首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>American Journal of Public Hygiene >The Impact of a Free Older Persons’ Bus Pass on Active Travel and Regular Walking in England

The Impact of a Free Older Persons’ Bus Pass on Active Travel and Regular Walking in England




Objectives. We assessed the potential public health benefit of the National Bus Pass, introduced in 2006, which permits free local bus travel for older adults (≥ 60 years) in England.Methods. We performed regression analyses with annual data from the 2005–2008 National Travel Survey. Models assessed associations between being a bus pass holder and active travel (walking, cycling, and use of public transport), use of buses, and walking 3 or more times per week.Results. Having a free pass was significantly associated with greater active travel among both disadvantaged (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] = 4.06; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 3.35, 4.86; P < .001) and advantaged groups (AOR = 4.72; 95% CI = 3.99, 5.59; P < .001); greater bus use in both disadvantaged and advantaged groups (AOR = 7.03; 95% CI = 5.53, 8.94; P < .001 and AOR = 7.11; 95% CI = 5.65, 8.94; P < .001, respectively); and greater likelihood of walking more frequently in the whole cohort (AOR = 1.15; 95% CI = 1.07, 1.12; P < .001).Conclusions. Public subsidies enabling free bus travel for older persons may confer significant population health benefits through increased incidental physical activity.
机译:目标。我们评估了2006年推出的国家公交通票对公共健康的潜在好处,该通行证允许英格兰的老年人(≥60岁)免费乘坐当地公交车。我们使用2005-2008年全国旅行调查的年度数据进行了回归分析。模型评估了公交通行证持有人与主动出行(步行,骑自行车和使用公共交通工具),公交车的使用以及每周行走3次或更多次之间的关联。在弱势群体(调整后的优势比[AOR] = 4.06; 95%置信区间[CI] = 3.35,4.86; P <.001)和处于优势地位的群体(AOR = 4.72; 95)中,获得免费通行证与更大的主动出行显着相关%CI = 3.99,5.59; P <.001);在弱势群体和优势群体中使用更多公交车(AOR = 7.03; 95%CI = 5.53,8.94; P <.001和AOR = 7.11; 95%CI = 5.65,8.94; P <.001);并且在整个队列中更频繁地行走的可能性更大(AOR = 1.15; 95%CI = 1.07,1.12; P <.001)。公共补贴使老年人可以免费乘公共汽车旅行,这可能会通过增加偶然的体力活动而给人们带来巨大的健康益处。



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