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  • 刊频: 8 no. a year, 2003-
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  • 机译 大脑区域比例早期改变的系统发生起源。
    摘要:Adult galliform birds (e.g. chickens) exhibit a relatively small telencephalon and a proportionately large optic tectum compared with parrots and songbirds. We previously examined the embryonic origins of these adult species differences and found that the optic tectum is larger in quail than in parakeets and songbirds at early stages of development, prior to tectal neurogenesis onset. The aim of this study was to determine whether a proportionately large presumptive tectum is a primitive condition within birds or a derived feature of quail and other galliform birds. To this end, we examined embryonic brains of several avian species (emus, parrots, songbirds, waterfowl, galliform birds), reptiles (3 lizard species, alligators, turtles) and a monotreme (platypuses). Brain region volumes were estimated from serial Nissl-stained sections. We found that the embryos of galliform birds and lizards exhibit a proportionally larger presumptive tectum than all the other examined species. The presumptive tectum of the platypus is unusually small. The most parsimonious interpretation of these data is that the expanded embryonic tectum of lizards and galliform birds is a derived feature in both of these taxonomic groups.
  • 机译 机会性沙漠雀科动物对类固醇和社会刺激的血管调节素神经元活动的隐秘调控但对解剖结构的影响不大。
    摘要:In most vertebrate species, the production of vasotocin (VT; non-mammals) and vasopressin (VP; mammals) in the medial bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BSTm) waxes and wanes with seasonal reproductive state; however, opportunistically breeding species might need to maintain high levels of this behaviorally relevant neuropeptide year-round in anticipation of unpredictable breeding opportunities. We here provide support for this hypothesis and demonstrate that these neurons are instead regulated ‘cryptically’ via hormonal regulation of their activity levels, which may be rapidly modified to adjust VT signaling. First, we show that combined treatment of male and female zebra finches (Estrildidae: Taeniopygia guttata) with the androgen receptor antagonist flutamide and the aromatase inhibitor 1,4,6-androstatriene-3,17-dione does not alter the expression of VT immunoreactivity within the BSTm; however, both hormonal treatment and social housing environment (same-sex versus mixed-sex) alter VT colocalization with the immediate early gene product Fos (a proxy marker of neural activation) in the BSTm. In a second experiment, manipulations of estradiol (E2) levels with the aromatase inhibitor letrozole (LET) or subcutaneous E2 implants failed to alter colocalization, suggesting that the colocalization effects in experiment 1 were solely androgenic. LET treatment also did not affect VT immunoreactivity in a manner reversible by E2 treatment. Finally, comparisons of VT immunoreactivity in breeding and nonbreeding individuals of several estrildid species demonstrate that year-round stability of VT immunoreactivity is found only in highly opportunistic species, and is therefore not essential to the maintenance of long-term pair bonds, which are ubiquitous in the Estrildidae.
  • 机译 软体动物的损伤记忆:慢性疼痛和神经系统疾病的进化见解。
    摘要:Molluscan preparations have yielded seminal discoveries in neuroscience, but the experimental advantages of this group have not, until now, been complemented by adequate molecular or genomic information for comparisons to genetically defined model organisms in other phyla. The recent sequencing of the transcriptome and genome of Aplysia californica, however, will enable extensive comparative studies at the molecular level. Among other benefits, this will bring the power of individually identifiable and manipulable neurons to bear upon questions of cellular function for evolutionarily conserved genes associated with clinically important neural dysfunction. Because of the slower rate of gene evolution in this molluscan lineage, more homologs of genes associated with human disease are present in Aplysia than in leading model organisms from Arthropoda (Drosophila) or Nematoda (Caenorhabditis elegans). Research has hardly begun in molluscs on the cellular functions of gene products that in humans are associated with neurological diseases. On the other hand, much is known about molecular and cellular mechanisms of long-term neuronal plasticity. Persistent nociceptive sensitization of nociceptors in Aplysia displays many functional similarities to alterations in mammalian nociceptors associated with the clinical problem of chronic pain. Moreover, in Aplysia and mammals the same cell signaling pathways trigger persistent enhancement of excitability and synaptic transmission following noxious stimulation, and these highly conserved pathways are also used to induce memory traces in neural circuits of diverse species. This functional and molecular overlap in distantly related lineages and neuronal types supports the proposal that fundamental plasticity mechanisms important for memory, chronic pain, and other lasting alterations evolved from adaptive responses to peripheral injury in the earliest neurons. Molluscan preparations should become increasingly useful for comparative studies across phyla that can provide insight into cellular functions of clinically important genes.
  • 机译 关于复杂的大脑和神经元的独立起源
    • 作者:Leonid L. Moroz
    • 刊名:Brain Behavior and Evolution
    • -1年第3期
    摘要:Analysis of the origin and evolution of neurons is crucial for revealing principles of organization of neural circuits with unexpected implications for genomic sciences, biomedical applications and regenerative medicine. This article presents an overview of some controversial ideas about the origin and evolution of neurons and nervous systems, focusing on the independent origin of complex brains and possible independent origins of neurons. First, earlier hypotheses related to the origin of neurons are summarized. Second, the diversity of nervous systems and convergent evolution of complex brains in relation to current views about animal phylogeny is discussed. Third, the lineages of molluscs and basal metazoans are used as illustrated examples of multiple origins of complex brains and neurons. Finally, a hypothesis about the independent origin of complex brains, centralized nervous systems and neurons is outlined. Injury-associated mechanisms leading to secretion of signal peptides (and related molecules) can be considered as evolutionary predecessors of inter-neuronal signaling and the major factors in the appearance of neurons in the first place.
  • 机译 鹌鹑和大鼠中D1样和D2样多巴胺受体亚型的相对密度的物种差异:体外定量放射自显影研究
    摘要:Evidence has accumulated that the regulation of male sexual behavior by dopamine may not be the same in Japanese quail (and perhaps all birds) as it is in mammals. For example, the non-selective dopamine receptor agonist, apomorphine (APO) facilitates male sexual behavior in rats but inhibits it in quail. Although the general organization of the dopamine system is similar in birds and mammals, it is possible that the relative distribution and/or density of binding sites is different. We therefore compared the relative densities of D1-like and D2-like receptor subtypes in Japanese quail and rats, with the use of in vitro quantitative receptor autoradiography. Brain sections from 8 male rats and 8 male quail were labeled with [3H]SCH-23390 and [3H]Spiperone. In general we found a systematic species difference in the relative density of D1-like vs. D2-like receptors such that the D2/D1 ratio is higher in quail than in rats in areas well known to be important target sites for dopamine action such as striatal regions. We also uncovered significant differences in the relative density of D1-like and D2-like receptors in brain areas associated with sexual behavior, including the preoptic area, such that there was a greater D2/D1 ratio in quail as compared to rats. This difference may explain the variation in the behavioral effectiveness of APO in rats as compared to quail; with a higher relative density of D2-like receptors in quail, a similar dose of APO would be more likely to activate inhibitory processes in quail than in rats.
  • 机译 2- 125I iodomelatonin结合在墨西哥自由尾蝙蝠(Tadarida brasiliensis)的大脑中的分布。
    摘要:The neurohormone melatonin is an important signal for both time of day and time of year in many seasonally breeding animals. High densities of melatonin receptors have been found in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, median eminence, and the pituitary gland in almost all mammals investigated so far, and lower densities of melatonin receptors have also been localized to other brain regions varying in a species-specific fashion. Because species-specific differences in receptor distributions have been correlated with differences in behavior and ecology, a comparative study of how melatonin receptors are distributed in vertebrate brains can be useful to the understanding of the functional organization of neural circuits controlling daily and seasonal behaviors. In this study, we localized and characterized melatonin binding sites in the brain of the Mexican free-tailed bat (Tadarida brasiliensis) using in vitro autoradiography with 2-[125I]iodomelatonin. Tadarida brasiliensis is a nocturnal insectivorous mammal that seasonally migrates, reproduces once a year, and exhibits documented sexual dimorphisms in seasonal reproductive behaviors, most notably in courtship vocalizations. Prominent 2-[125I]iodomelatonin binding was found in the median eminence, suprachiasmatic nuclei, and hippocampus, similar to that observed in other mammals. High densities of binding were also localized to structures of the basal ganglia, including the caudate nucleus, putamen, and nucleus accumbens, a feature commonly observed in songbirds but not in mammals. Saturation analysis indicated that the observed binding sites had an affinity for melatonin typical of the binding properties for the Mel1a receptor subtype. We conclude that melatonin receptor distributions in the Mexican free-tailed bat brain appear to show similarities with the reproductive and circadian systems of other mammals and the basal ganglia of songbirds.
  • 机译 鲨鱼髓磷脂Po蛋白的表征
    摘要:Myelin, the insulating sheath made by extensive plasma membrane wrappings is dependent on the presence of highly adhesive molecules that keep the two sides of the membrane in tight contact. The Po glycoprotein (Po) is the major component of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) myelin of mammals. The exact role that Po protein has played in the evolution of myelin is still unclear, but several phylogenetic observations point to it as a crucial component in the development of myelin as a multi-lamellar membrane structure. Sharks, which appeared in evolution about 400 million years ago, are the first fully myelinated organisms. In this study we set out to investigate the expression pattern of shark myelin Po as a way of understanding how it might have played a role in the evolution of myelin in the central nervous system. We found that shark have more than two isoforms (32, 28 and 25kD), and that some of these might not be fully functional because they lack the domains known for Po homophilic adhesion.
  • 机译 听觉寄生虫(Emblemasoma sp。石棺科双翅目)的听觉敏感性和潜在宿主的呼唤行为
    摘要:Using field broadcasts of model male calling songs, we tested whether Tibicen pruinosa and T. chloromera (Homoptera: Cicadidae) are candidate hosts for acoustic parasitoid flies. The model calling song of T. pruinosa attracted 90% of the flies (Sarcophagidae: Emblemasoma sp.; all larvapositing females) when broadcast simultaneously with the model T. chloromera song, a phonotactic bias reconfirmed in single song playbacks. In paired broadcasts of model T. pruinosa songs with different relative amplitudes (3 dB or 6 dB), significantly more flies were attracted to the more powerful song, a result consistent with the responses predicted by a model proposed by . Using intracellular recordings and dye injections, we characterized the sensitivity of auditory units in sound-trapped flies. Intracellular recordings from six auditory units (5 interneurons, 1 afferent) revealed best sensitivity for frequencies near 3-4 kHz, matching the predominant spectral components of the calling songs of both species of cicada. Interestingly, although flies could be attracted to T. pruinosa broadcasts throughout the day, hourly censuses of singing males revealed that calling occurred exclusively at dusk. Furthermore, the duration of the dusk chorus in T. pruinosa was significantly shorter than the midday chorus of the less attractive song of T. chloromera. We propose that the tight temporal aggregation of the dusk chorus time could function to reduce risk from attracted parasitoids.
  • 机译 生殖激素会改变雌性无尾类动物中典型的通讯信号的接收。
    摘要:In many vertebrates, the production and reception of species-typical courtship signals occurs when gonadotropin and gonadal hormone levels are elevated. These hormones may modify sensory processing in the signal receiver in a way that enhances behavioral responses to the signal. We examined this possibility in female túngara frogs (Physalaemus pustulosus) by treating them with either gonadotropin (which elevated estradiol) or saline and exposing them to either mate choruses or silence. Expression of an activity-dependent gene, egr-1, was quantified within two sub-nuclei of the auditory midbrain to investigate whether gonadotropin plus chorus exposure induced greater egr-1 induction than either of these stimuli alone. The laminar nucleus (LN), a sub-nucleus of the torus semicircularis that contains steroid receptors, exhibited elevated egr-1 induction in response to chorus exposure and gonadotropin treatment. Further analysis revealed that neither chorus exposure nor gonadotropin treatment alone elevated egr-1 expression in comparison to baseline levels whereas gonadotropin + chorus exposure did. This suggests that mate signals and hormones together produce an additive effect so that together they induce more egr-1 expression than either alone. Our previously published studies of female túngara frogs reveal that (1) gonadotropin-induced estradiol elevations also increase behavioral responses to male signals, and (2) reception of male signals elevates estradiol levels in the female. Here, we report data that reveal a novel mechanism by which males exploit female sensory processing to increase behavioral responses to their courtship signals.
  • 机译 田鼠大脑中促肾上腺皮质激素释放因子和Urocortin 1的分布
    摘要:Brain receptor patterns for the corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) receptors, CRF1 and CRF2, are dramatically different between monogamous and promiscuous vole species, and CRF physiologically regulates pair bonding behavior in the monogamous prairie vole. However, little is known whether species differences also exist in the neuroanatomical distribution of the endogenous ligands for the CRF1 and CRF2 receptors, such as CRF and urocortin-1 (Ucn1). We compared the expression of CRF and Ucn1 in four vole species, monogamous prairie and pine voles, and promiscuous meadow and montane voles, using in situ hybridization of CRF and Ucn1 mRNA. Our results reveal that CRF mRNA expression patterns in all four vole species appear highly conserved throughout the brain, including the olfactory bulb, nucleus accumbens, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, medial preoptic area, central amygdala, hippocampus, posterior thalamus, and cerebellum. Similarly, Ucn1 mRNA primarily localized to the Edinger-Westphal nucleus in all four vole species. Immunocytochemistry in prairie and meadow voles confirmed localization of CRF and Ucn1 protein to these previously identified brain regions. These data demonstrate a striking dichotomy between the extraordinary species diversity of brain receptor patterns when compared to the highly conserved brain distributions of their respective ligands. Our findings generate novel hypotheses regarding the evolutionary mechanisms underlying the neural circuitry of species-typical social behaviors.
  • 机译 实验老鼠的眼睛在解剖学上仍然适应自然条件
    摘要:Evolutionary effects of domestication have been demonstrated for several body systems, including the eye, and for several vertebrate species, including the mouse. Given the importance of the laboratory mouse to vision science, we wished to determine whether the anatomical and histological features of the eyes of laboratory mice are distinct from those of their naturally adapted, wild counterparts. We measured dimensions and masses of whole eyes and lenses from a wild population plus three inbred strains (C57BL/6J, NZB/BINJ, and DBA/1J) of the house house, Mus musculus, as well as wild and outbred laboratory-domesticated stock of the deer mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus. Histological preparations from these eyes were used to determine outer nuclear layer thickness, linear density of the ganglion cell layer, and for indirect immunofluorescence evaluation of cone opsin expression. For all of these traits, no statistically significant differences were found between any laboratory strain and its wild counterpart. The evolutionary effects of domestication of mice therefore do not include changes to the eye in any variable measured, supporting the continued use of this animal as a model for a naturally adapted visual system.
  • 机译 保持感觉细胞和不断发展的神经元将它们连接到大脑:脊椎动物耳朵发育中的分子保守性和新颖性
    摘要:The evolution of the mechanosensory cellular module and the molecular details that regulate its development has included morphological modifications of these cells as well as the formation of larger assemblies of mechanosensory cell aggregates among metazoans. This has resulted in a wide diversity of mechanosensory organs. The wide morphological diversity of organs, including the associated morphological modifications of the mechanosensory cells, suggests parallel evolution of these modules and their associated organs. This morphological diversity is in stark contrast to the molecular conservation of developmental modules across phyla. These molecular data suggest that the evolution of mechanosensory transduction might have preceded that of distinct cellular differentiation. However, once a molecular network governing development of specialized cells involved in mechanosensory transduction evolved, that molecular network was preserved across phyla. Present data suggest that at least the common ancestor of triploblastic organisms, perhaps even the common diploblastic ancestor of bilaterian metazoans, had molecular and cellular specializations for mechanosensation. It is argued that the evolution of multicellular organs dedicated to specific aspects of mechanosensation, such as gravity and sound perception, are evolutionary transformations that build on this conserved molecular network for cellular specialization, but reflect distinct morphological solutions. We propose that the sensory neurons, connecting the craniate ear with the brain, are a derived feature of craniates, and possibly chordates, that came about through diversification of the lineage forming mechanosensory cells during development. This evolutionarily late event suggests a heterochronic shift, so that sensory neurons develop in mammals prior to mechanosensory hair cells. However, sensory neuron development is connected to hair cell development, likely in a clonal relationship. The theme of cellular conservation is reiterated in two examples of chordate otic diversification: the evolution of the horizontal canal system and the evolution of the basilar papilla/cochlea. It is suggested that here again, cellular multiplication and formation of a special epithelium predates the functional transformation to an ‘organ’ system for horizontal angular acceleration and sound pressure reception, respectively. Overall, evolution of the vertebrate ear needs to be understood as an interplay between and utilization of two gene networks or modules. One is at the level of the molecularly and developmentally conserved mechanosensory cellular module. The other is an increased complexity in the morphology of both adult mechanosensory cells and organs by the addition of end-stage and novel features and associated gene networks to detect specific aspects of mechanosensory stimuli.
  • 机译 行为和胺神经化学在小龙虾获得和维持社会地位中的动态相互作用
    摘要:This review summarizes a set of experimental approaches with which we explore fighting behavior in crayfish and the importance of aminergic systems in its control. Our results illustrate that agonistic behavior in crustaceans can be characterized within a quantitative framework, that different types of behavioral plasticity in aggressive behavior are in need of physiological explanation, and that pharmacological intervention involving serotonergic systems produces characteristic changes in fighting. Moreover, we attempt to identify changes in neurochemistry during the acquisition of social status. Many of the studies presented here summarize ongoing work. Nonetheless, results to date complement and extend previous detailed physiological, morphological and biochemical studies exploring the roles of amines in aggression.
  • 机译 再次探讨非人类灵长类动物的希尔夫裂隙不对称性:MRI比较研究
    摘要:Magnetic resonance images (MRI) were collected in a sample of 28 apes, 16 Old World monkeys and 8 New World monkeys. The length of the sylvian fissure (SF) and the superior temporal sulcus (STS) was traced in each hemisphere from three regions of the cerebral cortex. These three regions were labeled according to their position on the sagittal plane as lateral, medial and insular. It was hypothesized that the length and asymmetry of these fissures would be dependent on the region of measurement and that a leftward asymmetry in the SF and STS would be more robust in the great ape sample than for the monkeys. The results indicated within the ape sample a population-level leftward asymmetry in the medial and insular regions of the SF. Within the Old and New World monkey samples, the SF was leftward in the medial region at the population level, but not at the insular region. Additionally, the Old World monkeys exhibited a population-level rightward lateral SF and a rightward lateral STS. No other families exhibited population-level asymmetries in the lateral region of the SF or in any region of the STS. These results are consistent with findings reported in apes and, to a lesser extent, monkeys. MRI has excellent potential for comparing neuroanatomy across taxonomic families that will help future investigations.
  • 机译 后脑菱形的表型规范和脊椎动物的节律性起源。
    摘要:This essay considers the ontogeny and phylogeny of the cranial neural circuitry producing rhythmic behaviors in vertebrates. These behaviors are characterized by predictable temporal patterns established by a neuronal network variously referred to as either a pacemaker, neural oscillator or central pattern generator. Comparative vertebrate studies have demonstrated that the embryonic hindbrain is divided into segmented compartments called rhombomeres, each of which gives rise to a distinct complement of cranial motoneurons and, as yet, unidentified populations of interneurons. We now propose that novel rhythmic circuits were innovations associated with the adoption of cardiac and respiratory pumps during the protochordate-vertebrate transition. We further suggest that the pattern-generating circuits of more recent innovations, such as the vocal, electromotor and extraocular systems, have originated from the same Hox gene-specified compartments of the embryonic hindbrain (rhombomeres 7–8) that gave rise to rhythmically active cardiac and respiratory circuits. Lastly, we propose that the capability for pattern generation by neurons originating from rhombomeres 7 and 8 is due to their electroresponsive properties producing pacemaker oscillations, as best typified by the inferior olive which also has origins from these same hindbrain compartments and has been suggested to establish rhythmic oscillations coupled to sensorimotor function throughout the neuraxis of vertebrates.
  • 机译 关于语音作为生物学上重要信号的感知
    摘要:This paper reviews some of the major evidence and arguments currently available to support the view that human speech perception may require the use of specialized neural mechanisms for perceptual analysis. Experiments using synthetically produced speech signals with adults are briefly summarized and extensions of these results to infants and other organisms are reviewed with an emphasis towards detailing those aspects of speech perception that may require some need for specialized species-specific processors. Finally, some comments on the role of early experience in perceptual development are provided as an attempt to identify promising areas of new research in speech perception.
  • 机译 纯粹的marmoset批评
    • 作者:Todd M. Preuss
    • 刊名:Brain Behavior and Evolution
    • -1年第2-3期


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