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The effects of Bordetella pertussis vaccine on cerebral vascular permeability.




The effect of Bordetella pertussis vaccine on the cerebral vascular permeability in the mouse was studied by a radio-isotope method (131I-labelled HSA). Intravenous injection of 4 x 1010 heat-killed pertussis organisms caused a measurable increase in permeability in normal mice. Cryoinjury to the cerebral hemispheres resulted in a striking increase in vascular permeability at 24 h. This declined within 48 h and stabilized at a level fractionally higher than normal at 7 days ("healed lesion"). When pertussis organisms were injected into mice bearing ("healed lesion"). When pertussis organisms were injected into mice bearing "healed lesions" the increase in permeability was similar in magnitude to that in uninjured brain. The effect was increased by a second administration of pertussis 24 h after the first. The action of pertussis on a newly inflicted cryoinjury was protective. It is suggested that permeability changes in the cerebral vessels may be involved in the evolution of the encephalopathy attributed to the use of Bordetella pertussis vaccine in man.
机译:通过放射性同位素方法(131I标记的HSA)研究了百日咳博德特氏菌疫苗对小鼠脑血管通透性的影响。静脉注射4 x 1010热杀死的百日咳杆菌引起正常小鼠的通透性增加。对脑半球的冷冻伤害导致24小时血管通透性显着增加。它在48小时内下降,并稳定在7天时比正常水平略高的水平(“伤口愈合”)。当将百日咳杆菌注射入带有“治愈的病灶”的小鼠中。当将百日咳杆菌注射入带有“已治愈的病灶”的小鼠体内时,通透性的增加幅度与未受伤的大脑相似。在第一次百日咳后第二次施用百日咳可增强疗效。百日咳对新近造成的冷冻损伤的作用是保护性的。有人认为,百日咳博德特氏菌疫苗在人体内的使用可能导致脑血管通透性的变化。



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