首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>ACS AuthorChoice >Highly Efficient Computation of the Basal kon using Direct Simulationof Protein–Protein Association with Flexible Molecular Models

Highly Efficient Computation of the Basal kon using Direct Simulationof Protein–Protein Association with Flexible Molecular Models




An essential baseline for determining the extent to which electrostatic interactions enhance the kinetics of protein–protein association is the “basal” kon, which is the rate constant for association in the absence of electrostatic interactions. However, since such association events are beyond the milliseconds time scale, it has not been practical to compute the basal kon by directly simulating the association with flexible models. Here, we computed the basal kon for barnase and barstar, two of the most rapidly associating proteins, using highly efficient, flexible molecular simulations. These simulations involved (a) pseudoatomic protein models that reproduce the molecular shapes, electrostatic, and diffusion properties of all-atom models, and (b) application of the weighted ensemble path sampling strategy, which enhanced the efficiency of generating association events by >130-fold. We also examined the extent to which the computed basal kon is affected by inclusion of intermolecular hydrodynamic interactions in the simulations.
机译:确定静电相互作用增强蛋白质-蛋白质缔合动力学的程度的基本基准是“基础”,这是在没有静电相互作用的情况下缔合的速率常数。但是,由于此类关联事件超出了毫秒级的时间范围,因此通过使用灵活的模型直接模拟关联来计算基础值是不切实际的。在这里,我们使用高效,灵活的分子模拟计算了barnase和barstar(两种关联最迅速的蛋白质)的基础值。这些模拟涉及(a)伪原子蛋白质模型,可重现所有原子模型的分子形状,静电和扩散特性,以及(b)加权整体路径采样策略的应用,可将产生关联事件的效率提高> 130 -折。我们还检查了模拟中包含分子间流体动力相互作用对计算的基础值的影响程度。



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