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  • 刊频: Four issues per year, 2014-
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  • 机译 特刊—药物基因组学和个性化医学应用和转化基因组学杂志
  • 机译 C-C型趋化因子受体5型(CCR5):控制HIV感染的新兴靶标
    摘要:When HIV was initially discovered as the causative agent of AIDS, many expected to find a vaccine within a few years. This has however proven to be elusive; it has been approximately 30 years since HIV was first discovered, and a suitable vaccine is still not in effect. In 2009, a paper published by Hutter et al. reported on a bone marrow transplant performed on an HIV positive individual using stem cells that were derived from a donor who was homozygous for a mutation in the CCR5 gene known as CCR5 delta-32 (Δ32) (). The HIV positive individual became HIV negative and remained free of viral detection after transplantation despite having halted anti-retroviral (ARV) treatment. This review will focus on CCR5 as a key component in HIV immunity and will discuss the role of CCR5 in the control of HIV infection.
  • 机译 药物基因组学治疗学和个性化医学-临床试验的复杂性:发展中世界的挑战
    • 作者:Nimita Limaye
    • 刊名:Applied Translational Genomics
    • 2013年第-1期
    摘要:While the potential for the application of pharmacogenomics and theranostics to develop personalized healthcare solutions is enormous, multiple challenges will need to be addressed to get there. Understanding the complex interactions and detailed characterization of the functional variants of individual ADME (Absorption Distribution Metabolism Excretion) genes and drug target genes is needed to demonstrate clinical utility, using both a bottoms-up as well as a top–down approach. Clinical trials need to be designed appropriately so as to identify not only individual but also population variations. The impact of non-genetic and environmental factors, epigenetic variations and circadian rhythms on an individual's response need to be assessed to make pharmacogenomics clinically indicated. More advanced algorithms and appropriate study designs need to be developed to allow this pipeline to grow and to be used effectively in the clinical setting.Another challenge lies in the value proposition to the pharmaceutical industry. Fearing the impact of the slice and dice approach on revenues, companies are going slow on developing pharmacogenomic solutions; yet many are hedging their bets, amassing huge amounts of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) data. They are being used as predictors of drug efficacy and safety to zero in on subpopulations that are at risk for either a bad response or no response in clinical trials, supporting the Fail fast, Fail cheap approach. In addition, the growth of theranostics is impeded by the fear that the approval of both the diagnostic and the drug would get delayed. Education of the health care provider, payor, regulator and the patient is also required and an exercise of change management needs to occur.Countries such as India should exploit the joint benefit of the reduced cost of tests today, complemented by a large and a highly genetically diverse population.
  • 机译 遏制南非的干细胞旅游
    摘要:Stem cells have received much attention globally due in part to the immense therapeutic potential they harbor. Unfortunately, malpractice and exploitation (financial and emotional) of vulnerable patients have also drawn attention to this field as a result of the detrimental consequences experienced by some individuals that have undergone unproven stem cell therapies. South Africa has had limited exposure to stem cells and their applications and, while any exploitation is detrimental to the field of stem cells, South Africa is particularly vulnerable in this regard. The current absence of adequate legislation and the inability to enforce existing legislation, coupled to the sea of misinformation available on the Internet could lead to an increase in illegitimate stem cell practices in South Africa. Circumstances are already precarious because of a lack of understanding of concepts involved in stem cell applications. What is more, credible and easily accessible information is not available to the public. This in turn cultivates fears born out of existing superstitions, cultural beliefs, rituals and practices. Certain cultural or religious concerns could potentially hinder the effective application of stem cell therapies in South Africa and novel ways of addressing these concerns are necessary. Understanding how scientific progress and its implementation will affect each individual and, consequently, the community, will be of cardinal importance to the success of the fields of stem cell therapy and regenerative medicine in South Africa. A failure to understand the ethical, cultural or moral ramifications when new scientific concepts are introduced could hinder the efficacy and speed of bringing discoveries to the patient. Neglecting proper procedure for establishing the field would lead to long delays in gaining public support in South Africa. Understanding the dangers of stem cell tourism – where vulnerable patients are subjected to unproven stem cell therapies that have not undergone peer review or been registered with the relevant local authorities – becomes imperative so that strategies to overcome this threat can be implemented.
  • 机译 将基因特征分析整合到常规分子检测中
    • 作者:Neng Chen
    • 刊名:Applied Translational Genomics
    • 2013年第-1期
    摘要:The success of gene and gene expression profiling, such as the Oncotype DX® test for breast cancer patients, demonstrates that as technology becomes more sophisticated molecular diagnostics will continue to play a more important role in disease management in the future. Such promises have been and continue to be enabled by advances in real-time PCR, microarray detection platforms and next generation sequencing technologies. Practical adoption of new technologies into routine clinical care, however, has not always been a smooth ride. Challenges lie on several fronts: establishment of clinical validity in large scale patient population, mechanisms of incorporating molecular tests into standard care, and keeping up with the pace of ever changing technologies in regulated clinical laboratories, just to name a few. This review's goals are to educate, to stimulate discussion and to provoke efforts to build consensus, share resources, and establish standards in order to realize the promises of genomic technologies for routine patient care.
  • 机译 不断发展的医学和研究基因组学领域的实践伦理和法规考虑
    摘要:Recent advances in sequencing technology are making possible the application of large-scale genomic analyses to individualized care, both in wellness and disease. However, a number of obstacles remain before genomic sequencing can become a routine part of clinical practice. One of the more significant and underappreciated is the lack of consensus regarding the proper environment and regulatory structure under which clinical genome sequencing and interpretation should be performed. The continued reliance on pure research vs. pure clinical models leads to problems for both research participants and patients in an era in which the lines between research and clinical practice are becoming increasingly blurred. Here, we discuss some of the ethical, regulatory and practical considerations that are emerging in the field of genomic medicine. We also propose that many of the cost and safety issues we are facing can be mitigated through expanded reliance on existing clinical regulatory frameworks and the implementation of distributive work-sharing strategies designed to leverage the strengths of our genomics centers and clinical interpretive teams.
  • 机译 人类疾病的进化基因组学方法介绍
  • 机译 人类适应的疾病后果
    • 作者:Justin C. Fay
    • 刊名:Applied Translational Genomics
    • 2013年第-1期
    摘要:Adaptive evolution has provided us with a unique set of characteristics that define us as humans, including morphological, physiological and cellular changes. Yet, natural selection provides no assurances that adaptation is without human health consequences; advantageous mutations will increase in frequency so long as there is a net gain in fitness. As such, the current incidence of human disease can depend on previous adaptations. Here, I review genome-wide and gene-specific studies in which adaptive evolution has played a role in shaping human genetic disease. In addition to the disease consequences of adaptive phenotypes, such as bipedal locomotion and resistance to certain pathogens, I review evidence that adaptive mutations have influenced the frequency of linked disease alleles through genetic hitchhiking. Taken together, the links between human adaptation and disease highlight the importance of their combined influence on functional variation within the human genome and offer opportunities to discover and characterize such variation.
  • 机译 Phylooncogenomics:在脊椎动物进化的背景下检查癌症基因组
    摘要:Currently, human cancer genomics is making great progress, and many mutations of new cancer driver genes have been detected at an unprecedented rate in a variety of human cancers. Many details of the genetic alterations in cancer cell genomes have been revealed by the massively parallel sequencing. Long-lasting aneuploidy caused large-scale somatic copy number alterations remains a difficulty as there are too many genes located on such big chromosomal fragments, and this cannot simply be solved by increasing sequencing depth and tumor sample numbers. Comparative oncogenomics may provide us with a solution to this problem. Here, we review some of the common animal cancer models and propose to analyze cancer cell genomics in vertebrate phylogenetic backgrounds. Thus phylooncogenomics may provide us with a unique perspective on he nature of cancer biology unattainable by single species studies.
  • 机译 母体对哺乳动物后代发育的调控是与泌乳有关的古老适应
    摘要:The developmental origins of health and disease (DOHaD) is a paradigm for understanding metabolic diseases of modern humans. Vulnerability to disease is linked to perturbations in development during critical time periods in fetal and neonatal life. These perturbations are caused by environmental signals, often generated or transduced by the mother. The regulation of mammalian development depends to a large extent on maternal biochemical signals to her offspring. We argue that this adaptation is ancient, and originated with the evolution of lactation. Lactation evolved earlier than live birth and before the extensive placental development of modern eutherian mammals. Milk contains a host of signaling molecules including nutrients, immunoglobulins, growth factors and metabolic hormones. As evidenced by marsupials, lactation originally served to supply the biochemical factors for growth and development for what is essentially a fetus to a weanling transitioning to independent existence. In placental mammals maternal signaling in earliest life is accomplished through the maternal–placental–fetal connection, with more of development shifted to in utero life. However, significant development occurs postpartum, supported by milk. Mothers of all taxa provide biochemical signals to their offspring, but for non-mammalian mothers the time window is short. Developing mammals receive maternal biochemical signals over an extended period. These signals serve to guide normal development, but also can vary in response to environmental conditions. The ancient adaptation of lactation resulted in a lineage (mammals) in which maternal regulation of offspring development evolved to a heightened degree, with the ability to modify development at multiple time points. Modern metabolic diseases may arise due to a mismatch between maternal regulation and eventual circumstances of the offspring, and due to a large proportion of mothers that exceed past evolutionary norms in body fat and pregnancy weight gain such that maternal signals may no longer be within the adaptive range.
  • 机译 胎盘生物学和疾病的进化观点
    摘要:In all mammals including humans, development takes place within the protective environment of the maternal womb. Throughout gestation, nutrients and waste products are continuously exchanged between mother and fetus through the placenta. Despite the clear importance of the placenta to successful pregnancy and the health of both mother and offspring, relatively little is understood about the biology of the placenta and its role in pregnancy-related diseases. Given that pre- and peri-natal diseases involving the placenta affect millions of women and their newborns worldwide, there is an urgent need to understand placenta biology and development. Here, we suggest that the placenta is an organ under unique selective pressures that have driven its rapid diversification throughout mammalian evolution. The high divergence of the placenta complicates the use of non-human animal models and necessitates an evolutionary perspective when studying its biology and role in disease. We suggest that diversifying evolution of the placenta is primarily driven by intraspecies evolutionary conflict between mother and fetus, and that many pregnancy diseases are a consequence of this evolutionary force. Understanding how maternal–fetal conflict shapes both basic placental and reproductive biology – in all species – will provide key insights into diseases of pregnancy.
  • 机译 从PPROM到caul:哺乳动物膜破裂的演变
    摘要:Rupture of the extraembryonic membranes that form the gestational sac in humans is a typical feature of human parturition. However, preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) occurs in approximately 1% of pregnancies, and is a leading cause of preterm birth. Conversely, retention of an intact gestational sac during parturition in the form of a caul is a rare occurrence. Understanding the molecular and evolutionary underpinnings of these disparate phenotypes can provide insight into both normal pregnancy and PPROM. Using phylogenetic techniques we reconstructed the evolution of the gestational sac phenotype at parturition in 55 mammal species representing all major viviparous mammal groups. We infer the ancestral state in therians, eutherians, and primates, as in humans, is a ruptured gestational sac at parturition. We present evidence that intact membranes at parturition have evolved convergently in diverse mammals including horses, elephants, and bats. In order to gain insight into the molecular underpinnings of the evolution of enhanced membrane integrity we also used comparative genomics techniques to reconstruct the evolution of a subset of genes implicated in PPROM, and find that four genes (ADAMTS2, COL1A1, COL5A1, LEPRE1) show significant evidence of increased nonsynonymous rates of substitution on lineages with intact membranes as compared to those with ruptured membranes. Among these genes, we also discovered that 17 human SNPs are associated with or near amino acid replacement sites in those mammals with intact membranes. These SNPs are candidate functional variants within humans, which may play roles in both PPROM and/or the retention of the gestational sac at birth.
  • 机译 自然选择对影响复杂人类特征的遗传变异的影响
    摘要:It has recently been hypothesized that polygenic adaptation, resulting in modest allele frequency changes at many loci, could be a major mechanism behind the adaptation of complex phenotypes in human populations. Here we leverage the large number of variants that have been identified through genome-wide association (GWA) studies to comprehensively study signatures of natural selection on genetic variants associated with complex traits. Using population differentiation based methods, such as FST and phylogenetic branch length analyses, we systematically examined nearly 1300 SNPs associated with 38 complex phenotypes. Instead of detecting selection signatures at individual variants, we aimed to identify combined evidence of natural selection by aggregating signals across many trait associated SNPs. Our results have revealed some general features of polygenic selection on complex traits associated variants. First, natural selection acting on standing variants associated with complex traits is a common phenomenon. Second, characteristics of selection for different polygenic traits vary both temporarily and geographically. Third, some studied traits (e.g. height and urate level) could have been the primary targets of selection, as indicated by the significant correlation between the effect sizes and the estimated strength of selection in the trait associated variants; however, for most traits, the allele frequency changes in trait associated variants might have been driven by the selection on other correlated phenotypes. Fourth, the changes in allele frequencies as a result of selection can be highly stochastic, such that, polygenic adaptation may accelerate differentiation in allele frequencies among populations, but generally does not produce predictable directional changes. Fifth, multiple mechanisms (pleiotropy, hitchhiking, etc) may act together to govern the changes in allele frequencies of genetic variants associated with complex traits.
  • 机译 应用和转化基因组学 —有何新内容?
    • 作者:Dhavendra Kumar
    • 刊名:Applied Translational Genomics
    • 2012年第-1期
  • 机译 利用MeDIP实时定量PCR进行唐氏综合症无创产前诊断的新方法
    摘要:During the last decade, the area of non-invasive prenatal diagnosis (NIPD) has rapidly evolved. Several methodological approaches have been presented and demonstrated a proof of concept for the NIPD of chromosomal aneuploidies. The two most promising methods are NIPD using next generation sequencing technologies and NIPD using Methylation DNA Immunoprecipitation (MeDIP) with real time qPCR. Both approaches have been validated with blind studies and have > 99% accuracy. NIPD using next generation sequencing is achieved by high throughput shotgun sequencing of DNA from plasma of maternal women followed by ratio comparisons of each chromosome sequence tag density over the median tag density of all autosomes (z-score analysis). The MeDIP real time qPCR method, which is described in this review in more detail, is based on the identification of differentially methylated regions (DMRs) and their use in discriminating normal from abnormal cases. More than 10,000 DMRs were identified for chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X and Y using high resolution oligo-arrays that can be potentially used for the NIPD of aneuploidies for chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X and Y. Both NIPD methods have several advantages and limitations and it is believed that they will soon be implemented in clinical practice. With the continuous advancements of genetic methodologies and technologies, we predict that within the next 10 years we will be able to provide NIPD for all common and rare genetic disorders where the molecular basis is known.
  • 机译 RNA聚合酶与RbpA在放线菌门中的共同进化
    摘要:The role of RbpA in the backdrop of M. smegmatis showed that it rescues mycobacterial RNA polymerase from rifampicin-mediated inhibition (Dey et al., 2010; Dey et al., 2011). Paget and co-workers (Paget et al., 2001; Newell et al., 2006) have revealed that RbpA homologs occur exclusively in actinobacteria. Newell et al. (2006) showed that MtbRbpA, when complemented in a ∆rbpA mutant of S. coelicolor, showed a low recovery of MIC (from 0.75 to 2 μg/ml) as compared to complementation by native RbpA of S. coelicolor (MIC increases from 0.75 to 11 μg/ml). Our studies on MsRbpA show that it is a differential marker for M. smegmatis RNA polymerase as compared to E. coli RNA polymerase at IC50 levels of rifampicin. A recent sequence-based analysis by Lane and Darst (2010) has shown that RNA polymerases from Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria have had a divergent evolution. E. coli is a representative of Proteobacteria and M. smegmatis is an Actinobacterium. RbpA has an exclusive occurrence in Actinobacteria. Since protein–protein interactions might not be conserved across different species, therefore, the probable reason for the indifference of MsRbpA toward E. coli RNA polymerase could be the lineage-specific differences between actinobacterial and proteobacterial RNA polymerases. These observations led us to ask the question as to whether the evolution of RbpA in Actinobacteria followed the same route as that of RNA polymerase subunits from actinobacterial species. We show that the exclusivity of RbpA in Actinobacteria and the unique evolution of RNA polymerase in this phylum share a co-evolutionary link. We have addressed this issue by a blending of experimental and bioinformatics based approaches. They comprise of induction of bacterial cultures coupled to rifampicin-tolerance, transcription assays and statistical comparison of phylogenetic trees for different pairs of proteins in actinobacteria.
  • 机译 多能干细胞及其衍生的神经祖细胞系基因组不稳定性的综合表征
    摘要:The genomic integrity of two human pluripotent stem cells and their derived neuroprogenitor cell lines was studied, applying a combination of high-resolution genetic methodologies. The usefulness of combining array-comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) and multiplex fluorescence in situ hybridization (M-FISH) techniques should be delineated to exclude/detect a maximum of possible genomic structural aberrations. Interestingly, in parts different genomic imbalances at chromosomal and subchromosomal levels were detected in pluripotent stem cells and their derivatives. Some of the copy number variations were inherited from the original cell line, whereas other modifications were presumably acquired during the differentiation and manipulation procedures. These results underline the necessity to study both pluripotent stem cells and their differentiated progeny by as many approaches as possible in order to assess their genomic stability before using them in clinical therapies.
  • 机译 以参与者为中心的倡议:促进参与研究的工具
    摘要:Clinical genomic research faces increasing challenges in establishing participant privacy and consent processes that facilitate meaningful choice and communication capacity for longitudinal and secondary research uses. There are an evolving range of participant-centric initiatives that combine web-based informatics tools with new models of engagement and research collaboration. These emerging initiatives may become valuable approaches to support large-scale and longitudinal research studies. We highlight and discuss four types of emerging initiatives for engaging and sustaining participation in research.
  • 机译 使用体内电穿孔来鉴定肝LDL受体启动子元件和介导T3转录激活的转录因子
    摘要:The technique of in vivo electroporation was adapted to investigate the promoter elements and transcription factors mediating the rapid induction of hepatic LDL receptor expression in response to thyroid hormone. Direct comparisons between wild type and mutant promoter constructs were made within the same animal. It was demonstrated that both TREs at bp − 612 and − 156 were required for the l-triiodothyronine (T3) response. ChIP analysis showed that binding of TRβ1 to the − 612 and − 156 TREs was markedly stimulated by T3in vivo. Introduction of siRNAs against TRβ1/RXRα with LDL receptor promoter-luciferase construct by in vivo electroporation demonstrated that these transcription factors play the major physiological role in the activation of hepatic LDL receptor transcription. The findings agree with those made by transfecting H4IIE cells in vitro thus validating this technique for in vivo studies of mechanisms of transcriptional regulation. The findings reported herein also indicated, for the first time, that PPARα and USF-2 were required for maximum transcriptional activation of the LDL receptor in response to T3 treatment.
  • 机译 影响蛋白质稳定性和FGFR1动态的突变的筛选—模拟分析
    摘要:Single amino acid substitutions in Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 1 (FGFR1) destabilize protein and have been implicated in several genetic disorders like various forms of cancer, Kallamann syndrome, Pfeiffer syndrome, Jackson Weiss syndrome, etc. In order to gain functional insight into mutation caused by amino acid substitution to protein function and expression, special emphasis was laid on molecular dynamics simulation techniques in combination with in silico tools such as SIFT, PolyPhen 2.0, I-Mutant 3.0 and SNAP. It has been estimated that 68% nsSNPs were predicted to be deleterious by I-Mutant, slightly higher than SIFT (37%), PolyPhen 2.0 (61%) and SNAP (58%). From the observed results, P722S mutation was found to be most deleterious by comparing results of all in silico tools. By molecular dynamics approach, we have shown that P722S mutation leads to increase in flexibility, and deviated more from the native structure which was supported by the decrease in the number of hydrogen bonds. In addition, biophysical analysis revealed a clear insight of stability loss due to P722S mutation in FGFR1 protein. Majority of mutations predicted by these in silico tools were in good concordance with the experimental results.


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