首页> 中文期刊>人民长江 >1000MW级水轮发电机组24、26kV绝缘技术研究




For the hydropower station installed with 1000 MW hydro-generator unit, the rated voltage of the generator will reach 24 kV or 26 kV because of the rated current limit (28 kA) of the main circuit device. It is the first time for a hydropower station in the world to adopt a generator-unit with such a high-level voltage. As the insulation material, structure and tech-nique used in stator winding, to a large extent, reflect the design and manufacturing quality of the generator, stator winding insu-lation for 1000 MW hydro-generator unit with 24 kV and 26 kV rated voltage becomes a crucial technology. Based on the simu-lation results of the winding insulation for 1000 MW hydro-generator unit with 24 kV and 26 kV rated voltage of Wudongde Hy-dropower Station and Baihetan Hydropower Station by Harbin Electric Corporation and Dongfang Electric Machinery Co. , Ltd. , the winding insulation for generators with high voltage and its experimental research are analyzed and summarized. Suggestions for the application of the insulation technology in specific projects are also proposed.%在水电站采用1000MW级水轮发电机组时,由于发电机主回路设备额定电流的限制(28kA),发电机的额定电压将达到24kV或26kV. 如此高的额定电压在世界水电建设史上将是首次. 由于定子绕组所采用的绝缘材料、绝缘结构及绝缘工艺在很大程度上反映着电机的设计和制造水平,因此,对1000MW级水轮发电机组而言,24kV和26kV电压等级的定子绕组绝缘技术是需研究解决的关键技术之一. 结合哈尔滨电机厂有限责任公司、东方电机有限责任公司2家企业关于乌东德和白鹤滩水电站1000MW级水轮发电机组24kV及26kV电压等级发电机绕组绝缘技术及仿真试验研究成果,对高电压等级绝缘技术与试验研究情况进行分析、总结,并对工程的具体应用提出了重要参考意见及有效建议.



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