首页> 中文期刊> 《浙江医学》 >富阳市糖尿病患病率及其相关危险因素的调查研究




Objective To investigate the prevalence of diabetes mel itus and risk factor in Fuyang city of Zhejiang province. Methods A cross- section survey with randomly sampling in residents aged above 18 yrs of Fuyang city was con-ducted from August to October 2012. A total of 4 131 participants were selected. The previous diagnosed diabetes patients were documented based on self reporting. For participants the fasting and 2- h postprandial blood glucose levels were measured and the oral glucose- tolerance tests were performed. Results The standardized prevalence of diabetes was 8.10%(8.45% for men and 8.16%for women). The prevalence of pre- diabetes was 11.33%(11.21%for men and 11.08%for women). The prevalence of isolated impaired glucose tolerance diabetes was 10.51%(10.64%for men and 10.13%for women). There were significant differ-ences in prevalence of diabetes and pre- diabetes between urban and rural areas (14.30% vs 13.00%, P<0.05 and 19.10% vs 15.60%, P<0.01, respectively). Among patients with diabetes, 46.02% of them received treatment (35.80% men and 45.64%women) and the rate decreased with ages. The ages, family history, obesity, increment of triglyceride and low- density lipoprotein were al risk factors of diabetes. Conclusion The prevalence of diabetes in Fuyang city is lower than national level but higher than provincial levels. However, a high prevalence of pre- diabetes is observed, which indicates that the prevalence of diabetes in Fuyang might be in the rising stage.%目的:调查了解富阳市糖尿病患病率和相关危险因素等流行病学特点。方法从2012年8至10月对富阳市25个乡镇(街道)18岁以上的户籍人口以乡镇(街道)为单位分层进行随机抽样,开展横断面调查。总共调查了4131人,除已确诊为糖尿病的患者外,所有受试者均行口服葡萄糖耐量试验(OGTT),并检测空腹及餐后2h静脉血糖。已确诊的糖尿病患者均采用自行报告的形式。结果标准化后的糖尿病患病率8.10%,其中男性8.45%,女性8.16%;糖尿病前期患病率11.33%,其中男性患病率11.21%,女性11.08%。单纯糖耐量受损(IGT)患病率10.51%,其中男性10.64%,女性10.13%。糖尿病患病率在城乡人群分别是14.30%和13.00%,糖尿病前期患病率在城乡人群分别是19.10%和15.60%,城乡间比较均存在统计学差异(P<0.01或0.05)。糖尿病的总体治疗率为46.02%,其中男性35.80%,女性45.64%,治疗率随年龄升高而降低。年龄、糖尿病家族史、肥胖、高TG以及LDL- C均是糖尿病的危险因素(P<0.01或0.05)。结论富阳市糖尿病患病率低于全国水平,但高于全省水平,而糖尿病前期患病率却高于全国水平,提示富阳市糖尿病患病率正处于上升阶段。



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