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Gender dysphoria in adolescence: current perspectives




Increasing numbers of adolescents are seeking treatment at gender identity services in Western countries. An increasingly accepted treatment model that includes puberty suppression with gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogs starting during the early stages of puberty, cross-sex hormonal treatment starting at ~16 years of age and possibly surgical treatments in legal adulthood, is often indicated for adolescents with childhood gender dysphoria (GD) that intensifies during puberty. However, virtually nothing is known regarding adolescent-onset GD, its progression and factors that influence the completion of the developmental tasks of adolescence among young people with GD and/or transgender identity. Consolidation of identity development is a central developmental goal of adolescence, but we still do not know enough about how gender identity and gender variance actually evolve. Treatment-seeking adolescents with GD present with considerable psychiatric comorbidity. There is little research on how GD and/or transgender identity are associated with completion of developmental tasks of adolescence.
机译:西方国家越来越多的青少年正在寻求性别认同服务。越来越多的被接受的治疗模型包括:青春期早期开始使用促性腺激素释放激素类似物抑制青春期,从16岁开始的性交激素治疗以及合法成年后可能的外科治疗,通常被建议用于儿童期青少年在青春期加剧的性焦虑症(GD)。然而,关于青春期发作的GD,其进展以及影响具有GD和/或跨性别认同的年轻人中青春期发育任务完成的因素,几乎一无所知。巩固身份发展是青春期的主要发展目标,但我们对性别认同和性别差异实际上是如何发展的还不够了解。 GD寻求治疗的青少年患有相当多的精神病合并症。关于GD和/或变性者身份与青春期发育任务的完成之间的关系的研究很少。



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