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  • 刊频: Quarterly
  • NLM标题: Breathe (Sheff)
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  • 机译 我在匈牙利待命的夜晚
    摘要:When I agreed to contribute a short piece about my experiences as a junior doctor in respiratory medicine I was spending the night on call at my workplace, the Department of Pulmonology, Semmelweis University. So it seemed pretty straightforward to write about my very recent journey through that night, including details to give you a general overview of my nights spent on call. I decided to write this essay the next morning, to ensure I would still be in the same mood.
  • 机译 我在西班牙待命的夜晚
    摘要:The day starts at 8:00 h with a clinical session in the Respiratory Service of the Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, in Barcelona, Spain; from 8:00 to 9:00 h, a colleague discusses and explains to the rest of the department the most important articles published in the past month in his assigned respiratory journal. I run out at 8:55 h as I am about to start a respiratory outpatient clinic, where I will see 24 patients over the next few hours. Hopefully I’ll have a break at 15:00 h so that I have the opportunity to have lunch and recover my energy to immerse myself in the evening–night shift.
  • 机译 我在波兰待命的夜晚
    摘要:I am a young doctor who graduated from the Medical University of Silesia in 2014. After 13 months of postgraduate training, passing a state examination and successful completion of the admission process I made a decision to specialise in Respiratory Medicine. I started working in a large clinical hospital that provides junior doctors with excellent opportunities for training and career development. The respiratory unit is highly specialised and deals with sleep-related medical problems, interstitial lung diseases and respiratory failure, which may be treated using noninvasive mechanical ventilation. Along with my training in respiratory medicine I decided to start working as an emergency room doctor in a different hospital, in order to improve my skills in treating life-threatening conditions.
  • 机译 沙龙的信心:斯蒂芬·霍尔盖特
    • 作者:
    • 刊名:Breathe
    • 2016年第3期
    摘要:ERS Science Council Chair, Stephen Holgate, gives an insight into his professional and private life
  • 机译 空气质量和肺部健康–风险
    • 作者:
    • 刊名:Breathe
    • 2016年第3期
  • 机译 欧洲联盟关于阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停驾驶执照的指令2014/85 / EU:在英国应用的早期经验
    摘要:OSA patients’ risk of RTA should be assessed using detailed driving history with specific focus on “red flags”
  • 机译 常见症状的罕见原因
    摘要:A rare cause for cough and fever
  • 机译 一名43岁的患者出现嗜酸性粒细胞增多和多系统疾病
    摘要:A middle-aged male presenting with marked eosinophilia and multisystem disease
  • 机译 孕妇体内的低氧血症
    摘要:A pregnant lady at gestational age of 32 weeks presents with refractory hypoxaemia in this case report
  • 机译 如何准备面试
    摘要:How to prepare for an interview; this is your moment to shine and turn it into a successful experience!
  • 机译 “儿科HERMES:欧洲对儿科呼吸医学培训中心的认可。”桑迪·萨特,莎朗·米切尔,恩斯特·埃伯,古尼拉·赫德林,法比奥·米杜拉,亚历山德拉·尼库莱斯库,吉米·帕顿,罗伯特·罗素·罗素,莫妮卡·加帕。呼吸2016; 12:105-110。
    • 作者:
    • 刊名:Breathe
    • 2016年第3期
  • 机译 新闻
    • 作者:
    • 刊名:Breathe
    • 2016年第4期
    摘要:Rare diseases are defined by a limited prevalence of ≤5 cases per 10 000 individuals in Europe [1]. This definition includes around 8000 diseases, many of which are unknown not only to the public but also to the vast majority of healthcare professionals and text books. It is estimated that, as a whole, rare diseases affect around 25 to 30 million people in Europe. Most rare diseases are chronic and debilitating and appear in early childhood or young adulthood, accounting for a significant proportion of infant mortality and childhood/life-long disability. Rare diseases have a number of problems in common: 1) being “invisible” to the healthcare systems; 2) the paucity of experts; 3) the lack of appropriate treatments; and 4) the social exclusion faced by patients and their families [1]. Specific coordinated initiatives in the field of rare diseases are required so as to assure equity in the provision of care, development of best practice, and adequate information for the healthcare professionals and society at large.
  • 机译 呼吸:呼吸系统健康和残疾
    摘要:The December issue of Breathe looks at respiratory health in people with disabilities
  • 机译 成人和小儿呼吸内科暑期学校:课程报告
    摘要:ERS hosted summer schools on adult and paediatric respiratory medicine in Lisbon, Portugal
  • 机译 智障性哮喘:我们是否适当管理患者?
    摘要:People with intellectual disability are a vulnerable group of people with asthma that has, to date, largely been ignored in the medical literature. Although guidelines for medication management for people with intellectual disability suggest asthma is treated as for other populations, there are special considerations that should be taken into account when managing asthma in this group. Due to their cognitive impairment as well as comorbidities, they are likely to require support with asthma self-management, including inhaler use. Their varying degrees of autonomy mean that there is often a need to provide education and information to both the person and their caregivers.Educational aims
    • To understand general principles of health of people with intellectual disability and how this affects the healthcare professional’s approach to asthma management.
    • To understand how intellectual disability affects cognition, autonomy and communication, and therefore the ability of a person to self-manage asthma.
    • To recognise ways of mitigating respiratory disease risk in people with intellectual disability.
    • To describe ways for healthcare professionals to support people with intellectual disability and their caregivers in asthma management.

    Short abstract

    People with intellectual disability can require special support for asthma self-management, including inhaler use
  • 机译 肌肉营养不良的呼吸障碍生理学
    摘要:Muscular dystrophy is a group of inherited myopathies characterised by progressive skeletal muscle wasting, including of the respiratory muscles. Respiratory failure, i.e. when the respiratory system fails in its gas exchange functions, is a common feature in muscular dystrophy, being the main cause of death, and it is a consequence of lung failure, pump failure or a combination of the two. The former is due to recurrent aspiration, the latter to progressive weakness of respiratory muscles and an increase in the load against which they must contract. In fact, both the resistive and elastic components of the work of breathing increase due to airway obstruction and chest wall and lung stiffening, respectively.The respiratory disturbances in muscular dystrophy are restrictive pulmonary function, hypoventilation, altered thoracoabdominal pattern, hypercapnia, dyspnoea, impaired regulation of breathing, inefficient cough and sleep disordered breathing. They can be present at different rates according to the type of muscular dystrophy and its progression, leading to different onset of each symptom, prognosis and degree of respiratory involvement.Key points
    • A common feature of muscular dystrophy is respiratory failure, i.e. the inability of the respiratory system to provide proper oxygenation and carbon dioxide elimination.
    • In the lung, respiratory failure is caused by recurrent aspiration, and leads to hypoxaemia and hypercarbia.
    • Ventilatory failure in muscular dystrophy is caused by increased respiratory load and respiratory muscles weakness.
    • Respiratory load increases in muscular dystrophy because scoliosis makes chest wall compliance decrease, atelectasis and fibrosis make lung compliance decrease, and airway obstruction makes airway resistance increase.
    • The consequences of respiratory pump failure are restrictive pulmonary function, hypoventilation, altered thoracoabdominal pattern, hypercapnia, dyspnoea, impaired regulation of breathing, inefficient cough and sleep disordered breathing.
    Educational aims
    • To understand the mechanisms leading to respiratory disturbances in patients with muscular dystrophy.
    • To understand the impact of respiratory disturbances in patients with muscular dystrophy.
    • To provide a brief description of the main forms of muscular dystrophy with their respiratory implications.

    Short abstract

    Respiratory failure is a common feature of and the main cause of death in muscular dystrophy
  • 机译 脊髓损伤患者的呼吸问题和处理
    摘要:Spinal cord injury (SCI) is characterised by profound respiratory compromise secondary to the level of loss of motor, sensory and autonomic control associated with the injury. This review aims to detail these anatomical and physiological changes after SCI, and outline their impact on respiratory function. Injury-related impairments in strength substantially alter pulmonary mechanics, which in turn affect respiratory management and care. Options for treatments must therefore be considered in light of these limitations.Key points
    • Respiratory impairment following spinal cord injury (SCI) is more severe in high cervical injuries, and is characterised by low lung volumes and a weak cough secondary to respiratory muscle weakness.
    • Autonomic dysfunction and early-onset sleep disordered breathing compound this respiratory compromise.
    • The mainstays of management following acute high cervical SCI are tracheostomy and ventilation, with noninvasive ventilation and assisted coughing techniques being important in lower cervical and thoracic level injuries.
    • Prompt investigation to ascertain the extent of the SCI and associated injuries, and appropriate subsequent management are important to improve outcomes.
    Educational aims
    • To describe the anatomical and physiological changes after SCI and their impact on respiratory function.
    • To describe the changes in respiratory mechanics seen in cervical SCI and how these changes affect treatments.
    • To discuss the relationship between injury level and respiratory compromise following SCI, and describe those at increased risk of respiratory complications.
    • To present the current treatment options available and their supporting evidence.

    Short abstract

    Spinal cord injury impairs respiratory function. The associated impairments can be well managed.
  • 机译 全科医生和罕见的肺部疾病:发展罕见的肺部疾病教育工作队
    摘要:General Practitioners need support to recognise rare lung disorders and advise patients on the best available care
  • 机译 远程阻塞性肺疾病的远程医疗
    摘要:Telemedicine is a medical application of advanced technology to disease management. This modality may provide benefits also to patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Different devices and systems are used. The legal problems associated with telemedicine are still controversial. Economic advantages for healthcare systems, though potentially high, are still poorly investigated. A European Respiratory Society Task Force has defined indications, follow-up, equipment, facilities, legal and economic issues of tele-monitoring of COPD patients including those undergoing home mechanical ventilation.Key points
    • The costs of care assistance in chronic disease patients are dramatically increasing.
    • Telemedicine may be a very useful application of information and communication technologies in high-quality healthcare services.
    • Many remote health monitoring systems are available, ensuring safety, feasibility, effectiveness, sustainability and flexibility to face different patients’ needs.
    • The legal problems associated with telemedicine are still controversial.
    • National and European Union governments should develop guidelines and ethical, legal, regulatory, technical, administrative standards for remote medicine.
    • The economic advantages, if any, of this new approach must be compared to a “gold standard” of homecare that is very variable among different European countries and within each European country.
    • The efficacy of respiratory disease telemedicine projects is promising (i.e. to tailor therapeutic intervention; to avoid useless hospital and emergency department admissions, and reduce general practitioner and specialist visits; and to involve the patients and their families).
    • Different programmes based on specific and local situations, and on specific diseases and levels of severity with a high level of flexibility should be utilised.
    • A European Respiratory Society Task Force produced a statement on commonly accepted clinical criteria for indications, follow-up, equipment, facilities, legal and economic issues also of telemonitoring of ventilator-dependent chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients.
    • Much more research is needed before considering telemonitoring a real improvement in the management of these patients.
    Educational aims
    • To clarify definitions of aspects of telemedicine
    • To describe different tools of telemedicine
    • To provide information on the main clinical results
    • To define recommendations and limitations

    Short abstract

    We need much more evidence before telemedicine can be considered as real progress in the management of COPD patients
  • 机译 脑瘫和睡眠呼吸障碍
    摘要:Despite the known correlation between neurodisability and sleep disordered breathing, cases are still missed


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