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  • 机译 2012年1月1日至2012年12月31日在立陶宛健康科学大学Kauno klinikos医院儿童眼科门诊患者的屈光不正特征
    摘要:Background.The purpose of our study was to assess the distribution and patterns of refractive errors in children for the proper planning of paediatric eye care at the centre.
  • 机译 伴或不伴5-氟尿嘧啶小梁切除术后黄斑厚度的变化
    摘要:Conflict of interest.None of the authors have any conflict of interest to declare, financial or otherwise. No financial or other support was received for the study.
  • 机译 立陶宛卫生科学大学眼科诊所眼眶内植入术的并发症
    摘要:The aim of the study was to analyse the rate of complications of orbital endoimplantation in patients operated from 2002 to 2014 at the Eye Clinic of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences and to compare it with the results in the literature. Enucleation must be performed very carefully in order to prevent any additional trauma, infection, deformation, and to create an optimal conjunctival socket. However, complications occur despite efforts and qualified surgeons. The most common complications described in the literature are thinning and cysts of the conjunctiva, a foreign body reaction, secretion, symblepharons, fornix deficiency, ptosis, permanent pain, dislocation, migration and protrusion of the implant, a primary or secondary infection, and implant extrusion.From 2002 to 2014, 128 patients underwent orbital endoimplantation surgery at the Eye Clinic. The most common complications were conjunctival erosion (five patients, or 2.9%), cysts (nine patients, or 7%), and implant extrusion (five patients, or 2.9%). The type and rate of complications were very similar to the data in the literature.
  • 机译 ANCA相关血管炎组的临床特征和长期生存差异:27例患者的横断面研究
    摘要:Objective.The goal of this study was to describe long-term patient survival and possible prognostic factors of a group of patients diagnosed with granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA) and microscopic polyangiitis (MPA) hospitalized at the tertiary Rheumatology Centre in Vilnius.
  • 机译 维尔纽斯大学儿童医院儿科重症监护病房的败血症流行病学和结局
    摘要:Research was carried out at the paediatric intensive care unit (paediatric ICU) of the Children’s Hospital, affiliate of Vilnius University Hospital Santariškių klinikos.Background.Being the most common cause of children’s death, sepsis is a challenge for most physicians. In order to improve the outcomes, it is important to know the aetiology and peculiarities of sepsis in a particular region and hospital. The aim of this study was to analyse the outcomes of sepsis in a paediatric intensive care unit and their relation with patients’ characteristics and causative microorganisms.
  • 机译 癌症患者的麻醉挑战:当前的治疗方法和疼痛处理
    摘要:The objective.The aim is to present the major effects of cancer treatment (chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery) that the anaesthesiologist should consider preoperatively, and to review techniques of the analgesic management of the disease.
  • 机译 立陶宛神经母细胞瘤治疗的结果:单中心经验
    摘要:Background.Neuroblastoma (NB) is the most common extracranial solid tumour in children. This is a very rare disease with heterogeneous biology varying from complete spontaneous regression to a highly aggressive tumour responsible for 15% of malignancy-related death in early childhood. Analyses of survival rates in Europe have shown a considerable difference between Northern/Western and Eastern European countries. Treatment results of NB in Lithuania have never been analyzed.
  • 机译 非小细胞肺癌中的无细胞DNA
    摘要:Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-associated deaths worldwide. Surgery is the standard treatment for early-stage non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Advances in the knowledge of the biology of non-small cell lung cancer have revealed molecular information used for systemic cancer therapy targeting metastatic disease, with an important impact on patients’ overall survival (OS) and quality of life. However, a biopsy of overt metastases is an invasive procedure limited to certain locations and not easily acceptable in the clinic. The analysis of peripheral blood samples of cancer patients represents a new source of cancer-derived material, known as liquid biopsy, and its components (circulating tumour cells (CTCS), circulating free DNA (cfDNA), exosomes, and tumour-educated platelets (TEP)) can be obtained from almost any body fluids. These components have shown to reflect characteristics of the status of both the primary and metastatic diseases, helping the clinicians to move towards a personalized medicine (). This review focuses on the liquid biopsy component – circulating free DNA, its benefit for non-invasive screening, early diagnosis, prognosis, response to treatment, and real time monitoring of the disease in non-small cell lung cancer patients.
  • 机译 功能基因组分析的最常用技术和工具
    摘要:Since the sequence of the human genome is complete, the main issue is how to understand the information written in the DNA sequence. Despite numerous genome-wide studies that have already been performed, the challenge to determine the function of genes, gene products, and also their interaction is still open. As changes in the human genome are highly likely to cause pathological conditions, functional analysis is vitally important for human health.For many years there have been a variety of technologies and tools used in functional genome analysis. However, only in the past decade there has been rapid revolutionizing progress and improvement in high-throughput methods, which are ranging from traditional real-time polymerase chain reaction to more complex systems, such as next-generation sequencing or mass spectrometry. Furthermore, not only laboratory investigation, but also accurate bioinformatic analysis is required for reliable scientific results. These methods give an opportunity for accurate and comprehensive functional analysis that involves various fields of studies: genomics, epigenomics, proteomics, and interactomics. This is essential for filling the gaps in the knowledge about dynamic biological processes at both cellular and organismal level. However, each method has both advantages and limitations that should be taken into account before choosing the right method for particular research in order to ensure successful study. For this reason, the present review paper aims to describe the most frequent and widely-used methods for the comprehensive functional analysis.
  • 机译 四胞胎的两个兄弟中的睾丸癌:病例报告和文献复习
    摘要:Introduction. Testicular cancer and a multiple birth are both rare events, and the risk of testicular cancer is increased in twins. In Lithuania, only five quadruplets have been recorded since the middle of the 20th century. In this report, we present two rare events in one family: testicular cancer in two brothers of a quadruplet (three brothers and a sister).Case description. Both patients were diagnosed at 21 years of age and died within two years from the diagnosis despite treatment. The third symptomless brother did not have testicular pathology. We also review the risk factors associated with testicular cancer, and the proposed hypotheses how a multiple birth results in an increased risk. The most consistent risk factors for testicular cancer are cryptorchidism, prior history of testicular cancer, and a positive familial history. According to different studies, the risk of testicular cancer in twins is higher from 22% to 30%, compared to the general population.Conclusions. To our knowledge, we have presented the first case of testicular teratoblastoma in brothers of a quadruplet.
  • 机译 腹腔镜大肠息肉手术:十年经验
    摘要:Background. Laparoscopy or its combination with endoscopy is the next step for “difficult” polyps. The purpose of the paper was to review the outcomes of the laparoscopic approach to the management of “difficult” colorectal polyps.Materials and methods. From 2006 to 2016, 58 patients who underwent laparoscopic treatment for “difficult” polyps that could not be treated by endoscopy at the National Cancer Institute, Lithuania, were included. The demographic data, the type of surgery, length of post-operative stay, complications, and final pathology were reviewed prospectively.Results. The mean patient was 65.9 ± 8.9 years of age. Laparoscopic mobilization of the colonic segment and colotomy with removal of the polyp was performed in 15 (25.9%) patients, laparoscopic segmental bowel resection in 41 (70.7%) cases: anterior rectal resection with partial total mesorectal excision in 18 (31.0%), sigmoid resection in nine (15.5%), left hemicolectomy in seven (12.1%), right hemicolectomies in two (3.4%), ileocecal resection in two (3.4%), resection of transverse colon in two (3.4%), and sigmoid resection with transanal retrieval of specimen in one (1.7%). Two patients (3.4%) underwent laparoscopic-assisted endoscopic polypectomy. The mean post-operative hospital stay was 5.7 ± 2.4 days. There were four complications (6.9%). All patients recovered after conservative treatment. The mean polyp size was 3.5 ± 1.9 cm. Final histopathology revealed hyperplastic polyps (n = 2), tubular adenoma (n = 9), tubulovillous adenoma (n = 31), carcinoma in situ (n = 12), and invasive cancer (n = 4).Conclusions. For the management of endoscopically unresectable polyps, laparoscopic surgery is currently the technique of choice.
  • 机译 黑色素瘤患者的预后因素分析
    摘要:Introduction. Melanoma is the most dangerous form of skin cancer. Morbidity from melanoma is increasing every year. Previous studies have revealed that there are some demographic and clinical factors having effect on melanoma survival prognosis.Aim of the study. Purpose of our study was to assess melanoma survival depending on prognostic factors, such as age, sex, stage, depth, histology and anatomical site.Materials and methods. We investigated melanoma-specific survival up to 10 years in 85 primary cases of melanoma from diagnosis at the National Cancer Institute in 2006. Analysis was performed for one-, five-, and ten-year survival. The data were processed with Microsoft Excel, data analysis was conducted using SPSS® software.Results. Melanomas diagnosed at stage IV or thicker than 4.00 mm had lower survival (five-year survival: 12.5% and 26.66%, respectively). A significant survival difference was observed among the different stages (p = 0.003) and different depths (p = 0.049) of melanoma. Ten-year survival was 32% for men and 61% for women, but melanoma-specific survival dependent on sex did not have a statistically significant difference (p = 0.121). In persons diagnosed at the age of 65 or older, ten-year survival was lower than in those of 40–64 years of age and in the age group of 15–39 years (44.44% and 26.66%, respectively), but melanoma-specific survival in different age groups did not have a statistically significant difference (p = 0.455). Back/breast skin melanoma had lower ten-year survival (37.03%) than other anatomic sites. Nodular melanoma had the poorest five-year and ten-year melanoma-specific survival among histological subtypes (51.67% and 38.75%). The differences between melanoma localizations (p = 0.457) and histological types (p = 0.364) were not statistically significant.Conclusions. Lower melanoma-specific survival rates were observed among patients diagnosed at a late stage, older age, and when melanomas were thicker than 4.00 mm. Female and younger patients had better melanoma-specific survival than men and older people, and these differences were statistically significant. Melanoma diagnosed at an early stage and of a small depth had higher survival rates. Back/breast skin melanoma had poorer prognosis than other anatomic sites. Nodular melanoma had the lowest melanoma-specific survival, while superficial spreading or lentigo maligna had the best prognosis among histological subtypes. However, differences in melanoma survival in different sex and age groups, localizations and histological types were not statistically significant.
  • 机译 NOTCH信号通路与妇科恶性肿瘤之间的界面
    摘要:Įvadas. Organizmo ląstelėse vykstančius procesus kontroliuoja įvairūs signaliniai keliai. Vienas iš jų yra NOTCH signalinis kelias. Nustatyta, kad dalinis NOTCH funkcijos praradimas arba nenormalus NOTCH signalo aktyvinimas susijęs su įvairiais žmogaus vystymosi sutrikimais ir ligomis.Medžiaga ir metodika. Pagrindinis informacijos šaltinis ieškant duomenų – PubMed duomenų bazė.Rezultatai. Straipsnyje nagrinėjama onkologinių ligų bei NOTCH signalinio kelio dalyvių sąsaja. NOTCH signalas, vystantis vėžiui, gali veikti dvejopai: kaip onkogenas ir kaip naviko augimo slopiklis. Tikslus tokio poveikio mechanizmas dar nėra žinomas. NOTCH signalinio kelio tyrimai svarbūs siekiant atrasti naujus vėžio gydymo būdus, farmakologiniais ir genetiniais metodais valdant NOTCH signalinį kelią. Šioje apžvalgoje daugiausia dėmesio skiriama ginekologiniams piktybiniams navikams, ypač gimdos kūno vėžiui.Išvados. Pastarųjų metų mokslinių tyrimų duomenys rodo, kad NOTCH signalinis kelias yra neabejotinai svarbus formuojantis gimdos kūno vėžiui, todėl jo komponentai gali būti potencialūs prognoziniai biožymenys ir molekuliniai terapiniai taikiniai. Siekiant patikslinti NOTCH signalinio kelio dalyvių reikšmę bei jų sąveiką su kitų signalinių kelių dalyviais, kurie taip pat gali būti svarbūs formuojantis ir progresuojant gimdos kūno vėžiui, reikalingi tolesni šios srities moksliniai tyrimai.
  • 机译 不同PI-RADS版本在前列腺多参数磁共振层析成像评估中的作用
    摘要:Background. Standardised Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System (PI-RADS) guidelines for the assessment of prostate alterations were designed for the assessment of prostate pathology. Published by the ESUR in 2012, PI-RADS v1 was based on the total score of different MRI sequences with subsequent calculation. PI-RADS v2 was published by the American College of Radiology in 2015 and featured different assessment criteria for prostate peripheral and transitory zones.Aim. To assess the correlations of PI-RADS v1 and PI-RADS v2 with Gleason score values and to define their predictive values of the diagnosis of prostate cancer.Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of 66 patients. Prostate specific antigen (PSA) value and the Gleason score (GS) were assessed. One the most malignant focal lesion was selected in the peripheral zone of each lobe of the prostate (91 in total). Statistical analysis was carried out applying SPSS software, v.23, p < 0.05.Results. Focal lesions assessed by PI-RADS v1 score: 10% – 1, 12% – 2, 41% – 3, 23% – 4, 14% – 5. Assessment applying PI-RADS v.2: 20% – 1, 7.5% – 2, 26%, 29.5%, and 17% were assessed by 3, 4, and 5 scores. Statistically relevant correlation was found only between GS and PI-RADS (p = 0.033).The positive predictive value of both versions of PI-RADS – 75%, negative predictive value of PI-RADS v1 – 46%, PI-RADS v2 – 43%.Conclusions. PI-RADS v1 was more statistically relevant in assessing the grade of tumour. Prediction values were similar in both versions
  • 机译 噬血细胞淋巴组织细胞增生症:文献综述
    摘要:Hemofagocitinė limfohistiocitozė – tai sindromas, besivystantis dėl sutrikusios imuninio atsako aktyvacijos ir slopinimo pusiausvyros. Išskiriama pirminė (genetinė arba šeiminė) sindromo forma, nulemta genų, dalyvaujančių imuninių ląstelių sąveikoje, mutacijų; ir antrinė (sporadinė) forma, besivystanti dėl infekcijos, navikinio, autoimuninio proceso ar metabolinių sutrikimų. Antrinės hemofagocitinės limfohistiocitozės genetinis pagrindas kol kas nežinomas. Pirminei ir antrinei formoms būdingas toks pats specifinis hiperuždegiminių reakcijų bei klinikinių simptomų kompleksas, kuriuo grindžiama patologijos diagnostika. Tačiau pirminės ir antrinės formų atskyrimas dažnai tampa iššūkiu dėl patologijos retumo, plataus klinikinių požymių spektro, dėl riboto specifinių testų prieinamumo ir, svarbiausia, gydymo taktikos ypatumų. Etiopatogenetinis pirminės formos gydymas yra skubi alogeninė kraujodaros kamieninių ląstelių transplantacija, be kurios išeitis neišvengiamai fatali. Antrinės formos gydymas priklauso nuo klinikinės išraiškos ir ją sukėlusios infekcijos pobūdžio. Labai svarbi laiku atlikta diagnostika norint kuo skubiau pradėti tinkamą gydymą bei pagerinti išgyvenamumą. Hemofagocitinės limfohistiocitozės gydymą komplikuoja didelis su gydymu susijęs mirtingumo dažnis bei ligos polinkis recidyvuoti.
  • 机译 立陶宛姑息性癌症患者的以个人意义为中心的心理治疗。病例报告
    摘要:Patients with oncological diseases, especially palliative care patients, suffer from physical and psychological difficulties. The quality of life of such patients is bad, they do not have purpose to live and they feel anxiety and distress. In 1959 Victor Frankl wrote the book Man’s Search for Meaning in which he stated that the driving force of human life lay in the ability to discern the meaning of faith and spirituality. Inspired by Frankl’s ideas, the American psychiatrist William Breitbart with colleagues have developed both an individual and group model of Meaning-Centered Psychotherapy. Studies show that this therapy helps patients to cope with distress, to discover the meaning of life in palliative care patients, and to find the strength to look at life positively; also, it relieves the symptoms of illness. The Meaning-Centered Psychotherapy is integrated in various countries and has recently been initiated for palliative patients in Lithuania. The individual Meaning-Centered Psychotherapy was used in the case reviewed in this paper.
  • 机译 1997年至2014年立陶宛中枢神经系统的围产期损伤
    摘要:Background.Perinatal CNS injuries are significant for the health of neonates and for child development at a later period. The aim of this study was to evaluate the dynamics of the frequency of perinatal CNS lesions (corresponding to ICD 10 code P91) over a 20-year period, using the data collected from the Lithuanian Medical Data of Births (Registry of Births).
  • 机译 孕妇和未出生孕妇的乳房体积,体重和被动体重的比较研究
    摘要:Tikslas.Palyginti nėščiųjų ir jaunų negimdžiusių moterų kūno ir krūtų dydžio rodiklius.
  • 机译 胎盘穿孔的产前诊断方面及其对围产期结局的影响:临床病例和文献综述
    摘要:Background.Placenta percreta is a very rare, but extremely life-threatening obstetrical pathology for the mother and the child, especially in the cases when it is not diagnosed before the birth and when it results in massive bleeding and a dramatic deterioration of condition. It is extremely important to diagnose this pathology as early as possible and plan further optimal care of patients in order to minimize life-threatening complications.
  • 机译 腹腔镜修复子宫瘢痕缺损-成功治疗继发性不孕症:一例病例报告并文献复习
    摘要:Background.The aim of this paper is to present a clinical case of laparoscopic repair of a uterine scar defect, to assess the effectiveness of treatment reviewing the latest literature sources, and to provide recommendations of uterine scar defect management.


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