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  • 机译 靶向衰老细胞可减轻肥胖引起的代谢功能障碍
    摘要:Adipose tissue inflammation and dysfunction are associated with obesity‐related insulin resistance and diabetes, but mechanisms underlying this relationship are unclear. Although senescent cells accumulate in adipose tissue of obese humans and rodents, a direct pathogenic role for these cells in the development of diabetes remains to be demonstrated. Here, we show that reducing senescent cell burden in obese mice, either by activating drug‐inducible “suicide” genes driven by the p16Ink4a promoter or by treatment with senolytic agents, alleviates metabolic and adipose tissue dysfunction. These senolytic interventions improved glucose tolerance, enhanced insulin sensitivity, lowered circulating inflammatory mediators, and promoted adipogenesis in obese mice. Elimination of senescent cells also prevented the migration of transplanted monocytes into intra‐abdominal adipose tissue and reduced the number of macrophages in this tissue. In addition, microalbuminuria, renal podocyte function, and cardiac diastolic function improved with senolytic therapy. Our results implicate cellular senescence as a causal factor in obesity‐related inflammation and metabolic derangements and show that emerging senolytic agents hold promise for treating obesity‐related metabolic dysfunction and its complications.
  • 机译 SLC1A5谷氨酰胺转运蛋白是MYC的靶标,可介导长寿Myc亚型小鼠的mTORC1信号传导减少和脂肪酸氧化增加
    摘要:Mice that express reduced levels of the c‐Myc gene (Myc +/− heterozygotes) are long‐lived. Myc hypomorphic mice display reduced rates of protein translation and decreased activity of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) complex 1 (mTORC1). Given the prominent effect of mTOR on aging, lower mTORC1 activity could contribute to the exceptional longevity and enhanced healthspan of Myc +/− animals. However, given the downstream position of MYC in these signaling cascades, the mechanism through which mTORC1 activity is downregulated in Myc +/− mice is not understood. We report that the high‐affinity glutamine transporter SLC1A5, which is critical for activation of mTORC1 activity by amino acids, is a transcriptional target of MYC. Myc +/− cells display decreased Slc1a5 gene expression that leads to lower glutamine uptake and consequently reduced mTORC1 activity. Decreased mTORC1 activity in turn mediates an elevation of fatty acid oxidation (FAO) by indirectly upregulating the expression of carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1a (Cpt1a) that mediates the rate‐limiting step of β‐oxidation. Increased FAO has been noted in a number of long‐lived mouse models. Taken together, our results show that transcriptional feedback loops regulated by MYC modulate upstream signaling pathways such as mTOR and impact FAO on an organismal level.
  • 机译 NMNAT2介导的NAD +生成对于老化卵母细胞的质量控制至关重要
    摘要:Advanced maternal age has been reported to impair oocyte quality; however, the underlying mechanisms remain to be explored. In the present study, we identified the lowered NAD+ content and decreased expression of NMNAT2 protein in oocytes from old mice. Specific depletion of NMNAT2 in mouse oocytes disturbs the meiotic apparatus assembly and metabolic activity. Of note, nicotinic acid supplementation during in vitro culture or forced expression of NMNAT2 in aged oocytes was capable of reducing the reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and incidence of spindle/chromosome defects. Moreover, we revealed that activation or overexpression of SIRT1 not only partly prevents the deficient phenotypes of aged oocytes but also ameliorates the meiotic anomalies and oxidative stress in NMNAT2‐depleted oocytes. To sum up, our data indicate a role for NMNAT2 in controlling redox homeostasis during oocyte maturation and uncover that NMNAT2‐ NAD+‐SIRT1 is an important pathway mediating the effects of maternal age on oocyte developmental competence.
  • 机译 1,25-二羟基维生素D通过激活Nrf2-抗氧化剂信号和失活p16 / p53-衰老信号发挥抗衰老作用
    摘要:We tested the hypothesis that 1,25‐dihydroxyvitamin D3[1α,25(OH)2D3] has antiaging effects via upregulating nuclear factor (erythroid‐derived 2)‐like 2 (Nrf2), reducing reactive oxygen species (ROS), decreasing DNA damage, reducing p16/Rb and p53/p21 signaling, increasing cell proliferation, and reducing cellular senescence and the senescence‐associated secretory phenotype (SASP). We demonstrated that 1,25(OH)2D3‐deficient [1α(OH)ase−/−] mice survived on average for only 3 months. Increased tissue oxidative stress and DNA damage, downregulated Bmi1 and upregulated p16, p53 and p21 expression levels, reduced cell proliferation, and induced cell senescence and the senescence‐associated secretory phenotype (SASP) were observed. Supplementation of 1α(OH)ase−/− mice with dietary calcium and phosphate, which normalized serum calcium and phosphorus, prolonged their average lifespan to more than 8 months with reduced oxidative stress and cellular senescence and SASP. However, supplementation with exogenous 1,25(OH)2D3 or with combined calcium/phosphate and the antioxidant N‐acetyl‐l‐cysteine prolonged their average lifespan to more than 16 months and nearly 14 months, respectively, largely rescuing the aging phenotypes. We demonstrated that 1,25(OH)2D3exerted an antioxidant role by transcriptional regulation of Nrf2 via the vitamin D receptor (VDR). Homozygous ablation of p16 or heterozygous ablation of p53 prolonged the average lifespan of 1α(OH)ase−/− mice on the normal diet from 3 to 6 months by enhancing cell proliferative ability and reducing cell senescence or apoptosis. This study suggests that 1,25(OH)2D3 plays a role in delaying aging by upregulating Nrf2, inhibiting oxidative stress and DNA damage,inactivating p53‐p21 and p16‐Rb signaling pathways, and inhibiting cell senescence and SASP.
  • 机译 p16INK4a阳性衰老细胞的系统清除可缓解与年龄相关的椎间盘退变
    摘要:RationaleAge‐related changes in the intervertebral discs are the predominant contributors to back pain, a common physical and functional impairment experienced by older persons. Cellular senescence, a process wherein cells undergo growth arrest and chronically secrete numerous inflammatory molecules and proteases, has been reported to cause decline in the health and function of multiple tissues with age. Although senescent cells have been reported to increase in intervertebral degeneration (IDD), it is not known whether they are causative in age‐related IDD.
  • 机译 与年龄相关的胆固醇降低通过促进不依赖配体的受体激活和途径脱敏而触发脑胰岛素抵抗
    摘要:In the brain, insulin plays an important role in cognitive processes. During aging, these faculties decline, as does insulin signaling. The mechanism behind this last phenomenon is unclear. In recent studies, we reported that the mild and gradual loss of cholesterol in the synaptic fraction of hippocampal neurons during aging leads to a decrease in synaptic plasticity evoked by glutamate receptor activation and also by receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) signaling. As insulin and insulin growth factor activity are dependent on tyrosine kinase receptors, we investigated whether the constitutive loss of brain cholesterol is also involved in the decay of insulin function with age. Using long‐term depression (LTD) induced by application of insulin to hippocampal slices as a read‐out, we found that the decline in insulin function during aging could be monitored as a progressive impairment of insulin‐LTD. The application of a cholesterol inclusion complex, which donates cholesterol to the membrane and increases membrane cholesterol levels, rescued the insulin signaling deficit and insulin‐LTD. In contrast, extraction of cholesterol from hippocampal neurons of adult mice produced the opposite effect. Furthermore, in vivo inhibition of Cyp46A1, an enzyme involved in brain cholesterol loss with age, improved insulin signaling. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) experiments pointed to a change in receptor conformation by reduced membrane cholesterol, favoring ligand‐independent autophosphorylation. Together, these results indicate that changes in membrane fluidity of brain cells during aging play a key role in the decay of synaptic plasticity and cognition that occurs at this late stage of life.
  • 机译 Hutchinson-Gilford早衰综合征小鼠模型中血管平滑肌细胞特异的早老蛋白表达促进动脉僵硬:饮食中亚硝酸盐的治疗作用
    摘要:Vascular stiffness is a major cause of cardiovascular disease during normal aging and in Hutchinson–Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS), a rare genetic disorder caused by ubiquitous progerin expression. This mutant form of lamin A causes premature aging associated with cardiovascular alterations that lead to death at an average age of 14.6 years. We investigated the mechanisms underlying vessel stiffness in LmnaG609G/G609G mice with ubiquitous progerin expression, and tested the effect of treatment with nitrites. We also bred LmnaLCS/LCSTie2Cre+/tgand LmnaLCS/LCSSM22αCre+/tg mice, which express progerin specifically in endothelial cells (ECs) and in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs), respectively, to determine the specific contribution of each cell type to vascular pathology. We found vessel stiffness and inward remodeling in arteries of LmnaG609G/G609G and LmnaLCS/LCSSM22αCre+/tg, but not in those from LmnaLCS/LCSTie2Cre+/tgmice. Structural alterations in aortas of progeroid mice were associated with decreased smooth muscle tissue content, increased collagen deposition, and decreased transverse waving of elastin layers in the media. Functional studies identified collagen (unlike elastin and the cytoskeleton) as an underlying cause of aortic stiffness in progeroid mice. Consistent with this, we found increased deposition of collagens III, IV, V, and XII in the media of progeroid aortas. Vessel stiffness and inward remodeling in progeroid mice were prevented by adding sodium nitrite in drinking water. In conclusion, LmnaG609G/G609G arteries exhibit stiffness and inward remodeling, mainly due to progerin‐induced damage to VSMCs, which causes increased deposition of medial collagen and a secondary alteration in elastin structure. Treatment with nitrites prevents vascular stiffness in progeria.
  • 机译 内含子保留的增加是与进行性衰老和阿尔茨海默氏病相关的转录后信号
    摘要:Intron retention (IR) by alternative splicing is a conserved regulatory mechanism that can affect gene expression and protein function during adult development and age‐onset diseases. However, it remains unclear whether IR undergoes spatial or temporal changes during different stages of aging or neurodegeneration like Alzheimer's disease (AD). By profiling the transcriptome of Drosophila head cells at different ages, we observed a significant increase in IR events for many genes during aging. Differential IR affects distinct biological functions at different ages and occurs at several AD‐associated genes in older adults. The increased nucleosome occupancy at the differentially retained introns in young animals suggests that it may regulate the level of IR during aging. Notably, an increase in the number of IR events was also observed in healthy older mouse and human brain tissues, as well as in the cerebellum and frontal cortex from independent AD cohorts. Genes with differential IR shared many common features, including shorter intron length, no perturbation in their mRNA level, and enrichment for biological functions that are associated with mRNA processing and proteostasis. The differentially retained introns identified in AD frontal cortex have higher GC content, with many of their mRNA transcripts showing an altered level of protein expression compared to control samples. Taken together, our results suggest that an increased IR is an conserved signature that is associated with aging. By affecting pathways involved in mRNA and protein homeostasis, changes of IR pattern during aging may regulate the transition from healthy to pathological state in late‐onset sporadic AD.
  • 机译 更正
    • 作者:
    • 刊名:Aging Cell
    • 2019年第2期
  • 机译 更正
    • 作者:
    • 刊名:Aging Cell
    • 2019年第2期
  • 机译 发行信息
    • 作者:
    • 刊名:Aging Cell
    • 2019年第2期
  • 机译 衰老的细胞导致心脏再生受损
    摘要:Aging leads to increased cellular senescence and is associated with decreased potency of tissue‐specific stem/progenitor cells. Here, we have done an extensive analysis of cardiac progenitor cells (CPCs) isolated from human subjects with cardiovascular disease, aged 32–86 years. In aged subjects (>70 years old), over half of CPCs are senescent (p16INK4A, SA‐β‐gal, DNA damage γH2AX, telomere length, senescence‐associated secretory phenotype [SASP]), unable to replicate, differentiate, regenerate or restore cardiac function following transplantation into the infarcted heart. SASP factors secreted by senescent CPCs renders otherwise healthy CPCs to senescence. Elimination of senescent CPCs using senolytics abrogates the SASP and its debilitative effect in vitro. Global elimination of senescent cells in aged mice (INK‐ATTAC or wild‐type mice treated with D + Q senolytics) in vivo activates resident CPCs and increased the number of small Ki67‐, EdU‐positive cardiomyocytes. Therapeutic approaches that eliminate senescent cells may alleviate cardiac deterioration with aging and restore the regenerative capacity of the heart.
  • 机译 诱饵适应高峰,肿瘤抑制和衰老
  • 机译 p53 / miRNAs / Ccna2途径可作为细胞衰老的新型调节剂:规范性p53 / p21途径的补充
    摘要:Aging is a multifactorial process characterized by the progressive deterioration of physiological functions. Among the multiple molecular mechanisms, microRNAs (miRNAs) have increasingly been implicated in the regulation of Aging process. However, the contribution of miRNAs to physiological Aging and the underlying mechanisms remain elusive. We herein performed high‐throughput analysis using miRNA and mRNA microarray in the physiological Aging mouse, attempted to deepen into the understanding of the effects of miRNAs on Aging process at the “network” level. The data showed that various p53 responsive miRNAs, including miR‐124, miR‐34a and miR‐29a/b/c, were up‐regulated in Aging mouse compared with that in Young mouse. Further investigation unraveled that similar as miR‐34a and miR‐29, miR‐124 significantly promoted cellular senescence. As expected, mRNA microarray and gene co‐expression network analysis unveiled that the most down‐regulated mRNAs were enriched in the regulatory pathways of cell proliferation. Fascinatingly, among these down‐regulated mRNAs, Ccna2 stood out as a common target of several p53 responsive miRNAs (miR‐124 and miR‐29), which functioned as the antagonist of p21 in cell cycle regulation. Silencing of Ccna2 remarkably triggered the cellular senescence, while Ccna2 overexpression delayed cellular senescence and significantly reversed the senescence‐induction effect of miR‐124 and miR‐29. Moreover, these p53 responsive miRNAs were significantly up‐regulated during the senescence process of p21‐deficient cells; overexpression of p53 responsive miRNAs or knockdown of Ccna2 evidently accelerated the cellular senescence in the absence of p21. Taken together, our data suggested that the p53/miRNAs/Ccna2 pathway might serve as a novel senescence modulator independent of p53/p21 pathway.
  • 机译 激素替代疗法可减轻听力损失:涉及雌激素和IGF-1途径的机制
    摘要:Estradiol (E) is a multitasking hormone that plays a prominent role in the reproductive system, and also contributes to physiological and growth mechanisms throughout the body. Frisina and colleagues have previously demonstrated the beneficial effects of this hormone, with E‐treated subjects maintaining low auditory brainstem response (ABR) thresholds relative to control subjects (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2006;103:14246; Hearing Research, 2009;252:29). In the present study, we evaluated the functionality of the peripheral and central auditory systems in female CBA/CaJ middle‐aged mice during and after long‐term hormone replacement therapy (HRT) via electrophysiological and molecular techniques. Surprisingly, there are very few investigations about the side effects of HRT in the auditory system after it has been discontinued. Our results show that the long‐term effects of HRT are permanent on ABR thresholds and ABR gap‐in‐noise (GIN) amplitude levels. E‐treated animals had lower thresholds and higher amplitude values compared to other hormone treatment subject groups. Interestingly, progesterone (P)‐treated animals had ABR thresholds that increased but amplitude levels that remained relatively the same throughout treatment. These results were consistent with qPCR experiments that displayed high levels of IGF‐1R in the stria vascularis (SV) of both E and P animal groups compared to combination treatment (E + P) animals. IGF‐1R plays a vital role in mediating anti‐apoptotic responses via the PI3K/AKT pathway. Overall, our findings gain insights into the neuro‐protective properties of E hormone treatments as well as expand the scientific knowledge base to help women decide whether HRT is the right choice for them.
  • 机译 ALCAT1对心磷脂的重塑将线粒体功能障碍与帕金森氏病联系起来
    摘要:Cardiolipin (CL) is a mitochondrial signature phospholipid that is required for membrane structure, respiration, dynamics, and mitophagy. Oxidative damage of CL by reactive oxygen species is implicated in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease (PD), but the underlying cause remains elusive. This work investigated the role of ALCAT1, an acyltransferase that catalyzes pathological remodeling of CL in various aging‐related diseases, in a mouse model of PD induced by 1‐methyl‐4‐phenyl‐1,2,4,6‐tetrahydropyridine (MPTP). We show that MPTP treatment caused oxidative stress, mtDNA mutations, and mitochondrial dysfunction in the midbrain. In contrast, ablation of the ALCAT1 gene or pharmacological inhibition of ALCAT1 prevented MPTP‐induced neurotoxicity, apoptosis, and motor deficits. ALCAT1 deficiency also mitigated mitochondrial dysfunction by modulating DRP1 translocation to the mitochondria. Moreover, pharmacological inhibition of ALCAT1 significantly improved mitophagy by promoting the recruitment of Parkin to dysfunctional mitochondria. Finally, ALCAT1 expression was upregulated by MPTP and by α‐synucleinopathy, a key hallmark of PD, whereas ALCAT1 deficiency prevented α‐synuclein oligomerization and S‐129 phosphorylation, implicating a key role of ALCAT1 in the etiology of mouse models of PD. Together, these findings identify ALCAT1 as a novel drug target for the treatment of PD.
  • 机译 非结核分枝杆菌鸟分支杆菌感染使老年小鼠容易出现心脏异常和炎症
    摘要:Biological aging dynamically alters normal immune and cardiac function, favoring the production of pro‐inflammatory cytokines (IL‐1β, IL‐6, and TNF‐α) and increased instances of cardiac distress. Cardiac failure is the primary reason for hospitalization of the elderly (65+ years). The elderly are also increasingly susceptible to developing chronic bacterial infections due to aging associated immune abnormalities. Since bacterial infections compound the rates of cardiac failure in the elderly, and this phenomenon is not entirely understood, the interplay between the immune system and cardiovascular function in the elderly is of great interest. Using Mycobacterium avium, an opportunistic pathogen, we investigated the effect of mycobacteria on cardiac function in aged mice. Young (2–3 months) and old (18–20 months) C57BL/6 mice were intranasally infected with M. avium strain 104, and we compared the bacterial burden, immune status, cardiac electrical activity, pathology, and function of infected mice against uninfected age‐matched controls. Herein, we show that biological aging may predispose old mice infected with M. avium to mycobacterial dissemination into the heart tissue and this leads to cardiac dysfunction. M. avium infected old mice had significant dysrhythmia, cardiac hypertrophy, increased recruitment of CD45+ leukocytes, cardiac fibrosis, and increased expression of inflammatory genes in isolated heart tissue. This is the first study to report the effect of mycobacteria on cardiac function in an aged model. Our findings are critical to understanding how nontuberculous mycobacterium (NTM) and other mycobacterial infections contribute to cardiac dysfunction in the elderly population.
  • 机译 老年间充质基质细胞的早期衰老状态通过促炎程序的激活而导致造血干细胞和祖细胞克隆形成性损伤
    摘要:Hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPC) reside in the bone marrow (BM) niche and serve as a reservoir for mature blood cells throughout life. Aging in the BM is characterized by low‐grade chronic inflammation that could contribute to the reduced functionality of aged HSPC. Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) in the BM support HSPC self‐renewal. However, changes in MSC function with age and the crosstalk between MSC and HSPC remain understudied. Here, we conducted an extensive characterization of senescence features in BM‐derived MSC from young and aged healthy donors. Aged MSC displayed an enlarged senescent‐like morphology, a delayed clonogenic potential and reduced proliferation ability when compared to younger counterparts. Of note, the observed proliferation delay was associated with increased levels of SA‐β‐galactosidase (SA‐β‐Gal) and lipofuscin in aged MSC at early passages and a modest but consistent accumulation of physical DNA damage and DNA damage response (DDR) activation. Consistent with the establishment of a senescence‐like state in aged MSC, we detected an increase in pro‐inflammatory senescence‐associated secretory phenotype (SASP) factors, both at the transcript and protein levels. Conversely, the immunomodulatory properties of aged MSC were significantly reduced. Importantly, exposure of young HSPC to factors secreted by aged MSC induced pro‐inflammatory genes in HSPC and impaired HSPC clonogenic potential in a SASP‐dependent manner. Altogether, our results reveal that BM‐derived MSC from aged healthy donors display features of senescence and that, during aging, MSC‐associated secretomes contribute to activate an inflammatory transcriptional program in HSPC that may ultimately impair their functionality.
  • 机译 阿尔茨海默氏病5xFAD模型中的PKR敲除揭示了对空间记忆和脑损伤的有益作用
    摘要:Brain lesions in Alzheimer's disease (AD) include amyloid plaques made of Aβ peptides and neurofibrillary tangles composed of hyperphosphorylated tau protein with synaptic and neuronal loss and neuroinflammation. Aβ oligomers can trigger tau phosphorylation and neuronal alterations through activation of neuronal kinases leading to progressive cognitive decline. PKR is a ubiquitous pro‐apoptotic serine/threonine kinase, and levels of activated PKR are increased in AD brains and AD CSF. In addition, PKR regulates negatively memory formation in mice. To assess the role of PKR in an AD in vivo model, we crossed 5xFAD transgenic mice with PKR knockout (PKRKO) mice and we explored the contribution of PKR on cognition and brain lesions in the 5xFAD mouse model of AD as well as in neuron–microglia co‐cultures exposed to the innate immunity activator lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Nine‐month‐old double‐mutant mice revealed significantly improved memory consolidation with the new object location test, starmaze test, and elevated plus maze test as compared to 5xFAD mice. Brain amyloid accumulation and BACE1 levels were statistically decreased in double‐mutant mice. Apoptosis, neurodegeneration markers, and synaptic alterations were significantly reduced in double‐mutant mice as well as neuroinflammation markers such as microglial load and brain cytokine levels. Using cocultures, we found that PKR in neurons was essential for LPS microglia‐induced neuronal death. Our results demonstrate the clear involvement of PKR in abnormal spatial memory and brain lesions in the 5xFAD model and underline its interest as a target for neuroprotection in AD.
  • 机译 瘦素敏化剂Celastrol可减少与年龄有关的肥胖症,并调节行为节律
    摘要:The prevalence of obesity increases with age in humans and in rodents. Age‐related obesity is characterized by leptin resistance and associated with heightened risk of metabolic disorders. However, the effect of leptin resistance per se has been difficult to disentangle from other effects of aging. Here we demonstrate that celastrol, a natural phytochemical that was previously shown to act as a leptin sensitizer, induces weight loss in aged animals, but not in young controls. Celastrol reduces food intake and lowers fasting glucose without affecting energy expenditure. Unexpectedly, administration of celastrol just before the dark period disrupted circadian rhythms of sleep and activity. This regimen was also associated with loss of lean mass an outcome that would not be desirable in elderly patients. Adjusting the timing of celastrol administration by 12 hr, to the beginning of the light period, avoided interference with circadian rhythms while retaining the reductions in body weight and adiposity. Thus, targeting leptin signaling is an effective strategy to ameliorate age‐associated weight gain, and can profoundly impact circadian rhythms.


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