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Effects in man and rabbits of inhalation of cotton dust or extracts and purified endotoxins




>Cavagna, G., Foá V., and Vigliani, E. C. (1969).Brit. J. industr. Med.,>26, 314-321. >Effects in man and rabbits of inhalation of cotton dust or extracts and purified endotoxins. The incidence of byssinosis in workers in a cotton card-room, where the airborne concentration of bacterial endotoxins was 7·2 μg./m.3, was 32%; and 47% in a hemp card-room where the endotoxin concentration was 8·7 μg./m.3; no cases were observed among workers exposed to only traces of endotoxins.The effect of the inhalation by aerosol of purified Escherichia coli endotoxin on F.E.V.1·0 and F.V.C. was studied in normal subjects and in patients with chronic bronchitis. A significant reduction in F.E.V.1·0 lasting more than 6 hours was observed in two out of eight normal subjects, in one out of three subjects with chronic bronchitis inhaling 80 μg. endotoxin, and in one out of four subjects with chronic bronchitis inhaling 40 μg. endotoxin. These results show that the inhalation of bacterial endotoxin can produce, in some individuals, changes in F.E.V.1·0 similar to those experienced on Mondays by some card-room workers.A study of the mechanism of pathogenesis of inhaled bacterial endotoxins was carried out on rabbits subjected for 20 weeks to aerosols of purified E. coli endotoxin (20 μg./day) and cotton extract (2 mg./day). This treatment produced patterns of bronchitis: i.e., a increase in the respiratory tract fluid with increased protein content and characteristic histopathological changes. The bronchitis occurred after the appearance of cross-reacting circulating antibodies against E. coli endotoxin and cotton extract. These antibodies were detected with the haemagglutination tests after the first three weeks of treatment, and in subsequent weeks reached progressively higher titres, up to a maximum of 1:512.A challenging aerosol of 0·1 mg. E. coli endotoxin in two rabbits and 10 mg. cotton extract in another two of the rabbits treated as above produced a marked increase in pulmonary resistance lasting more than two hours. In control rabbits a challenging aerosol of 1 mg. endotoxin or 100 mg. cotton extract caused only a moderate increase in pulmonary resistance, which returned to normal in less than one hour.It may be concluded that the repeated inhalation of endotoxins induces in rabbits a state of hypersensitivity and at the same time the appearance of inflammatory reactions in the bronchi and alterations in the mechanical properties of the lung. These changes may be significant in the pathogenesis of byssinosis.
机译:> Cavagna,G.,FoáV.和Vigliani,E. C.(1969)。英国。 J.工业。 Med。,> 26 ,314-321。 >吸入棉尘或提取物和纯化的内毒素对人和兔子的影响。在棉卡室中工人内毒素的发生率,其中空气中细菌内毒素的浓度为7·2μg。/ m。 3 为32%;内毒素浓度为8·7μg。/ m。 3 的麻卡房中为47%;在仅接触内毒素痕迹的工人中,未观察到任何病例。纯化的大肠杆菌内毒素气雾剂吸入对F.E.V.1·0和F.V.C.的影响。在正常受试者和慢性支气管炎患者中进行了研究。在八名正常受试者中,有两人患有慢性支气管炎,吸入80μg的F.E.V.1.0明显降低,持续时间超过6小时。内毒素,并在四分之一的慢性支气管炎受试者中吸入40μg。内毒素。这些结果表明,吸入细菌内毒素可以使某些人产生FEV1·0的变化,类似于某些持卡室工作人员星期一所经历的变化。对吸入细菌内毒素的发病机理进行了研究。兔子接受纯化的大肠杆菌内毒素(20微克/天)和棉花提取物(2毫克/天)的气雾剂处理20周。这种治疗产生了支气管炎的模式:即,呼吸道液增加,蛋白质含量增加,组织病理学特征改变。出现针对大肠杆菌内毒素和棉花提取物的交叉反应循环抗体后,发生支气管炎。在治疗的前三周后,通过血凝试验检测到了这些抗体,并在随后的几周内逐渐达到更高的滴度,最高可达1:512。挑战性气雾剂为0·1 mg。大肠杆菌内毒素在两只兔子和10毫克。如上处理的另外两只兔子中的棉花提取物使肺部抵抗力显着增加,持续超过两个小时。在对照兔中,挑战性的1 mg气雾剂。内毒素或100毫克。棉花提取物仅引起肺部抵抗力的中度升高,并在不到一小时的时间内恢复正常。可以得出结论,反复吸入内毒素会引起家兔超敏反应状态,同时会引起炎症反应的出现。支气管和肺机械特性的改变。这些变化可能在byssinosis的发病机理中很重要。



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