首页> 中文期刊>人民黄河 >基于多种监测手段的黄土坡滑坡变形演化规律




依托巴东黄土坡滑坡地表及深部位移监测点,收集相关的监测数据,分析黄土坡滑坡变形破坏特征。结果表明,黄土坡滑坡地表位移量从后缘向前缘逐渐增大;深部位移监测表明,黄土坡滑坡深部变形大部分发生在主滑带附近,少量次级滑带也发生了错动变形,主滑带附近的位移速率一般大于次滑带附近的位移速率,地表与深部位移均有分区性,前缘地带深部位移最大,中部次之,侧缘较小;地表监测与深部位移监测对比分析表明,黄土坡滑坡地表位移是由深部位移引起,有整体变形迹象。同时,结合三峡库区水位升降和降雨的变化情况,研究黄土坡滑坡变形破坏与库水位升降和降雨间的关系。黄土坡滑坡稳定性与库区水位升降和降雨有一定相关性,在评价其稳定性时应当考虑库水位升降和降雨的作用。%Relying on the surface and deep displacement monitoring points,the relevant monitoring data had been collected to analyze the deforma-tion and failure characteristics. At the same time,the relationship between the deformation of number one front collapsed debris of Huangtupo and the reservoir water level fluctuation. The data of underground deformation demonstrated that most of the deformation turned up near the slide zone, some deformation also turned up near the subprime slide zone. The deformation rate near the slide zone was bigger than the subprime slide zone. As similar as surface deformation,underground deformation trend of number one front collapsed debris of Huangtupo also increased from trailing edge to front part. Comparing surface deformation with underground deformation,the results show that the surface deformation of No. 1 slumpedmass is caused by underground deformation. This phenomenon has shown that there is a dependency between the reservoir water level fluctuation and rain-fall with the stability of the collapsed debris of Huangtupo. So the influence of the reservoir water level fluctuation should been taken into considera-tion during the slope stability evaluation.



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