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  • 刊频: Quarterly, 2015-
  • NLM标题: Asian J Urol
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  • 机译 肉毒杆菌毒素和前列腺增生
    • 作者:Lay Guat Ng
    • 刊名:Asian Journal of Urology
    • 2018年第1期
    摘要:Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a clinical condition where lower urinary tract symptoms are caused by both a physically obstructing prostate as well as tight smooth muscles around the bladder outlet. Treatment of this condition with botulinum toxin has been used since 2003, but this interest has somewhat died down after two large randomized controlled trials (RCTs) showing equivalence of results between their treatment and placebo arms. However, with review of animal studies and unexplained exaggerated effect of the placebo arms of the two RCTs, together with recent data of sustained benefits after 18 months of treatment, the place of botulinum toxin in the BPH field is probably still present.
  • 机译 BPH的腹腔镜腺切除术–它今天有作用吗?
    摘要:Symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is managed medically worldwide, but transurethral resection of prostate (TURP) is the gold standard in refractory cases. Holmium laser enucleation of prostate (HoLEP), laser vaporization are other options which are widely practiced. However in larger glands which are more than 80 g, open adenomectomy is still practiced. Laparoscopic adenomectomy is a minimally invasive option in such circumstances. This article explains about different techniques in minimally invasive adenomectomy and the role for this procedure today. Laparoscopic simple prostatectomy (LSP) has a place in symptomatic, larger prostatic adenoma in the hands of experienced laparoscopic surgeons when open simple prostatectomy is needed.
  • 机译 男性下尿路症状(LUTS)的非侵入性评估
    摘要:Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) are common in males over the age of 40 years old and are likely to increase with an aging population. Currently urodynamic studies are the gold standard to determine the aetiology of voiding dysfunction and LUTS. However, due to its invasive nature, a great number of non-invasive ultrasound based investigations have been developed to assess patients with symptomatic LUTS. The clinical application of non-invasive tests could potentially stratify patients who would require more invasive investigations and allow more precise patient directed treatment. A PubMed literature review was performed and we will discuss the non-invasive investigations that have been developed thus far, focusing on bladder wall and detrusor wall thickness (BWT & DWT), ultrasound estimated bladder weight (UEBW) and intravesical prostatic protrusion (IPP).
  • 机译 双极经尿道摘除术和前列腺切除术:是否准备好取代TURP?
    摘要:ObjectiveAccording to the EAU Guidelines, transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) has so far still been considered as the gold standard for surgical treatment for patients with obstructing clinical benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH). However, its relatively high rate of complications and postoperative recurrence necessitates further modification and innovation on the surgery technique. We reported the patient outcomes with our technique.
  • 机译 联合免疫疗法治疗晚期前列腺癌:增强T细胞部队的实力
  • 机译 苦瓜提取物对草酸钙晶体的相和形态的影响
    摘要:ObjectiveCalcium oxalate crystals are found in majority of kidney stones with calcium oxalate monohydrate (COM) as one of the primary types of kidney stones. Various methods of treatment exist, including herbal treatment in the Philippines that uses the medicinal herb Blumea balsamifera (B. balsamifera).
  • 机译 前列腺癌患者间断性雄激素剥夺治疗的点点滴滴
    摘要:Intermittent androgen deprivation therapy (IADT) is now being increasingly opted by the treating physicians and patients with prostate cancer. The most common reason driving this is the availability of an off-treatment period to the patients that provides some relief from treatment-related side-effects, and reduced treatment costs. IADT may also delay the progression to castration-resistant prostate cancer. However, the use of IADT in the setting of prostate cancer has not been strongly substantiated by data from clinical trials. Multiple factors seem to contribute towards this inadequacy of supportive data for the use of IADT in patients with prostate cancer, e.g., population characteristics (both demographic and clinical), study design, treatment regimen, on- and off-treatment criteria, duration of active treatment, endpoints, and analysis. The present review article focuses on seven clinical trials that evaluated the efficacy of IADT vs. continuous androgen deprivation therapy for the treatment of prostate cancer. The results from these clinical trials have been discussed in light of the factors that may impact the treatment outcomes, especially the disease (tumor) burden. Based on evidence, potential candidate population for IADT has been suggested along with recommendations for the use of IADT in patients with prostate cancer.
  • 机译 睾丸激素的替代维持了睾丸切除大鼠海绵体的平滑肌含量
    摘要:ObjectiveTo evaluate the effects of testosterone (T) on the maintenance of corpus cavernosum (CC) structure and apoptosis.
  • 机译 局灶性转移性肾细胞癌患者术前炎症标记物预后的新评分
    摘要:ObjectiveSeveral inflammatory markers have been studied as potential biomarkers in renal cell carcinoma (RCC), however few reports have analyzed their prognostic value in aggregate and in non-clear cell histologies. We hypothesize that a combination of specific inflammatory markers into an RCC Inflammatory Score (RISK) could serve as a rigorous prognostic indicator of overall survival (OS) in patients with clear cell and non-clear cell RCC.
  • 机译 膀胱癌根治性膀胱切除术患者的治疗前中性粒细胞与淋巴细胞比例预示着较差的生存结果和晚期肿瘤分期
    摘要:ObjectiveTo determine the role of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) in prognosticating survival outcomes in patients with advanced/metastatic urothelial bladder cancer.
  • 机译 前列腺小且膀胱低位前列腺突出的患者–尿动力学评估
    摘要:ObjectiveDespite high-grade intravesical prostatic protrusion (IPP) being closely related to bladder outlet obstruction (BOO), up to 21% of patients with low IPP remain obstructed. This study evaluates the characteristics and urodynamic findings of men with small prostates and low IPP.
  • 机译 拔牙后前会阴疝
    摘要:Perineal hernia is a rare complication of anterior exenteration. We reported this complication after an anterior exenteration for bladder cancer with bleeding complication requiring packing and second-look laparotomy. Perineal approach is a simple and effective method for repair of perineal hernia.
  • 机译 无意中将导尿管置入输尿管:3例报告并文献复习
    摘要:We describe three cases of inadvertent placement of the urinary catheter into the ureter. An 85-year-old gentleman on long-term indwelling catheter (IDC) for neurogenic bladder presented with fever and right flank pain. CT of abdomen and pelvis demonstrated the tip of the IDC to be located within the right vesicoureteric junction with acute right hydronephrosis and acute pyelonephritis. A 74-year-old woman, on long-term IDC for neurogenic bladder was found to have hydronephrosis on ultrasound imaging. Contrast-enhanced CT intravenous pyelography done subsequently showed the IDC was in the right distal ureter. A 47-year-old lady, on IDC for urinary retention and voiding dysfunction likely secondary to schizophrenia and anti-psychotic medications, presented with raised creatinine. A non-enhanced CT of her abdomen and pelvis was done and showed that the tip of the urethral IDC was located up to the left vesicoureteric junction. In all patients, the hydronephrosis resolved after changing the catheter and they were well on discharge. We also review the literature to identify the incidence, outcomes and possible risk factors. To our knowledge, only 20 cases have been reported thus far in the English literature. Although serious complications can occur, the incidence is very low. One risk factor that has been identified is long-term catheterization in patients with neurogenic bladder. We do not recommend routine imaging after catheterization in this group of patients. However, we should still be mindful of the possibility of this occurrence and evaluate and treat as necessary when clinical suspicion arises.
  • 机译 成功移除一名49岁男性的阴囊收缩环
    摘要:Placement of constricting devices around the penis and scrotum for autoerotic purposes or increasing sexual performance represents a well-known challenge for urologists and can result in serious complications. The removal of the constricting devices can be challenging and often requires resourcefulness and multidisciplinary approach. We report one case of successful removal of a penoscrotal constricting metal ring in a 49-year-old male using a hand-held orthopaedic saw under ketamine and midazolam sedation in the emergency department.
  • 机译 关于男性LUTS / BPH的当前共识和争议(第一部分)
    • 作者:Keong Tatt Foo
    • 刊名:Asian Journal of Urology
    • 2017年第3期
  • 机译 从2000年到现在的BPH管理-从BPH到BPO
    摘要:The diagnosis and treatment of benign prostatic obstruction (BPO) is based on a number of well-known lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) feared by all ageing males with functional testes. The ascent of modern urology turned this disease from lethal into an annoying but treatable health problem in the previous century. We are able to relieve the great majority of patients from their bothersome symptoms to a respectable quality of life by medication or removal of the obstructive part of the enlarged prostate. We can be proud of some progress made in the new millennium to reach a correct diagnosis and subsequent choice of treatment aiming for quality of life and cost-efficiency for public health. Still it remains symptomatic treatment and we expect the new generation of urologists to close some gaps in our knowledge on the regulation of prostatic growth to focus on prevention and elimination of the disease in the foreseeable future.
  • 机译 临床良性前列腺增生的流行病学
    • 作者:Kok Bin Lim
    • 刊名:Asian Journal of Urology
    • 2017年第3期
    摘要:Clinical benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is one of the most common diseases in ageing men and the most common cause of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). The prevalence of BPH increases after the age of 40 years, with a prevalence of 8%–60% at age 90 years. Some data have suggested that there is decreased risk among the Asians compared to the western white population. Genetics, diet and life style may play a role here. Recent reports suggest the strong relationship of clinical BPH with metabolic syndrome and erectile dysfunction, as well as the possible role of inflammation as a cause of the prostatic hyperplasia. Lifestyle changes including exercise and diet are important strategies in controlling this common ailment.
  • 机译 临床良性前列腺增生症的病理生理学
    • 作者:Keong Tatt Foo
    • 刊名:Asian Journal of Urology
    • 2017年第3期
    摘要:A disease can be defined as an abnormal anatomy (pathology) and/or function (physiology) that may cause harm to the body. In clinical benign prostatic hyperplasis (BPH), the abnormal anatomy is prostate adenoma/adenomata, resulting in a varying degree of benign prostatic obstruction (BPO) that may cause harm to the bladder or kidneys. Thus clinical BPH can be defined as such and be differentiated from other less common causes of male lower urinary tract symptoms. Diagnosis of the prostate adenoma/adenomata (PA) can be made by measuring the intravesical prostatic protrusion (IPP) and prostate volume (PV) with non-invasive transabdominal ultrasound (TAUS) in the clinic. The PA can then be graded (phenotyped) according to IPP and PV. Multiple studies have shown a good correlation between IPP/PV and BPO, and therefore progression of the disease. The severity of the disease clinical BPH can be classified into stages from stage I to IV for further management. The classification is based on the effect of BPO on bladder functions, namely that of emptying, normal if post-void residual urine (PVRU) < 100 mL; and bladder storage, normal if maximum voided volume (MVV) > 100 mL. The effect of BPO on quality of life (QoL) can be assessed by the QoL index, with a score ≥3 considered bothersome. Patients with no significant obstruction and no bothersome symptoms would be stage I; those with no significant obstruction but has bothersome symptoms (QoL ≥ 3) would be stage II; those with significant obstruction (PVRU > 100 mL; or MVV < 100 mL), irrespective of symptoms would be stage III; those with complications of the disease clinical BPH such as retention of urine, bladder stones, recurrent bleeding or infections would be stage IV. After assessment, further management can then be individualised. A low grade and stage disease can generally be watched (active surveillance) while a high grade and stage disease would need more invasive management with an option for surgery. The final decision making would take into account the patient's age, co-morbidity, social economic background and his preferences/values. Proper understanding of pathophysiology of clinical BPH would lead to better selection of patients for individualised and personalised care and more cost effective management.
  • 机译 无症状性炎症性前列腺炎对组织学良性前列腺增生男性下尿路症状发作和进展的影响
    摘要:Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a condition that greatly affects the quality of life of middle-aged and elderly men. Histopathologically, hyperplastic changes frequently occur in the prostate tissue of elderly men, the incidence of which has been reported to reach approximately 80% in men in their 70s. In clinical practice, approximately 25% of men with histologic BPH are assumed to experience lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and receive some kind of treatment. In other words, there are some men with histologic BPH who do not exhibit LUTS. For that reason, many factors, such as the change in hormonal environment, the immune or autoimmune response, the alteration of gene expression, and so on, are thought to affect the onset and progression of LUTS in men with histologic BPH. One such factor that has long drawn attention is the presence of asymptomatic histological inflammation, which very often accompanies symptomatic BPH. Recent studies have suggested that asymptomatic histological inflammation causes repeated destruction, healing, and regeneration of the prostate tissue, leading to the enlargement of prostatic nodules, while at the same time causing stromal tissue-predominant remodeling of the prostate tissue, which can increase urination resistance and result in the condition changing from asymptomatic BPH to symptomatic BPH. In future, the biomolecular clarification of the significance of asymptomatic histological inflammation in the prostate tissue could help develop new treatment strategies for BPH accompanied by LUTS.
  • 机译 代谢综合征和前列腺增生:最新进展
    摘要:Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a cluster of metabolic abnormalities related to central adiposity and insulin resistance. Its importance is increasingly recognized as it associates with increased risks of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. These metabolic aberrations of MetS may lead to development of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) in men. A 26.5%–55.6% prevalence of MetS in men with LUTS was reported in worldwide studies. Although the exact biological pathway is not clear yet, insulin resistance, increased visceral adiposity, sex hormone alterations and cellular inflammatory reactions played significant roles in the related pathophysiological processes. Clinician should recognize the cardiovascular and metabolic impacts of MetS in men with LUTS, early risk factors optimization and use of appropriate medical therapy may possibly alter or slower the progression of LUTS/BPH, and potentially avoid unnecessary morbidities and mortalities from cardiovascular and metabolic diseases for those men.


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