首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>BMJ Case Reports >Case Report: Neuroleptic malignant syndrome associated with haloperidol use in critical care setting: should haloperidol still be considered the drug of choice for the management of delirium in the critical care setting?

Case Report: Neuroleptic malignant syndrome associated with haloperidol use in critical care setting: should haloperidol still be considered the drug of choice for the management of delirium in the critical care setting?




A 48-year-old man was brought to the emergency department because of intoxication. The patient was in respiratory distress, subsequently intubated for airway protection. On hospital day 5, he was diagnosed with delirium. Haloperidol was initiated at 5 mg intravenous every 6 h and titrated up to a dose of 60 mg /day over 5 days. On hospital day 18, his temperature peaked to 107.1°F. Other symptoms included mental status change, muscular rigidity and autonomic dysfunction. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) associated with haloperidol was suspected. No other causes for these symptoms were present. Concurrent medications were reviewed and ruled out for possible drug-induced fever. Haloperidol was discontinued and dantrolene and bromocriptine was initiated. The temperature decreased to 102.2°F within 3 h and other symptoms resolved overtime. The temporal relationship between the patient's fever decline with the discontinuation of haloperidol, and improvement with dantrolene and bromocriptine, the diagnosis was believed to be haloperidol-induced NMS.
机译:由于中毒,一名48岁男子被带到急诊室。该患者呼吸窘迫,随后插管进行气道保护。在医院的第5天,他被诊断出ir妄。氟哌啶醇以每6µh静脉内5µmg的剂量开始,并在5天之内滴定至每天60µmg的剂量。在医院的第18天,他的体温达到了107.1°F的峰值。其他症状包括精神状态改变,肌肉僵硬和自主神经功能障碍。怀疑与氟哌啶醇有关的抗精神病药物恶性综合症(NMS)。没有其他原因引起这些症状。审查了同时用药,并排除了可能的药物引起的发烧。停用氟哌啶醇,并开始使用丹特罗和溴隐亭。温度在3 h内降至102.2°F,随着时间的推移,其他症状得到缓解。病人的发烧减少与氟哌啶醇停用之间的时间关系与丹特罗林和溴隐亭改善之间的时间关系,据认为诊断是氟哌啶醇诱导的NMS。



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