the circulatory failure and multiple organ dysfunction caused by endotoxin is unclear. Dexamethasone prevents the expression of COX-2 and exerts beneficial effects in animal models of shock.Here we compare the effects of two inhibitors of COX-2 activity, namely NS-398 (5 mg kg−1, i.p., n=7) and SC-58635 (3 mg kg−1, i.p., n=9) with those of dexamethasone (3 mg kg−1, i.p., n=9) on the circulatory failure and organ dysfunction caused by lipopolysaccharide (LPS, E. coli, 6 mg kg−1, i.v., n=11) in the rat.Endotoxaemia for 6 h caused hypotension, acute renal dysfunction, hepatocellular injury, pancreatic injury and an increase in the plasma levels of 6-keto-PGF1α (indicator of the induction of COX-2) and nitriteitrate (indicator of the induction of iNOS).Pretreatment of rats with dexamethasone attenuated the hypotension, the renal dysfunction, the hepatocellular and pancreatic injury and the induction of COX-2 and iNOS caused by LPS. In contrast, inhibition of COX-2 activity with SC-58635 or NS-398 neither attenuated the circulatory failure nor the multiple organ failure caused by endotoxin.Thus, the prevention of the circulatory failure and the multiple organ injury/dysfunction caused by dexamethasone in the rat is not due to inhibition of the activity of COX-2. Our results suggest that an enhanced formation of eicosanoids by COX-2 does not contribute to the development of organ injury and/or dysfunction in rats with endotoxaemia.
机译:class =“ enumerated” style =“ list-style-type:decimal”> <!-list-behavior =枚举前缀-word = mark-type = decimal max-label-size = 0-> 内毒素血症与环氧合酶,环氧合酶-2(COX-2)的诱导型亚型的表达以及花生四烯酸(AA)代谢产物的过量生产有关。由COX-2产生的AA代谢产物在由内毒素引起的循环衰竭和多器官功能障碍中的作用尚不清楚。地塞米松可防止COX-2的表达并在休克动物模型中发挥有益作用。 在此,我们比较两种COX-2活性抑制剂NS-398(5μmgkg -1 ,ip,n = 7)和SC-58635(3 mg kg -1 ,ip,n = 9)与地塞米松(3 mg kg −1) ,ip,n = 9)对大鼠脂多糖(LPS,大肠杆菌,6μmgkg -1 ,iv,n = 11)引起的循环衰竭和器官功能障碍的影响 内毒素血症持续6h引起低血压,急性肾功能不全,肝细胞损伤,胰腺损伤以及6-酮-PGF1α(诱导COX-2的指标)和亚硝酸盐/的血浆水平升高。硝酸盐(iNOS的诱导指标)。 用地塞米松预处理可减轻LPS引起的低血压,肾功能不全,肝细胞和胰腺损伤以及COX-2和iNOS的诱导。相比之下,用SC-58635或NS-398抑制COX-2活性既不能减轻由内毒素引起的循环衰竭,也不能减轻多器官衰竭。 因此,预防循环衰竭和多器官功能衰竭地塞米松在大鼠中引起的损伤/功能障碍不是由于抑制COX-2的活性。我们的研究结果表明,内毒素血症大鼠中COX-2增强类花生酸的形成不会促进器官损伤和/或功能障碍的发展。



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