
Balantidiasis in a dromedarian camel




A 3 years old male dromedarian camel was examined because of anorexia and diarrhea. The affected camel was depressed, tachycardic, eupnic, and had a body temperature of 38.8 °C. Mucous membranes were hyperemic and faeces was soft and mucous coated but of normal colour and odour. Faecal examination revealed a large number of Balantidium coli trophozoites and cysts (15 000/g) and no other parasite could be detected in faecal sample. Seven days after the onset of treatment using intramuscular antibiotic (ampicillin) and anti inflammatory agent (flunixin meglumine), the food consumption, clinical signs and faecal consistency were normal, and faecal examination revealed no parasite. Presence of no other pathogen in faecal samples, and concurrent disappearance of clinical signs and absence of the parasite in the faeces confirmed a diagnosis of balantidiasis. There are only two previous reports about the balantidiasis in camel and the current report is the first report of camel balantidiasis in Iran and supports the proposed role of camels as a reservoir host for Balantidium coli in Iran.
机译:由于厌食和腹泻,对3岁的雄性单峰骆驼进行了检查。受影响的骆驼情绪低落,心动过速,紫红色,体温为38.8°C。粘膜充血,粪便柔软,粘膜覆盖,但颜色和气味正常。粪便检查发现粪便中有大量Bal虫滋养体和囊肿(15 000 / g),没有其他寄生虫。在开始使用肌内抗生素(氨苄青霉素)和抗炎药(氟尼辛葡甲胺)治疗的第7天,食物消耗,临床体征和粪便稠度均正常,粪便检查未发现任何寄生虫。粪便样本中无其他病原体,并伴有临床体征消失和粪便中无寄生虫,证实诊断为Balantidiasis。以前只有两篇有关骆驼毛病的报道,而本报告是伊朗骆驼毛病的第一份报告,它支持骆驼作为伊朗Bal病的宿主的提议作用。



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