首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>American Journal of Public Hygiene >Impact of a Household Environmental Intervention Delivered by Lay Health Workers on Asthma Symptom Control in Urban Disadvantaged Children With Asthma

Impact of a Household Environmental Intervention Delivered by Lay Health Workers on Asthma Symptom Control in Urban Disadvantaged Children With Asthma




Objectives. We examined whether a home-based educational and environmental intervention delivered by lay health educators would improve asthma symptom control in inner-city children with asthma.Methods. Children 2 to 16 years of age with diagnosed asthma and at least 1 asthma-related hospitalization or 2 emergency visits in the prior year were randomly assigned into 2 groups (immediate and delayed intervention) in a crossover study. Each group participated in the active phase (intervention) and the inactive phase. Outcomes included asthma symptoms, albuterol use, emergency department visits, hospitalizations, and trigger reduction.Results. A total of 264 primarily Black (94%) children were enrolled. The mean number of emergency visits decreased by 30% and inpatient visits decreased by 53% (P < .001) after the intervention. Reductions were seen in pests, presence of carpets in bedrooms, and dust. Nighttime wheezing was significantly reduced after the intervention in both groups (P < .001).Conclusions. Lay health educators effectively reduced asthma triggers and increased caregiver asthma knowledge, which resulted in reduced emergency department visits, hospitalizations, and asthma symptoms. The relationships formed between the caregivers and the lay health educators appeared to positively impact asthma outcomes in this disadvantaged population.
机译:目标。我们研究了由外行健康教育者提供的基于家庭的教育和环境干预措施是否可以改善城区内哮喘儿童的哮喘症状控制。在一项交叉研究中,将2到16岁的被诊断患有哮喘且至少在上一年进行过1次与哮喘相关的住院治疗或上一年进行2次急诊就诊的儿童随机分为两组(立即干预和延迟干预)。每个小组都参加活动阶段(干预)和非活动阶段。结果包括哮喘症状,沙丁胺醇使用,急诊就诊,住院和触发因素减少。共有264名主要是黑人(94%)的儿童入学。干预后,平均急诊次数减少了30%,住院次数减少了53%(P <.001)。害虫减少,卧室地毯的存在和灰尘减少了。两组干预后,夜间喘息明显减少(P <.001)。外行健康教育者有效地减少了哮喘的触发因素,并增加了护理人员的哮喘知识,从而减少了急诊就诊,住院和哮喘症状。在这个处境不利的人群中,看护者和非专业健康教育者之间形成的关系似乎对哮喘的预后产生积极影响。



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