首页> 中文期刊> 《云南电力技术》 >SF6密度继电器防晒研究与应用




In order to solve the problem of false alarm caused by sun exposure, this article uses the method of experiment comparison analysis from the aspect of equipment structure, the operation environment and so on. Then, the root cause of the difference in temperature was found and solved by designing and manufacturing new type of sun protection device . Finally, a new double layer of hollow sun proof heat insulation cover was formed. The cover has a double layer hollow structure with heat radiation holes, and sun proof heat insulating coating is painted as well. What is more, it is made of materials of good quality and good performance of sun protection. Comparing the data collected by the infrared measurement device and being put into practice, the cover can effectively reduce the temperature difference caused by the sun exposure, and ifnally solves the problem of false alarm.%为了解决因太阳照射引起误报警的问题,本文从设备结构、运行环境等方面出发,采用试验对比的方法进行研究、分析,找到造成温差的根本原因,提出通过设计、制作新型防晒装置的方式对问题加以解决,最终形成一项双层中空防晒隔热罩的全新研制成果。成果为双层中空结构,并加有散热孔及防晒隔热涂料,采用强度、防晒性能良好的材质制作。通过红外点测法采集温差数据和现场实践验证,成果有效地降低因阳光照射产生的温差,解决误报警的问题。



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