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  • NLM标题: Br J Cancer Suppl
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  • 机译 总览
    • 作者:
    • 刊名:The British Journal of Cancer. Supplement
    • 1996年第期
  • 机译 癌症和少数民族-卫生部的观点。
    • 作者:V. Bahl
    • 刊名:The British Journal of Cancer. Supplement
    • 1996年第期
    摘要:With more than 160,000 deaths annually cancer is the second commonest cause of death in the UK. The little evidence available shows that black and minority ethnic people are experiencing an increase in cancer-related mortality. The Government's Health of the Nation report produced in 1993 by the Department of Health identifies key areas, including cancer, where improvements in mortality and morbidity could be achieved, and an essential element relates to the needs of black and minority ethnic people. It is, for example, now well recognised that in terms of screening, treatment and palliation, cancer services are not always accessible and sensitive to the needs of this section of the population. Beginning with a demographic backdrop this paper reviews the data on the occurrence of cancer and on access to services by this section of the population. Relevant initiatives funded by the Department of Health are highlighted and a summary of the information sources to enable health care purchasers and service providers to assess the needs of their local population has also been given.
  • 机译 流行病学
    • 作者:
    • 刊名:The British Journal of Cancer. Supplement
    • 1996年第期
  • 机译 种族癌症的流行病学。
    • 作者:C. S. Muir
    • 刊名:The British Journal of Cancer. Supplement
    • 1996年第期
    摘要:Substantial differences in the level and patterns of cancer have long been known to exist. Thus, breast cancer mortality in England & Wales in 1908-1912 was ten times higher than in Japan. Today the risk differential is six-fold. The major geographical differences in cancer risk throughout the world are mentioned and the significance of study of changes in cancer risk in migrant populations is emphasised. Thus, while cancer of the large bowel is still relatively uncommon in Japan, the incidence in US Japanese is currently higher than in both US Whites and Blacks. As the Japanese have not changed their genes, it is likely that the higher levels of risk in the US are due to the environment. Within Singapore there are substantial differences in the risk of cancers of the nasopharynx and oesophagus between the various Chinese dialect groups. The information available on ethnic differences in cancer risk in the UK are reviewed. Current analyses are flawed by failure to distinguish between ethnic groups coming from the same continent. The collection of data on ethnic group at the 1991 census and the recently introduced requirement that this also be collected in hospital records will permit direct calculation of incidence and replace anecdote by fact.
  • 机译 种族间癌症数据的来源和使用。
    摘要:This paper identifies the data sources available in OPCS on cancer among ethnic groups, shows some of the findings of previous analyses and outlines the potential for further analyses and data collection. The main source of data comes from the registration of deaths in which country of birth of the decreased is recorded. Other sources of data include the General Household Survey (GHS) which enables analyses of risk factors such as smoking, alcohol and contraception. Data on cancer incidence among ethnic groups is currently limited. However in the future, both the Longitudinal Study and cancer registration data should provide measures of cancer incidence among ethnic groups.
  • 机译 少数民族人口中的癌症:流行病学数据的重点。
    摘要:The aim of this paper is to review the literature on the frequency of cancers to develop priorities for cancer policy, prevention, services and research for black and minority ethnic populations in Britain. Data on populations originating in the Indian sub-continent, and Caribbean and African Commonwealth were extracted from published works. Cancers were ranked (top seven) on the basis of the number of cases, actual frequency, and also on relative frequency (SMR, SRR, PMR). Cancer was found to be a common cause of death. For example, during 1979-83 the proportion of deaths resulting from neoplasms in immigrants living in England and Wales was 11% for Indian and African men aged 20-49, and 19% for Caribbeans. The corresponding proportions were higher among women. The pattern of cancer depended on the method used to assess rankings. On the basis of the number of cases the top 3 ranking cancers for adults were breast, long and neoplasms of the lymphatic system. Based on SMR's cancer of the gallbladder, liver and oral cavity ranked amongst the top 3 for adults. For children the top ranking cancers were acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, central nervous system tumours and neuroblastoma. Variations by ethnic group were more evident in the rankings of relative frequency than in rankings based on numbers of cases. In conclusion, the most common and preventable cancers among minority ethnic populations were the same as those for the general population. The different cancer pattern based on SMRs highlight additional needs and provide potential models for research into understanding the causes of these cancers. Health services policy and practice should ensure that the common and preventable cancers take priority over rare cancers and those for which there is no effective treatment or prevention. Priorities for policy, prevention, clinical care and research should be set separately, for they differ.
  • 机译 流行病学讨论
    • 作者:
    • 刊名:The British Journal of Cancer. Supplement
    • 1996年第期
  • 机译 提供服务
    • 作者:
    • 刊名:The British Journal of Cancer. Supplement
    • 1996年第期
  • 机译 评估族裔人群对癌症服务的健康需求。
    • 作者:S. Rawaf
    • 刊名:The British Journal of Cancer. Supplement
    • 1996年第期
  • 机译 乳房筛查和少数民族。
    • 作者:T. Hoare
    • 刊名:The British Journal of Cancer. Supplement
    • 1996年第期
    摘要:The concern for minority ethnic women is whether they are disadvantaged either in terms of the incidence of breast cancer or because of a lower uptake of screening. There are considerable worldwide variations in the incidence of breast cancer. The lowest rates are found in Chinese, Japanese and Arabic populations and women from the Indian subcontinent, and are 2-3 times lower than that of the UK. This may change in future generations. Although minority ethnic women are not a high risk group for the breast screening programme, in absolute terms breast cancer is a major health problem. Very few studies have measured ethnic differences in the uptake of screening, and they may be confounded by such factors as socio-economic group. When this is accounted for, uptake by Asian women may not necessarily be lower than by other women in the same area and can be higher for black than white women. One of the most important reasons for non-attendance is inaccurate screening registers, compounded for Asian women by their return, or extended visits, to the Indian subcontinent. A further organisational issue concerns poor awareness of minority ethnic naming systems, causing confusion over the receipt of invitations. Comprehension of the concept of screening may be difficult for minority ethnic women yet there has been little evaluation of strategies to promote understanding. However a randomised controlled trial of a linkworker intervention, designed to be feasible for implementation on a population basis, showed no increase in the uptake of breast screening by Asian women. This does not undermine linkworkers' role but suggests that their efforts should be used in other ways. It is essential to assess the relative importance of reasons for low uptake and evaluate measures to meet any unmet need, so that resources can be directed in the most effective way.
  • 机译 对布拉德福德少数民族妇女进行乳腺癌和子宫颈癌筛查的初步研究的评价; 1991-93年的社区发展方法。
    • 作者:E. E. Kernohan
    • 刊名:The British Journal of Cancer. Supplement
    • 1996年第期
    摘要:The objectives were: to provide information about breast and cervical cancer and related screening services to minority ethnic women, to enable them to make well informed decisions and choices; to adopt a health education strategy based on a community development approach, augmented by a local publicity campaign; and to evaluate both the direct and indirect effects of this project. To this end a community development intervention study was made over 18 months from October 1991 to March 1993 in Bradford, a multicultural city with 87,000 residents from minority ethnic groups. The subjects of the study were 1,628 women from minority ethnic groups in three geographical areas of Bradford. A stratified sample of 1,000 women (670 South Asian, 163 African-Caribbean, 96 Eastern European and 71 other) was interviewed at the beginning of the project and six months after the health promotion intervention. Two specifically trained Health Promotion Facilitators from minority ethnic groups undertook community development work within three neighbourhoods in Bradford with the largest minority ethnic populations. There were group sessions in both formal and informal settings, which included health education about breast and cervical cancer and the associated screening programmes. These sessions were in the women's preferred languages and audio-visual material and a specially designed teaching pack were used. There were significant differences in the baseline levels of knowledge about cervical cancer and breast cancer across the different minority ethnic groups. The South Asian women had the lowest levels of knowledge and also showed the most significant improvements. Significant increases in attendance for cervical smear and breast cancer screening were self-reported. These were confirmed by anecdotal views of local health professionals. In addition, a local self-help group for South Asian women was established; also the contacts with other related organisations and professionals has helped to raise the issues of ethnically sensitive services within the voluntary and statutory sectors. A community development approach to health promotion is particularly valuable in communities with low levels of knowledge about a diseases or health service provision. Community development approaches often produce outcomes that had not been predicted. There is a need to conduct a definitive study in this area of health promotion for minority ethnic populations with emphasis on evaluation, cost-benefit analysis and opportunity costs.
  • 机译 宫颈癌筛查:满足少数民族妇女的需求。
    • 作者:K. Luke
    • 刊名:The British Journal of Cancer. Supplement
    • 1996年第期
    摘要:Understanding of the uptake of cervical screening among women from minority ethnic groups, and how acceptable they find the process, still requires some considerable progress. This paper attempts to review the material available, identify the issues and discuss ways in which progress might be made in future. Mortality from cervical cancer is higher among women born in the Caribbean Commonwealth than the standardised rate for women living in England and Wales. By contrast, mortality among women born in the Indian subcontinent and African Commonwealth is comparatively lower. Data about the incidence of cervical cancer among minority ethnic women are in short supply and some research findings are contradictory. For instance, Asian women may have either higher or lower rates of cervical cancer than the rest of the female population. Clearly further work is needed to establish whether Asian or other minority populations are high risk groups and why. There is also a need to assess trends regularly to see what impact migration has on incidence and mortality rates. Recent publication by the Health Education Authority of the results of its survey of health and lifestyles among black and minority ethnic groups in England provided welcome information about their uptake of cervical screening. Rates differ considerably between the different minority groups surveyed and the challenge now is to use all this information to inform the process of developing an approach to increasing uptake that is culturally appropriate.
  • 机译 门户开放:黑人和少数民族社区成员改善获得临终关怀和专业姑息治疗服务的机会。关于姑息治疗的评论。
    摘要:To put Council's project on improving access to hospice and specialist palliative care services by members of the black and minority ethnic communities into context, palliative care will be defined, and the scope of palliative care services currently available in the UK outlined. Palliative care is the active total care of patients whose disease no longer responds to curative treatment. It is provided through a network of home-care, day-care, hospital support and hospital or hospice based in-patient services. These services are accessed mainly through GPs or hospital consultants and the extent to which people are referred depends on the knowledge of hospital consultants and GPs, and their perception of the value of the palliative care service to their patients. Council's project on improving access was supported by Cancer Relief Macmillan Fund and Help the Hospices as well as receiving a grant from the NHS Ethnic Minorities Unit. The report describes how the specialist palliative care services are currently provided in three areas with high minority ethnic populations and contains a series of recommendations around ethnic monitoring, equal opportunities strategies, staff training, communications and the provision of a more culturally sensitive service provision.
  • 机译 少数族裔人群的癌症临床结局。
    • 作者:P. Selby
    • 刊名:The British Journal of Cancer. Supplement
    • 1996年第期
  • 机译 服务提供讨论
    • 作者:
    • 刊名:The British Journal of Cancer. Supplement
    • 1996年第期
  • 机译 社区视角
    • 作者:
    • 刊名:The British Journal of Cancer. Supplement
    • 1996年第期
  • 机译 激发跨文化的信仰:原则和方法。
    • 作者:T. Sensky
    • 刊名:The British Journal of Cancer. Supplement
    • 1996年第期
    摘要:Lay beliefs about illness, its causes and its treatment, do not necessarily concur with medical knowledge, and can sometimes be highly idiosyncratic. These beliefs are likely to be influential in help-seeking, in patients' attitudes to professional help, and in the manner in which patients participate is the management of their illness. Clinicians thus need to understand such lay beliefs and attitudes in order to engage their patients in treatment and to provide optimal care. Lay beliefs are likely to be influenced by the individual's culture and hence also by ethnic group. In attempting to understand the patient's beliefs, the researcher or clinician runs the risk of ethnocentricity-viewing the patient's culture inappropriately from the clinician's own perspective. In some senses, this applies to every clinical encounter-patient and clinician always come from different cultures, in the broad sense. Sensitive clinicians develop expertise at bridging this cultural gap and seeing the patient's problems from the latter's viewpoint. However, more systematic investigation of beliefs and attitudes within a given culture can be pursued using the anthropological technique of ethnography. Ethnographic interviewing can yield qualitative data which can then be taken further in quantitative studies. To minimise the risks of ethnocentricity, it may be appropriate to analyse such data not using customary statistical methods but non-linear multivariate data analysis.
  • 机译 关于癌症的种族和健康信念:方法学的重要评论。
    摘要:This paper considers methodological issues raised by investigations into the relationship between health beliefs with respect to cancer and ethnicity. Because what people will proffer in response to a question about their health beliefs and ethnicity depends amongst other things, on the time and place of asking, and the identity, purpose and methodological approach of the person posing the question, we have focused exclusively on British material; also the practical issues discussed are largely relevant to Britain only.
  • 机译 英国孟加拉国社区中的槟榔和烟草咀嚼品。
    • 作者:R. Bedi
    • 刊名:The British Journal of Cancer. Supplement
    • 1996年第期
    摘要:Betel-quid chewing is believed to be widespread among the Bangladeshi community resident in the United Kingdom. However, little is known about the prevalence and social aspects of behaviour of this habit among this community. The aims of this paper are firstly to report on a large study investigating the usage of betel-quid and tobacco chewing among the Bangladeshi community in the United Kingdom. Secondly to highlight the health education messages that should be promoted by health professionals.
  • 机译 针对黑人和少数民族社区的戒烟计划。
    • 作者:C. FarrenJ. Naidoo
    • 刊名:The British Journal of Cancer. Supplement
    • 1996年第期
    摘要:Recent research carried out in Britain I amongst four black and minority ethnic groups provides information which can be used to support smoking cessation programmes targeted at these groups. Smoking prevalence rates are generally lower than for the white British population although there are some exceptions. Motivation to quit appears to be high. For example, knowledge of the health risks of smoking is high, as is the desire to quit. However there are fewer attempts to quit and therefore a lower than average smoking cessation rate. This indicates there is potential for targeted campaigns to achieve good results. Based on these findings smoking cessation targeted at black and minority ethnic groups would appear to be very timely. Innovative targeted campaigns with a national coverage are discussed including the Ramadan Project, a resource pack funded by the Department of Health and No Smoking Day. Local activities which target black and minority ethnic smokers in the workplace or cultural centres are also discussed. Recommendations for future smoking cessation strategies are suggested.


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