首页> 中文期刊> 《浙江水利科技》 >四川省升钟水库旅游活动对水环境的影响




The impact of tourism activities on the surrounding area environmental is increasingly apparent with the development of tourism . This paper mainly studies the influence of tourism activities development to the water environment of Shengzhong reservoir scenic in Sichuan province . First of all , through the data compilation and data collection , conclusion can be reached that the water quality of Shengzhong reservoir was Ⅱ or Ⅲ grade , which can't meet the Ⅰ grade of national standard . Second , in different types of tourists ,the type of leisure and business conference have the strongest impact on the water quality , and the type of tourism and scientific research take the second place in tourism development and business activities , part of sewage is released into the reservoir from the catering accommodation , entertainment ships .At last , the paper puts forward relevant suggestions of pollution control and ecological protection .%随着旅游业的发展,旅游活动对水环境影响越来越明显。针对四川省升钟水库景区,主要研究旅游业发展对水环境的影响。首先,进行资料整理和数据收集,得出升钟水库水体水环境始终是Ⅱ类、Ⅲ类水质,达不到国家Ⅰ类水质标准。其次,不同类型游客中休闲度假和商务会议对水质的干扰最强,旅游观光和科研考察次之;旅游开发经营活动中,餐饮住宿部分污水直排入库中产生污染,娱乐活动船只对水体产生较大的油污污染。最后,针对水环境问题提出相应的污染防治及生态保护建议。



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