首页> 中文期刊>人民长江 >南水北调中线工程采空区灌浆钻孔技术应用研究




In the grouting treatment of coal mined-out area of Yuzhou to Changge section of Middle Route Project of South to North Water Diversion, some problems such as high hardness rock layer, frequent drill sticking accidents and severe equipment wear and tear existed. Considering the deep grouting hole and equipment condition, a new technology of geological driller assisted by down-the-hole driller was adopted for single-hole construction. For the difficult drilling area of hard gravel layer, the borehole wall protection and leak prevention by Na-CMC and cement were used and the drilling in the layer was successful, which also ensured the smooth construction of subsequent layer. The drilling and pipe set technology for sandstone foundation and gravel layer were introduced. The practice showed that the above technology could reduce pipe setting time in overburden drilling and failure rate and improve the construction efficiency.%在南水北调中线工程禹州长葛段采空区灌浆处理过程中,钻孔施工遇到了岩层硬度高、容易发生卡钻事故以及设备损耗过大等困难。结合该工程灌浆孔深度大的实际情况和现场设备资源,决定采用地质钻机和潜孔钻机相配合的单孔施工新工艺。对于钻进十分困难的坚硬卵石堆积地层,使用Na-CMC泥浆随钻护壁和水泥护壁堵漏法,成功突破了该地层,保证了后续施工的顺利进行。介绍了砂岩地层、卵石堆积地层钻孔和镶管工艺。工程实践表明,上述工艺的采用,缩短了钻穿覆盖层下套管时间并降低了钻探设备的故障率,提高了坚硬岩层和松散卵石层钻孔施工效率。



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