首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>British Journal of Pharmacology and Chemotherapy >Nitric oxide-dependent and -independent vascular hyporeactivity in mesenteric arteries of portal hypertensive rats

Nitric oxide-dependent and -independent vascular hyporeactivity in mesenteric arteries of portal hypertensive rats




class="enumerated" style="list-style-type:decimal">Increased production of nitric oxide (NO) has been suggested to underlie both the vascular hyporeactivity to vasoconstrictors and the splanchnic vasodilatation seen in portal hypertension. This study assessed the role of NO in the vasoconstrictor hyporeactivity of portal vein-ligated (PVL) rats in isolated and in situ perfused mesenteric arterial beds.Isolated perfused mesenteric arteries of PVL rats were significantly less reactive to noradrenaline (NA), methoxamine (METH), arginine vasopressin (AVP) and endothelin-1 (ET-1) than those from sham-operated (Sham) rats.Blockade of NO synthesis with NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME, 100 μM) in isolated perfused mesenteric arteries from PVL rats restored the reactivity to bolus injections of AVP and ET-1, but had little effect on the hyporeactivity to NA or METH. Cyclo-oxygenase inhibition with indomethacin (5 μM) likewise did not restore reactivity to METH of isolated perfused mesenteric arteries of PVL rats.The hyporeactivity to METH seen in isolated perfused mesenteric arteries from PVL rats was reduced by low concentrations of AVP (20 nM) or ET-1 (1 nM) which per se caused only a slight increase in perfusion pressure. When L-NAME (100 μM) was combined with AVP (20 nM) or ET-1 (1 nM), respectively, reactivity to METH of isolated perfused mesenteric arteries of PVL rats was restored to the level seen in Sham rats. These effects of AVP and ET-1 were not mimicked by precontracting the vessels with 5-hydroxytryptamine (5 μM).The differential effects of L-NAME and AVP on the hyporesponsiveness to methoxamine and AVP were corroborated by experiments performed with the in situ perfused mesenteric vascular bed preparation.These data indicate that both NO-dependent and NO-independent mechanisms are involved in the vasoconstrictor hyporesponsiveness of mesenteric arteries from portal hypertensive rats. The hyporeactivity to AVP and ET-1 is mediated by NO whereas the reduced responsiveness to adrenoceptor agonists appears to be predominantly NO-independent. AVP and ET-1, in addition, seem to inhibit the NO-independent mechanism of vascular hyporeactivity, since the hyporesponsiveness to METH was reduced in the presence of AVP or ET-1 and abolished by the combination of these peptides with L-NAME.
机译:class =“ enumerated” style =“ list-style-type:decimal”> <!-list-behavior =枚举前缀-word = mark-type = decimal max-label-size = 0-> 一氧化氮(NO)的产生增加被认为是在门静脉高压症中血管对血管收缩剂反应性低下和内脏血管扩张的基础。这项研究评估了NO在离体和原位灌注肠系膜动脉床中的门静脉结扎(PVL)大鼠的血管收缩反应性低下的作用。 (NA),甲氧明(METH),精氨酸加压素(AVP)和内皮素1(ET-1)高于假手术(Sham)大鼠。 使用N 阻止NO合成PVL大鼠离体肠系膜动脉中的G -硝基-L-精氨酸甲酯(L-NAME,100μm)恢复了推注AVP和ET-1的反应性,但对AVP和ET-1的低反应性影响很小NA或METH。吲哚美辛(5μm)抑制环氧合酶并不能恢复PVL大鼠离体灌注的肠系膜动脉对METH的反应性。 PVL大鼠离体灌注的肠系膜动脉对METH的低反应性降低了AVP(20 nM)或ET-1(1 nM)的浓度本身仅引起灌注压力的轻微增加。当L-NAME(100μm)与AVP(20μmM)或ET-1(1μmM)分别结合时,PVL大鼠离体灌注的肠系膜动脉对METH的反应性恢复到了Sham大鼠的水平。通过用5-羟色胺(5μM)预收缩血管,不能模仿AVP和ET-1的这些作用。 L-NAME和AVP对甲氧胺和AVP低反应性的差异作用得到了证实这些数据表明NO依赖性和NO依赖性机制均与门脉高压大鼠肠系膜血管的血管收缩性低反应性有关。 NO对AVP和ET-1的反应性低下,而对肾上腺素受体激动剂的反应性降低似乎主要与NO无关。此外,AVP和ET-1似乎抑制了血管反应性的NO依赖性机制,因为在AVP或ET-1的存在下,对METH的反应性降低了,而这些肽与L-NAME的结合消除了这种作用。



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