首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>British Journal of Pharmacology and Chemotherapy >Evidence that nitric oxide from the endothelium attenuates inherent tone in isolated pulmonary arteries from rats with hypoxic pulmonary hypertension.

Evidence that nitric oxide from the endothelium attenuates inherent tone in isolated pulmonary arteries from rats with hypoxic pulmonary hypertension.




1. The inherent contractile tone, and its modulation by the endothelium, have been studied in isolated pulmonary artery preparations taken from rats in which pulmonary hypertension was induced by exposure to a hypoxic environment (10% O2) for 14 days. Control rats were housed in room air. 2. All preparations in which the endothelium was left intact relaxed in response to acetylcholine (43 +/- 4% and 54 +/- 9%, reversal of the noradrenaline-induced contraction in control and hypoxic rats, respectively) indicating that the endothelium was functional in both groups of rats. 3. Exposure of the preparations to Ca(2+)-free physiological salt solution containing 2 mM EGTA for 30-40 min had no effect on preparations from control rats but caused relaxation in preparations from hypoxic rats. The relaxation (taken as a measure of the inherent tone in the preparations) was larger in preparations without endothelium (14.5 +/- 1.9 mN mm-2; n = 5) than in preparations with endothelium (9.1 +/- 1.2 mN mm-2; n = 5). 4. In preparations from hypoxic rats the magnitudes of the contractions to 80 mM K+ and to noradrenaline (0.1 microM) were less than in preparations from control rats. This may have been because the preparations from hypoxic rats were already partially contracted due to the inherent tone.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
机译:1.在从大鼠中分离出的肺动脉制剂中研究了固有的收缩张力及其受内皮的调节,在大鼠中,低氧环境(10%O2)暴露14天可诱发肺动脉高压。将对照大鼠饲养在室内空气中。 2.所有对乙酰胆碱有反应的内皮原封不动的制剂(43 +/- 4%和54 +/- 9%,去甲肾上腺素诱发的对照组和缺氧大鼠的收缩分别逆转)表明内皮在两组大鼠中均起作用。 3.将制剂暴露于含有2mM EGTA的不含Ca(2+)的生理盐溶液中30-40分钟对对照大鼠的制剂无影响,但导致缺氧大鼠的制剂松弛。没有内皮的制剂(14.5 +/- 1.9 mN mm-2; n = 5)的松弛度(作为制剂中固有色调的量度)比有内皮的制剂(9.1 +/- 1.2 mN mm- 2; n = 5)。 4.在缺氧大鼠的制剂中,至80 mM K +和去甲肾上腺素的收缩量(0.1 microM)小于对照大鼠的制剂。这可能是因为缺氧大鼠的制剂由于其固有的口气已经部分收缩了(摘要截断为250个单词)



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