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Secondary Aneurysmal Bone Cyst in a Craniofacial Fibrous Dysplasia: Case Report




Aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC) is a rare non-neoplastic bone lesion that involves mostly the long bones and vertebrae and may occur very rarely in the craniofacial bones. ABCs may occur as secondary bony pathologies in association with various benign and malignant bone tumors and with fibrous dysplasia (FD). FD is a common non-neoplastic bony pathology mostly affecting craniofacial bones. Secondary ABC occurring in craniofacial FD is extremely rare, with only approximately 20 cases reported in the literature to date. Here, we report on a case of secondary ABC in a 25-year-old woman who has had a craniofacial deformity for over 10 years and who presented to us with a rapidly growing painful pulsatile mass in the right frontal region that began over 2 months prior to admission. On thorough examination of computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging brain scans taken at two-month interval, an aggressive, rapidly enlarging ABC, arising from the right frontal FD, was diagnosed. The patient underwent preoperative embolization followed by gross total resection of the ABC and cranioplasty. The 6-month follow up showed no recurrence of the ABC, nor was any progression of the FD noticed.
机译:动脉瘤性骨囊肿(ABC)是一种罕见的非肿瘤性骨病变,主要累及长骨和椎骨,在颅面骨中很少发生。 ABC可能作为继发性骨病变而出现,与各种良性和恶性骨肿瘤以及纤维异常增生(FD)有关。 FD是一种常见的非肿瘤性骨病理,主要影响颅面骨。颅面FD发生继发性ABC极为罕见,迄今为止文献中仅报道了约20例。在此,我们报告了一名25岁女性的颅面畸形超过10年,并在我们的右额叶区域向我们展示了一个快速增长的疼痛性搏动性肿块的25岁女性继发性ABC的情况,该疼痛开始于2个月以上入学前。通过对计算机断层扫描和磁共振成像的彻底检查,每两个月进行一次脑部扫描,可以诊断出由右额叶FD引起的侵袭性,迅速增大的ABC。患者接受了术前栓塞术,随后完全切除了ABC和颅骨成形术。经过6个月的随访,未发现ABC复发,也未发现FD的任何进展。



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